
  • 网络Power Curve;Q-N;Q-Nt
  1. 用CFD研究搅拌器的功率曲线

    Power curve simulation in a stirred tank by using CFD

  2. 首先定义并提取功率曲线、分时功率、功率频谱三类向量,分别作为SOM神经网络的输入进行可视化聚类。

    First , three types of vectors which are power curve , time sharing power and power spectrum were defined , and then used as inputs of SOM neural networks to visualize clustering .

  3. 并在此基础上,利用MATLAB软件绘制两种工况下电机的输出功率曲线。

    And on this basis , using MATLAB software to draw electrical power output curve of the two conditions .

  4. 连续Nd∶YAG激光器输出功率曲线双峰结构的消除

    Disapperance of the Double Peaks in the Output Power Curves of CW Nd ∶ YAG Laser

  5. 在所有激光二极管(LD)侧面抽运的固体激光器的输出功率曲线中都存在一个平缓区域。

    Gentle zones were found in all output power curves of laser-diode ( LD ) side-pumped solid-state lasers .

  6. 研究了基于SW-PSO算法的BP神经网络预测模型。采用风电场实际数据建立风机风速-功率曲线,利用NWP信息实现了日前风电功率预测。

    BP neural network prediction model based on SW-PSO and wind power curve model are researched , which is applied for forecasting wind power in day advanced with NWP information .

  7. 时域分析中,通过对两种情况下电磁功率曲线和功角曲线进行Prony分析,对比发现在计及原动机与调速器模型之后,系统的阻尼比都无一例外地得到了增大。

    In time-domain analysis , the conclusion that the prime mover and governor model will increase the damp of system is verified through the Prony analysis of electromagnetic power curve and power angle curve .

  8. 两种信息都由FFT(CF-910)分析仪采集记录,得到膨胀气流的压力曲线,显永过饱和度的变化;得到散射光功率曲线,立定不同蒸汽分压下液滴的相对增长速率。

    The two messages are recorded by FFT ( CF-910 ) Analyzer : the pressure curves produced from rarefactive gas-flow which exhibit the variation of supersaturation vs times and the power curves produced by light scattering which ascertains the relative growth rate of droplets in different initial partial pressures .

  9. 在层流区,计算得到的功率曲线与文献数据趋于一致;

    The calculated power curve is consistent with the literature data .

  10. 用功率曲线法判断和调整抽油机的平衡

    Adjustment of counterbalance of pumping unit by using electric power characteristics

  11. 用功率曲线控制密炼机排胶的实验分析

    Analysis of power Curve Controlling Method for Discharging Batches from Internal Mixer

  12. 电阻焊机的外特性曲线与功率曲线的作图法

    Drawing method of exterior characteristic curve and power curve of resistance welding mahine

  13. 大信号晶体管输出等功率曲线的搜索算法

    The Tracking Algorithm for the Output Power Contour of the Large Signal Transistor

  14. 采煤机负载功率曲线的小波分析

    Wavelet Analysis of Curve of Shearer 's Load Power

  15. 橡胶混炼过程功率曲线新的物理意义

    New Physical Significance of Power Graph in Rubber Mixing

  16. 大型风电机组功率曲线的分析与修正

    Analysis and modification method for wind turbine power curve

  17. 电源输出功率曲线及应用

    Electrical source output power of curve and application

  18. 具有良好的低风速旋转力矩和功率曲线。

    It Has good driving distance of low wind speed and the power trace .

  19. 平桨式搅拌器的搅拌功率曲线测定

    Power Curve Measurement of Flat Paddle Agitator

  20. 大型风力发电机组的功率曲线

    The Power Curve of Large Wind Turbine

  21. 基于参考功率曲线的大型工件加工进度状态信息的自动采集新方法

    Automatic Collection Method of Machining Progress Information for Large-size Workpieces Based on Reference Power Curve

  22. 实验观测到了输出功率曲线的双峰结构,且测得的实验结果与我们的理论分析相一致。

    Experimental results clearly show the existence of two peak structure which is predicted by theoretical analysis .

  23. 在大流量工况下轴功率曲线出现最大值,完全满足超低比转速离心泵无过载性能要求。

    And the biggest power occurred on the large flow rate , which meet the requirement of non-overload .

  24. 绘制给定失速扭矩和空载速度时的力矩曲线和功率曲线,不含负荷转速。

    Plots the torque speed curve and power curves for given values of stall torque and no load speed .

  25. 另外,根据功率曲线分析出输出功率大小的限制性因素。

    In addition , the limiting factor of the power output was found out according to the power curve .

  26. 利用功率曲线法能可靠地分析、判断抽油机的平衡状况。

    The counterbalance effect of a pumping unit can be analyzed and adjusted trustworthily by means of the power curve method .

  27. 本文将风速预测法和风功率曲线预测法有机结合,进行风电场风功率预测的研究。

    The paper studies wind power forecasting by organically combining the wind speed forecasting method and wind power curve forecasting method .

  28. 根据密炼机流变理论和橡胶混炼流变理论,赋予混炼过程功率曲线新的物理意义。

    A new physical significance of power graph in rubber mixing process was given based on the rheological theories in internal mixer and in rubber mixing .

  29. 根据测定与关联计算,给出平桨&耙式搅拌器在全流域的功率曲线及其关联式。

    Through measurement and correlated calculations , the power curve with the full flow region for the type of flat paddle-harrow agitator is to be presented .

  30. 通过对光谱和功率曲线的分析,根据能级匹配条件及Tm3+能级图解释了发光机制,Li+离子的掺入并未改变发光机制。

    Luminous mechanism has been explored according to the energy level matching and level scheme of Tm3 + on the basis of spectra and power dependence .