
  1. 深入研究了级联式PWMBuck-Boost交流变换器电路结构、工作原理,根据其电路工作原理,设计了变结构式控制策略,并对其进行原理仿真与实验验证。

    A thorough research about the circuit structure and operation principle of cascading PWM Buck-Boost AC converter is also included here . According to its operation principle , the paper introduces variable structure control strategy and conducts a simulation and experiment for it .

  2. 本文主要研究了一种新颖的π型AC/AC交流变换器的电路结构、工作原理及其变结构控制策略。

    This thesis researches on a π type AC / AC converter and its variable structure control strategy .

  3. 此外,对比传统交流-交流电压变换电路可发现,本文的新型交流-交流电压变换电路具有成本小、谐波含量低、控制方便、可靠性高等优点。

    Moreover , the new AC-AC voltage regulator circuit given by this paper , is lower costs and harmonic contents , more reliable and easier to control , comparing with traditional AC-AC voltage converter .