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位密度[wèi mì dù]
  1. 桩体位移受沉桩挤土效应、桩位密度、轴线间距以及流水作业顺序的影响;

    Pile displacements are affected by the extrusive effect of piling , pile intensity , axes distance and flow process of construction .

  2. 在磁盘标准化中,规定了不同位密度下头/盘界面的机、电、磁参数。本文从磁盘驱动器设计的角度叙述了系统记录特性与磁盘标准中若干参数的相互关系。

    The relationship between system recording performance and some factors in the disk standard is described with a view to designing disk drives .

  3. 在左截断右删失数据下,我们基于乘积限估计给出了分位密度估计,获得了分位密度估计及其导数的重对数律。

    In this paper laws of the iterated logarithm for quantile density estimator and its derivative estimators are established when data are subject to left-truncated and right-censored observations .

  4. 然而,基于电容结构的铁电存储器有很多限制,比如电容面积太大以影响到存储器向千兆位密度器件的升级,另外在破坏性读出之后还需要一个恢复脉冲。

    However , the capacitor based memories have some shortcomings . The area of the capacitors is too large to scale them up to gigabit density devices , and a restoring pulse is required after a destructive readout .

  5. 高岭石的总表面位密度远大于氧化铝和二氧化硅,其原因很可能是溶液中的质子或羟离子能够渗入高岭石的层间,与层间的羟基发生反应。

    The total surface site density of kaolinite was much greater than that of alumina and silica . The possible explanation was that protons or hydroxyl ions from the solution could penetrate between the layers of kaolinite and react with hydroxyls in the sheets .

  6. 一种LEC-GaAs单晶位锗密度检测和参考面制定的方法

    A Method for Inspecting the Dislocation Density and Preparing the Reference Faces in LEC-GaAs Crystal

  7. 结果TGF-β1与sBAP和sCTX呈反向变化,而与腰椎正位骨密度的变化相一致;

    [ Results ] The change of TGF - β 1 has the same tendency with BMD at spine and opposite to the changes of sBAP and sCTX .

  8. 南京市女性腰椎后前位骨密度与绝经的关联性分析

    Relevance analysis between lumbar dorsaventral bone mineral density and menopausal in women in Nanjing City

  9. 成都地区正常人腰椎侧位骨密度检测分析

    Analysis of bone mineral density of lateral lumbar spine of healthy persons in Chengdu area The Lateral Position Test

  10. 结果表明,流体水银的结构因子S(k)的精确性和可靠性有了很大的提高,并获得了流体水银的配位数和配位距离与密度变化之间的准确关系。

    Reliable relations of the coordination number and the correlation distance with the density of fluid Hg were obtained .

  11. 采用双能X射线骨密度仪测量第2~4腰椎椎体侧位的骨密度。

    The bone mineral density ( BMD ) of lumbar vertebrae from the 2nd to 4th was measured with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry ;

  12. 治疗前及治疗6个月后测定腰1-4椎体前后位骨矿物密度(BMD),组间及组内治疗前后对比。

    Determined anterior-posterior position lumbar 1-4 vertebra body bone mineral density ( BMD ) before and after treated 6 months , then contrast intragroup and intergroup .

  13. Prodigy型双能X线骨密度仪两种测量侧位腰椎骨密度方法的研究

    Determination of bone mineral density in the lateral lumbar vertebra by Prodigy dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in two ways

  14. 次关键因子是坡位、树桩密度、倒木密度;

    The secondary key factors were the slope position , tree stump density and fallen log density .

  15. 由于不同位形和密度的等离子体对入射的电磁波有不同的响应特性,因此研究各种等离子体对高频电磁波传播的影响具有重要意义。

    Since plasmas of different configuration and density have different response characteristics , it is of great importance to investigate the influences of various plasmas to high frequency electromagnetic waves .

  16. 提出了针对实验室核子计(包括料位计、密度计、厚度计)实验的核子计联合功能教学仪设计方案,阐述分为硬件设计和软件设计两部分。

    This paper describes the design of a kind nuclear gauge union function instructional meter , for experiments with three types of nuclear gauge-including level gauge , density gauge and thickness gauge .

  17. 方法使用双能X线骨密度仪检测志愿者的腰椎(L2~4)侧位的骨密度。

    [ Methods ] Dual energy X-ray bone mineral density detector was used to detect the bone mineral density of the lumbar side ( L_ ( 2 ~ 4 )) of volunteers .

  18. 结论Ⅱ型糖尿病患者由于骨形成和骨转换率降低而骨密度下降,腰椎侧位的骨密度检查有助于早期诊断骨质疏松。

    Conclusion The decrease of BMD in type ⅱ diabetes mellitus patients is due to the decrease of bone formation and bone turnover rate . Determination of BMD at lateral lumber spine may contribute to the early diagnosis of osteoporosis .

  19. 同颌不同牙位之间牙槽骨密度正畸治疗前后无统计学差异。

    There were no statistical significant differences between different teeth in the same jaw . 4 .

  20. 对不同结构的烃基-苯并噻唑亚砜萃取硫脲介质中金的性能进行研究,结果表明亚砜的萃取性能受亚砜配位基团的电子密度和取代基的空间效应影响。

    The extraction behavior of these sulphoxides may be affected by charge density of coordination group and steric substituents effects .

  21. 得到电磁场的等磁位线、磁通密度等参数的分布规律及动铁芯的吸力与行程的关系。

    Distribution of electromagnetic intensity , flux density isodynamic lines in electromagnet field and relation of electromagnetic traction and its displacement were obtained .

  22. 应用该蚀刻模型可以在一个样品上多层面、多点位地测定体密度,进而减小误差、提高准确性。

    The volume density of many dots in many layers may be determined on a sample using this etching model , and as decreasing the error and increasing the accuracy .

  23. 本文考虑了波驱动通量对磁场位形以及电子密度和温度的空间分布的依赖,应用伴随关系,计算了低混杂波驱动的等离子体电导率的空间分布。

    Considering the dependence of wave driving flux upon magnetic configuration , electron density profile and electron temperature profile , we have found the conductivity profile in LHW driven plasma by using the adjoint method .

  24. 研究了运用有限元计算永磁体涡流损耗的影响因素,得到了永磁体内的磁矢位波形、涡流密度波形和涡流分布。

    The factors affecting permanent magnet eddy current loss calculated by using FEM method have been researched . The magnetic vector potential wave , the density wave of eddy current and the distribution of eddy current are obtained .

  25. 文章根据磁位函数与电流密度的关系给出杯型转子中磁位函数的表达式,根据边界条件定出积分常数,确定磁位函数。

    The expression of magnetic potential is given according to the relation between a solenoidal vector function and electric density . The integral constant is firmed according boundary conditions and then magnetic potential of a solenoidal vector is determined .

  26. 在此基础上,提出了物化封固井壁阻缓压力传递加强抑制水化化学位活度平衡合理密度有效应力支撑的多元协同钻井液稳定井壁新理论。

    This method includes the technologies of sealing and consolidating side well-bore physic-chemically to prevent or stay the pressure transmission , enhancing inhibition against hydration balancing chemical potential and activity , and providing the effective stress support of reasonable drilling fluid density .

  27. 针对缺陷,设计了一种用一套螺杆螺母装置来取代现有压板推移限位器的新型密度三角调整装置&螺旋推移限位器。

    In allusion to these shortcomings , a new type of cam adjustment device for knitting density changes , i.e. , screw-driven limiter , is designed in this paper , which uses a set of screws and nuts in place of the present press-plate driven limiter .

  28. 目的探讨腰椎前后位、侧位骨密度值之间的相关性。

    Objective Researching the correlation between A-P and lat eral BMD of lumbar spine .

  29. 结论腰椎侧位和前后位骨密度值评价骨密度各有特点,两种体位相结合对做出正确诊断是必要。

    Conclusions Its necessary to combine A-P BMD with lateral BMD of lumbar spine to evaluate BMD .

  30. 各年龄段腰椎侧位和侧位区域骨密度值男性均高于女性。

    BMD was higher in males than in females in all age groups .