
  • 网络AC system;communication system;ICSMS
  1. 一种基于通用Java服务器的网上教学交流系统

    A Web Teach Communication System Based on General Java Server

  2. e印本文库(e-printArchive)是开放存取(OPENACCESS)运动推荐的一种非正式科学交流系统。

    E-print archive is an informal scholarly communication system advocated by the Open Access Movement .

  3. 人类自远古以来就有一套特殊的交流系统。

    Since earliest times , mankind has had a special system of communi-cation .

  4. 联于弱交流系统的HVDC系统稳定性分析

    Analysis on the Voltage Stability of HVDC System Connected to Weak AC System

  5. 结果表明,逆变侧交流系统的强度以及逆变站控制方式对SSO阻尼有显著的影响。

    The result shows that both AC bus strength and the control mode of inverter side have a remarkable effect on SSO damping .

  6. 本文从提高交流系统静态电压稳定和动态电压稳定两个方面,对VSC-HVDC的系统级控制策略进行了相关研究,主要研究内容和成果如下。

    This article conducts research on VSC-HVDC system-level control strategy for improving AC system static voltage stability and dynamic voltage stability .

  7. 本论文论述了课程教学系统、在线测试系统、答疑系统、BBS、在线交流系统、E-Mail、下载中心、管理中心系统的设计及实现。

    This thesis discussed the design and realization of teaching system , test on-line system , answer system , BBS , exchange on-line system , E-Mail , download center system , management center system .

  8. 高压直流输电(HVDC)系统逆变侧换流器处交流系统的强度直接影响HVDC系统的动态性能,换相失败是HVDC系统最常见的故障之一。

    The strength of AC system to which the inverter side of the HVDC is connected directly exerts great influence on the dynamic performance of HVDC . Commutation failure is one of the most common faults in HVDC .

  9. 同时直流输电工程中的某些特性是交流系统所没有的,必须进行专门的研究,如由换流站产生的PLC高频干扰噪声的问题,就是直流输电工程所特有的。

    Some special research must be done about certain characteristics of HVDC projects which are not shared with the AC systems , such as the High-Frequency ( HF ) interference with Open-Wire Carrier System caused by the operation of HVDC converter stations , which is unique in the HVDC systems .

  10. 所设计的调制策略提供了2个正定矩阵参数KD和KV。矩阵KD决定了虚拟控制增强交流系统阻尼的能力;

    The modulation strategy designed by this paper provides two matrix parameters , KD and KV , which respectively determine the ability of the virtual control to improve the AC system 's performance and the ability of DC system 's output to track the virtual control .

  11. 该控制方法利用d-q变换将三相交流系统变换到旋转的正交坐标系,采用比例积分调节器控制有源电力滤波器的补偿电流,使其跟踪参考电流。

    By use of d-q transformation , in this control method a three phase AC system is transformed into rotating orthogonal coordinate system and under the transformed coordinate system the compensating current of active power filter is controlled by PI controller to make it trace the reference current .

  12. 交流系统接地网的腐蚀与防护研究

    Study on Corrosion and Protection of AC System Grounding Net

  13. 阶跃响应法在浮地交流系统绝缘故障定位中的应用初探

    Application of step-response method in the insulation fault location of earth-floating AC system

  14. 一体化学术交流系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implement of Integrative Learning Intercourse System

  15. 南方电网中直流输电系统对交流系统的紧急功率支援

    Emergency DC power support to AC power system in the South China Power Grid

  16. 协同学理论与情报信息交流系统

    The Theory of Synergetics and Information Communication System

  17. 科学技术政策情报交流系统

    Science and Technology Policy Information Exchange System-SPINES

  18. 网络环境与科学交流系统

    Network Environment And Science Communication System

  19. 科学交流系统&科学共同体的社会结构与科学的成长

    The communication system in science : the social structure of scientific community and the growth of Science

  20. 第一段总论这种合作的好处,可以共享数据、策略和交流系统。

    Sharing databases , strategies and communication systems can be the most effective means of attracting customers .

  21. 直流大地运行时交流系统直流电流分布的预测方法

    Estimation of DC Current Distribution in AC Power System Caused by HVDC Transmission System in Ground Return Status

  22. 直流系统通常由蓄电池充电系统供电,蓄电池充电系统由低压交流系统供电。

    The DC system is normally supplied from a battery charger system , which is supplied from the low voltage AC system .

  23. 蓄电池充电器持续对变电站蓄电池充电。若交流系统发生故障,就由直流系统供电。

    The battery chargers maintain a charge on the station batteries , which supply power to the DC system if the AC system fails .

  24. 这些谐波电流通过换流变压器网侧注入交流系统,如果不加以控制,会影响交、直流系统的正常运行。

    These harmonic current will inflow in the AC power system through the converter transformers and effect the normal operation of AC / DC system without any limitation .

  25. 信贷业务风险内控制度的主要内容包括组织管理体系、业务操作制度、授权授信制度、信息交流系统、检查监督制度等几个方面。

    Internal control system about credit operational risk includes organization and management system , operational institution , authorization and award institution , information communication system , check and supervision institution and so on .

  26. 在直流输电系统中,换流器速度的提高可以快速调整直流线路上的功率,从而提高交流系统的稳定性,增强输电能力。

    In power system , the power of the direct power transmission line can be adjusted quickly by increasing the speed of the converter so that the stability of the system can be improved .

  27. 换相电容上的电压有助于换相过程的完成,这样可以减小换相对交流系统强度的依赖性,并且对交流电网扰动的鲁棒性增强。

    The voltages on these capacitors aid in the commutation process thus resulting in a more robust converter , which is potentially less dependent on the AC network strength and more robust against network disturbances .

  28. 通过考察直流输电换流器准稳态模型导出的条件,阐明了直流输电换流器的准稳态模型在交流系统不对称故障期间是不适用的。

    By studying the presupposition of the quasi-steady state model of the HVDC converter , the quasi-steady state model of the HVDC converter is proven to be invalid when asymmetrical faults occur in the AC system .

  29. 然而,由于交直流混合系统的复杂性,虽然纯交流系统潮流计算的方法已经非常成孰,但交直流混合系统的潮流计算并没有达到相同水平。

    At present , the methods of AC system power flow solution have been perfected , but the methods to solve AC / DC systems power flow did not reach the same level because of its complexity .

  30. 仿真结果证明,直流系统对交流系统的谐振频率有着不可忽略的影响,这种谐振有可能导致直流输电系统的不稳定运行,而该方法可以准确、方便地计算出谐振频率。

    Simulation results also prove that DC system has un-ignorable impact on AC resonant frequency , which can even result in unstable operation of HVDC system , while the proposed method can predict the resonance frequency conveniently and precisely .