
  • 网络Functional entity;PCRF
  1. 异常处理的策略作为Agent模型的功能实体由系统或用户定义并可根据需要重用和继承;

    Exception Handling as entities of Agent Model can be defined , reused and inherited by system and user .

  2. MAP协议是七号信令中的应用协议,它提供了公用陆地移动通信网各功能实体和网络之间互连互通的方式和方法。

    It provides the ways of interconnection of public land mobile communications network functional entity and network .

  3. 介绍了移动IP的功能实体,工作机制以及代理搜索、注册和选路技术。

    The technology of agent discovery , registration and routing of mobile IP are presents too .

  4. TD-SCDMA系统终端中的GMM功能实体研究

    The GPRS Mobility Management Function Entity of User Equipment In TD-SCDMA

  5. 该系统的IMS系统有4个控制层功能实体,每个功能实体运行在一个独立的虚拟操作系统上。

    There are 4 function entitys , each one runs on a virtual OS .

  6. IP多媒体核心网系统是由所有能提供多媒体服务的核心网功能实体组成的,包括了与信令和承载相关的功能实体的集合。

    IP multimedia core network system is composed of all core network function entities providing multimedia service , which comprises sets of function entities relevant to signaling and bearing .

  7. 逻辑视点模型清晰地描述了ParlayGateway的概念模型,分析了该逻辑功能实体涉及的主要角色及其逻辑功能;

    The logic view captured the conception and analyzed main roles and logic entities involved in Parlay Gateway .

  8. 面向服务的架构(Service-orientedarchitecture,简称SOA)是指为了解决业务集成的需要,通过连接能完成特定任务的独立功能实体实现的一种软件系统架构。

    Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is a software system architecture which completes a specific task by connecting the implemented independent functional entities for solving business integration needs .

  9. MHS由各式各样的功能实体所组成。

    An MHS comprises a variety of interconnected functional entities .

  10. 本文根据移动IPv6的三个功能实体(移动节点、家乡代理、通信节点)划分了三大模块,并结合具体的功能,划分了若干子模块。

    The paper divides three big modules according to three functionality entities ( mobile node , home agent , correspondent node ), and many sub-modules combing to specific functions .

  11. 在基于TMN的网络管理系统中,包括了基于功能实体的重用、基于功能单元的重用和基于基本管理应用单元的重用。

    In the TMN-based network management , there are function unit-based reuse 、 function component-based reuse and basic management application component-based reuse .

  12. SOA是一项模式,它解决了Internet环境下业务集成的需要,它是通过连接能完成特定任务的独立功能实体实现的一种软件系统结构。

    SOA is a pattern . It has resolved the necessary business integration in Internet environment . It is a kind of implementation of software system architecture through the completion of connecting independent functional entities which could accomplish specific tasks .

  13. 借助于根移动锚节点,保持了移动IP层次性管理域内切换的优势;通过低层移动锚节点功能实体的增加,有效地避免了由于集中式网络中心节点失效给网络带来的影响。

    The using of root mobility anchor point ( MAP ) keeps the advantages of MIP handover in hierarchical field , moreover , the adding of lower MAP avoids the influence by the failure of center node in centralized network .

  14. 其次,对IMS体系架构作了重点的分析研究,包括部分重要功能实体和参考点功能,着重对SIP协议和Diameter协议的体系结构和在IMS中应用作了详细的分析。

    Secondly , analyzes the IMS architecture , including some important functional entities and reference points function , takes focus on the architecture of SIP protocol and the Diameter protocol and analyzes the application in IMS .

  15. 网元视点的信息模型主要对网桥功能实体进行建模,并将上述以太网管理信息模型运用到以太无源光网络(EPON)的管理中。

    The modeling of bridge functional entities is involved in the network element view information model . This model is applied in Ethernet passive optical networks ( EPON ) network management .

  16. 主要研究和探讨了会话发起协议的结构及其实现机制,具体分析了SIP协议的请求消息和应答消息,功能实体和消息体。

    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the designing idea , content , and realization mechanism of SIP , analyzes the request and response message , entity and message body of SIP in detail .

  17. 文章对移动位置管理业务进行了较全面的描述,重点介绍了它的功能实体、UMTS定位业务的网络结构、工作流程和几种常用的定位方法。

    The paper comprehensively introduces the location service , by-discussing its function entities , UMTS LCS network architecture , procedures and some commonly used positioning methods .

  18. 323与SIP系统的结构,引入IWF互通功能实体,从地址、消息、消息参数映射及能力协商几方面提出解决互通的方法,并通过举例予以说明。

    By introducing IWF entity it puts forward the means of interworking including mapping and capability negotiation between H.323 and SIP network , and gives an example .

  19. 在第四章中主要分析了引入HSDPA技术对TD-SCDMA系统的影响,介绍了HSDPA在TD-SCDMA终端侧的实现,并根据终端MAC-hs功能实体的一致性需求设计了MAC-hs测试例。

    The effect of TD-SCDMA system when HSDPA has been implementation was presented , also the test cases of MAC-hs was designed in chapter 4 .

  20. 文中在介绍了IMS的背景,基本概念、架构,关键协议和安全认证机制的前提下,主要介绍了一个呼叫会话控制功能实体通用的软件功能架构设计;

    After briefly introduced the background , basic concepts , network architecture , essential protocols of IMS and the authentication mechanism of IMS security , this paper mainly introduced an generic function structure design of CSCFs ;

  21. 软交换是NGN的控制功能实体,为NGN提供具有实时性要求的业务呼叫控制和连接控制功能,是NGN呼叫与控制的核心。

    The Softswitch is the the NGN control function entity , it provides the call and connect control function to timely request service for NGN , and is the call and the control core in NGN .

  22. 基于码分多址(CDMA)技术的第3代(3G)移动通信系统中,有效的无线资源管理是保证系统服务质量QoS的重要课题。呼叫接纳控制CAC是无线资源管理的重要功能实体。

    In the third generation of mobile communication system based on CDMA , efficient radio resource management is becoming an important problem to ensure the QoS of the system and Call Admission Control is one major functional entity of radio resource management .

  23. 文章指出,目前许多国际标准化组织如3GPP、OMA都正在对Presence业务的安全机制中相应的网元功能实体进行深入的研究,并着手于相关文献的编制及修订。

    It points out that recently many international standardization organizations such as 3GPP and OMA are further studying the related network unit entities in the safety mechanism of Presence service and they have begun writing and revising related literatures .

  24. 信令网关作(SG)为软交换网络和电路交换网络的控制信令消息转换互通节点,是整个软交换网络的重要功能实体,负责对信令消息进行中继、翻译或终结处理。

    Signaling Gateway who is the exchange node controlling signaling information between soft-switched networks and circuit-switched network is an important functional entity of the entire NGN , and Responsible for signaling infomation to relay , translation or end treatment .

  25. 本文针对3GPPIMS的相关标准和规范进行研究,首先介绍有关IMS的背景知识,如UMTS网络的演进,IMS的系统架构,以及IMS功能实体和参考点等。

    The paper researches into 3GPP standards correlative with IMS . First , introduces some background knowledge of IMS , such as the development of UMTS , the architecture of IMS , function entity and reference point of IMS and so on .

  26. 论文的第二部分分为两个章节,分别阐述了中继服务器和MCU功能实体的体系结构,并提出了中继服务器的工作原理和具体实现方案,以及MCU功能实体在中继服务器中的集成方案。

    The second part of the paper is divided into two paragraphs , which expatiate on the system structures of the trunk server and MCU entity , and take out the basic principles and implementation solutions of the server , and describe the MCU integration solutions in the trunk server .

  27. 在信令交互方面选用了被公认为下一代网络的核心控制协议的SIP协议,描述了SIP协议的基本功能实体、协议结构、SIP消息和SIP事务。

    SIP ( Session Initiation Protocol ) which is considered as the core control protocol for the next generation network is selected as the signaling protocol . The basic SIP function entities , the structure of SIP , SIP messages and the concept of SIP transactions are described , respectively .

  28. 智能网应用协议(INAP)是智能网实施成功的关键要素,是将智能网各分布的功能实体结合在一起的基础。

    Intelligent Network Application Protocol ( INAP ) is a key point to the success of Intelligent Network implementation and is the foundation for the combination of distributed IN entities .

  29. 并以应用服务器(AS)侧发起的语音短信业务流程和网络侧发起的短信重听业务流程为例,描述了VXML语音浏览器功能实体之间的业务流程。

    Taking the service flow of voice mail launched at the side of application server and the service flow of voice mail replay at the network side as examples , the service flows between different function-entities of VXML voice browser are described .

  30. 介绍了中兴GoTa移动集群调度系统,较详细地描述了调度服务系统(DSS)和基站系统(BSS)各功能实体以及可实现的业务功能,全面讨论了中兴GoTa移动集群调度系统的优势。

    ZTE 's GoTa mobile trunked dispatching system is presented . The function entity and achievable service function of dispatching service system ( DSS ) and base station system ( BSS ) are described in detail . The advantage of ZTE 's GoTa mobile trunked dispatching system is discussed all-sidedly .