
jiāo dié
  • overlapping;fold;crossover;blend;cross under
交叠 [jiāo dié]
  • [fold] 用对折或交叠的方法减少长度或容积

交叠[jiāo dié]
  1. 研究发现:一维双周期光子晶体的光子带隙结构中在两光子晶体带隙交叠处具有很明显的两共振透射峰。

    The investigation results show that two transmittance peaks exist at the crossover of the two photonic crystal PBG in1-D dual-periodical photonic crystal .

  2. 反应通道和Go-nogo反应对交叠作业的影响

    Effects of Response Modality and Go No go Response on Overlapping Task

  3. 袋子平整折起后,底面与一侧交叠。

    When the bag is folded flat , the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag

  4. 悲剧开始相互交叠。

    The tragedies begin to interlock

  5. 一等她的眼睛转过去,他便偷偷用两个食指交叠成一个十字架

    When her eyes were withdrawn , he secretly crossed his two forefingers .

  6. 著名的香奈儿双C交叠商标即来自她的姓名字首。

    The famous Chanel logo of two intertwined Cs is based on her initials .

  7. 如果你们想要找牛猪肉片交叠串烤肉(CityChicken),你在“C”词条下是找不到的

    If you 're looking for City Chicken , you 're not gonna find it under " C. "

  8. 载波交叠PWM方法具有优化开关利用率,使得开关损耗平均化的特性。

    Mean Entropy Carrier-overlapping PWM method can optimize the utilization of all switches .

  9. 载波交叠特性PWM方法在飞跨电容多电平逆变器中的应用研究

    PWM Methods with Carrier-overlapping Characteristics in Flying-capacitor Multilevel Inverters

  10. 小波域隐Markov交叠树模型及块效应评价

    Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Overlapping Tree Model and Artifact Evaluating

  11. 本质上我们看到的是在z轴这里的交叠。

    Essentially what we 're seeing is overlapping in this z axis here .

  12. 基于交叠Z形扫描的二维小波变换器设计

    2-D wavelet transform design based on the overlapped Z-scan

  13. SAR实时成像中交叠FFT的有效实现

    Efficient Implementation of Fold FFT in Real-Time SAR Imaging

  14. 本文提出了一种适用于交叠周期信号的周期检测和信号分离的环移StopGo(SG,停止-进行)自适应数字滤波器。该滤波器对周期信号在频域的交叠程度没有任何要求。

    A loop-shift Stop & Go adaptive digital filter with applications in period detection and signal separation of overlapped periodic signals is presented .

  15. 基于最高连接度的WSN交叠分簇算法

    The Overlap Clustering Algorithm for WSN Based on Highest-Connectivity

  16. 采用双交叠模糊分划的T-S模糊系统的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of T-S fuzzy systems with two-overlapped fuzzy partition

  17. 其设计思想是将时间交叠式AD问题转化为周期性重复的非均匀采样,并结合两通道并行ADC,给出了详细的内插滤波器设计方法。

    The procedure of the interpolation filter bank design is given by using the two-channel parallel ADC as an example .

  18. 如果子节点的范围有交叠,LOD将同时显示多个子节点。

    LOD displays multiple children simultaneously if their ranges overlap .

  19. 分别在四种线性调频技术的调制、解调方案基础上应用时间交叠多址技术进行了MATLAB仿真,并对仿真结果进行分析。

    Then MATLAB simulation with Time Overlap Multiple Access technique are made , based on four kinds of modulation and demodulation schemes of chirp signal .

  20. 研究前件变量采用双交叠模糊分划的T-S模糊系统的稳定性问题。

    The stability is studied for fuzzy systems with their premise variables employing two-overlapped fuzzy partition .

  21. CMAC的无交叠感受域变分辨率学习方法

    Feel for watercolor The CMAC Learning Algorithms of Non-Overlapping Receptive Field with Variable Resolution

  22. 电联表示,目前活跃的IP地址仍有交叠的潜力,同时还有一大批已分配的IP地址长久以来未被使用。

    The ITU points out that the current in-use IP addresses still have potential to be tapped , while a great number of allocated IP addresses have remained inactive .

  23. 在众多交叠的方法中,UML、RUP和Zachman分别作为现代信息系统构架的三个重要支柱。

    Amid the swarm of overlapping methodologies , these stand apart as three pillars of modern information systems architecture .

  24. 交叠式Allan方差在MIMU余度配置中的应用

    Applying Overlapping Allan Variance to MIMU Redundancy Collocation

  25. SAR实时成像处理中常采用子孔径交叠来提取算法的并行性,但为抑制栅栏旁瓣效应,需要对输入数据进行交叠处理,极大地增加了处理数据量。

    Subaperture processing is always used to parallize the SAR real-time imaging , but input data must be overlapped to avoid grating lobes , which greatly increase the data rate .

  26. 本文根据隧道-围岩结构动力相互作用的基本理论,利用ANSYS建立有限元模型,研究近距离交叠隧道在列车荷载作用下的动力响应。

    Based on the main theory of the interaction between tunnel structure and rock , this paper uses ANSYS to establish finite element models to study the dynamic responses to train load .

  27. 第二种方法是最新开发的实践,并且与Nagios在功能上有所交叠。

    The second method is a more recent development and overlaps with Nagios in terms of functionality .

  28. 如果在两个线程交叠时调用rand(),它就可能返回一个错误的随机数。

    If calls to rand () from two threads overlap , it is possible for the wrong numbers to be returned .

  29. 貌似你指的是双交叠喷口意味着是涡扇10A的某个升级版本。

    It sounds like you 're referring to the double-overlap nozzle which suggests some sort of WS-10A turbofan variant .

  30. 但对较低温度,或局部光斑强(如成丝、或光束交叠引起)的等离子体区域,SRS可以进入绝对不稳定性区域。

    For plasmas with low temperature or intense laser ( for example , caused by filamentation or crossed lasers ), SRS enters the absolute region .