
  • 网络dislocation slip;dislocation glide
  1. 本文利用透射电镜微观观察和理论分析探讨了Ti3Al基五元合金中α2相的位错滑移系统。

    The dislocation slip systems of α _2 phases in quinary Ti_3Al-based alloys have been studied in this paper by means of the transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) observation and the theoretical analysis .

  2. 实验结果表明,α2相中易观察到的位错滑移系统为(1100)[0001]和(1100)[1120]并与派纳力理论计算相符。

    The experimental results showed that the dislocation slip systems existing in α _2 phases were ( 1100 ) [ 0001 ] and ( 1100 )( 1120 ), which were confirmed by theoretical calculations of Peierls-Nabarro forces .

  3. 双相TiAl基合金的室温位错滑移特征

    Dislocation slip characteristics of dual phase TiAl-base alloy at room temperature

  4. 变形石榴石不产生明显的LPO是由其晶体结构本身特征所决定的,并不能排除其主导变形机制仍然是位错滑移的可能性。

    Elongated garnets with weak LPO have been determined by the characteristic of their crystal structure . Therefore , the possibility that dislocation creep is the dominant deformation mechanism of garnets can not be excluded .

  5. 对目前公认的晶界滑动(GBS)、扩散蠕变(DC)、位错滑移(DS)三种变形机理在不同应变速率下变形时各自所占的比例进行了测定和计算。

    The deformation percentages of GBS ( grain boundary sliding ), DC ( diffusion creep ) and DS ( dislocation sliding ) & the three kinds of deformation mechanism under different deformation rate generally recognized at present are measured and calculated respectively .

  6. 近以钦合金的室温变形主要由位错滑移控制,20K下的变形则由位错滑移和孪生变形共同控制。

    The deformation of near a titanium alloy at RT is controlled by dislocation slip while at 20K is under the mutual control of dislocation slip and twinning .

  7. Mg-Zn-Y-Zr合金在低温下的变形主要以孪生为主,尽管仍可发现位错滑移的迹象。

    The deformation of the Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy at cryogenic temperature mainly induced by twining , despite that sign of dislocation slip could also be observed .

  8. 在600℃~800℃下,TAWY合金高温变形过程中的加工硬化,受晶内位错滑移机制控制。

    At 600 ° C ~ 800 ° C , the hardworking ability is controlled by the dislocation sliding in y grains during the deformed processing .

  9. γ-TiAl单晶位错滑移特性的研究

    Investigation of dislocations slip characteristic in a γ TiAl single crystal

  10. 梭织物纰裂分析构造变形环境为低温、高压、高应变速率环境,微观机制主要为位错滑移。

    Analysis of Fabric Slipping The micromechanism was mainly dislocation slipping .

  11. 钢中马氏体转变的位错滑移机制

    On the dislocation slip mechanism of the martensitic transformation of steels

  12. 超塑变形机理为晶界滑移和位错滑移塑性。

    The deformation mechanisms were grain boundary sliding and dislocation plasticity .

  13. 不同发展阶段的机制均为位错滑移成攀移的结果。

    The mechanisms of the three stages are slide or climbing of dislocation .

  14. 超塑性变形的主要机理是位错滑移和攀移产生的应变硬化与动态回复和动态再结晶的应变软化作用相平衡。

    The main deformation mechanism of superplasticity is the balance between strain hardening .

  15. 硬玉位错滑移系及流变学特征的研究

    Study on slip system of dislocation in Jadeite

  16. 本论文所研究的金属纳米多层膜的室温蠕变机制都是位错滑移-攀移机制。

    The creep process of all the investigated multilayers is dominated by dislocation glide-climb mechanism .

  17. 同时,振动促进了与塑性变形有关的位错滑移与攀移,为材料的动态再结晶提供了必要条件。

    Vibration promoted the dislocation slipping and climbing , which was necessary for dynamic recrystallization .

  18. 利用位错滑移模型合理地解释了观察到的宏观分裂时的晶体转动。

    A model based on dislocation slip was used to analyze the observed macroscopic subdivision patterns .

  19. 而硅化物析出协同促进位错滑移集中化,是热稳定性下降的次要因素。

    The precipitation of silicide may promote the intensity of slip and is the minor reason for the ductility loss .

  20. 编写了反映材料位错滑移变形物理机制的晶体塑性模型计算子程序。

    User material subroutine of polycrystalline plasticity model was compiled which can reflect the physical mechanisms of crystal lattice slipping .

  21. 当温度在动态再结晶温度以下时,材料的塑性变形主要是:孪生、位错滑移。

    Twinning and dislocation slip have been proven to be the dominant model of plastic deformation when the temperature is bel .

  22. 合金的变形机制主要是位错滑移,晶粒碎化和几何动态再结晶机制。

    The major deformation mechanisms were found to be dislocation glide , grain breaking , and geometric dynamic recrystallization ( GDRX ) .

  23. 晶界滑动是超塑变形的主要机制,晶内位错滑移和扩散蠕变则对晶界滑动起着协调作用。

    It is shown that grain boundary sliding is the dominate flow mechanism and is accommodated by intergranular dislocation slip and diffusion creep .

  24. 可能的形变机制包括位错滑移、幂律蠕变以及扩散蠕变机制。

    The results show that the main relaxation mechanisms , which include dislocation glide , power-law creep and diffusion creep , vary with the temperature and stress .

  25. 研究了高温下多晶硅中位错滑移与晶界的相互作用关系,初步探讨了晶界对机械性能的影响行为。

    ( 2 ) The dislocation slip near grain boundary ( GB ) and the effect of GBs on the mechanical property of silicon have been investigated .

  26. 结果表明,在超塑性变形条件下,两种合金都显示以晶界滑动为主的,由扩散蠕变和位错滑移所协调的复合变形机制。

    It was shown that the mechanism under superplastic deformation for these two alloys is mainly due to the grain boundary sliding together with the coordination of diffusion creep and dislocation slip .

  27. 在材料表层的热影响区内,准静态应力一般远大于其动态屈服强度,材料将产生孪晶和位错滑移型变形。

    In the heat-affected zone , the quasi-static stress , generally higher than the dynamic yield strength of common materials , is responsible for the plastic deformation , in both twinning and in dislocation modes .

  28. 石榴石水弱化机制有两种可能:一种是水弱化促进的位错滑移机制,在面理化榴辉岩石榴石的塑性变形中起主导作用;

    In addition , possible hydrolysis weakening mechanisms of garnets in foliated eclogites have been discussed : the major mechanism is water induced dislocation glide meanwhile water induced diffusion and grain boundary glide play a minor role .

  29. 尺寸效应和表面效应的影响,以及位错滑移和弛豫的综合作用,使得纳米单晶铜悬臂梁在纳米尺度下表现出与宏观尺度下不同的力学特性。

    The compositive impact of size effect , surface effect , dislocation , slip and relaxation explains the reason why the single crystalline nano-copper cantilever beam has different mechanical properties in nanoscales from that in macroscopical scales .

  30. 晶内位错滑移和扩散蠕变作为重要的协调机制,促进了晶界滑动的顺利进行.该合金的超塑性变形机制符合位错协调晶界滑动模型。

    The dislocation sliding in grain and diffusion creep , as two kinds of important coordination mechanism , promote the development of grain-boundary sliding . The superplastic deformation mechanism accords with the model of dislocation coordinating grain-boundary sliding .