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jiāo zhàn
  • be at war;engagement;fight;wage war;do battle with
交战 [jiāo zhàn]
  • [engagement] 敌对军队之间作战

  • 白天发生几起巡逻队小规模交战

  • 初一交战。--《资治通鉴》

  • 普法交战。-- 清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

交战[jiāo zhàn]
  1. 如果出现伤亡,这些国家就会进入交战状态。

    If blood is spilled the countries will be at war .

  2. 英国和德国过去经常交战。

    England and Germany used to be at war .

  3. 严格说来,这两国仍在交战。

    Technically , the two countries are still at war .

  4. 这个国家的交战三方已达成停火协议。

    A ceasefire has been agreed by the country 's three warring factions .

  5. 联合国正试图在交战方之间保留隔离带。

    The UN is trying to maintain a dead zone between the warring groups .

  6. 他们交战有多长时间了?

    How long have they been at war ?

  7. 这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war .

  8. 一想到要同本族人交战他们就十分难受。

    The idea of fighting against men of their own race was hateful to them .

  9. 到目前为止,在结束交战方面还没取得什么进展。

    So far little progress has been made towards ending the fighting

  10. 双方用轻武器交战了约3个小时。

    The two sides exchanged small arms fire for about three hours .

  11. 许多人留在了可能会沦为交战区的地方。

    Many people have stayed behind in the potential war zone

  12. 敌对武装团伙在经过3天的交战后暂时停火。

    A shaky ceasefire is holding after three days of fighting between rival groups

  13. 交战各方已经同意无条件休战。

    The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire

  14. 交战地区丘陵起伏,树木茂密。

    The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded .

  15. 预计交战双方要再一次试图解决彼此的分歧了。

    The belligerents were due , once again , to try to settle their differences .

  16. 两国有可能交战。

    The two countries might go to war

  17. 最近几天的交战结束了,双方达成了暂时的休战协议。

    The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides

  18. 双方使用火炮、迫击炮和重机枪再次交战。

    The two sides joined battle once again using artillery , mortars and heavy machine guns .

  19. 准确来说,双方自1949年起就一直处于交战状态。

    Technically , the two sides have been in a state of war ever since 1949 .

  20. 交战各方的代表进行了新一轮的和谈,但是毫无成果。

    Delegates from the warring sides held a new round of peace talks but went away empty-handed

  21. 该国的交战三方已达成停火协议。

    A ceasefire has been agreed on by the country 's three warring factions .

  22. 这两国多年来一直交战。

    The two countries have been warring constantly for years .

  23. 我们的舰船已与敌人交战。

    Our ships have engaged with the enemy .

  24. 这两个国家处于交战的边缘。

    The two countries were poised on the brink of war .

  25. 但真正的交战双方是否会接受还是个未知数

    Yet it remains unclear whether the actual belligerents will accept it .

  26. 此模型将交战过程作为多Agent复杂网络的演变过程来研究,而多Agent复杂网络的演变以Agent的自主行为为驱动。

    The model takes the combat process as the changing process of complex multi-agent network according to agents ' behavior .

  27. 另外提取出一些多Agent复杂网络的网络参数来描述交战过程以及交战效果中的交战效能情况。

    Then paper abstracts some network parameters of complex multi-agent network to describe the combat efficiency in combat process or effect .

  28. 以复杂适应系统理论作为理论指导的多Agent建模方法为交战模型的建模提供了一种新的方法。

    Agent-based modeling that regards the complex adaptive system theory as its theoretic basis offers a new way to set up a combat simulation .

  29. 其中,多Agent复杂网络即为Agent之间的关系抽象出的复杂网络。其次,本文对基于多Agent复杂网络的交战模型进行过程建模。

    Complex multi-agent networks are the networks which are abstracted from relationships between agents . Secondly , the complex multi-agent network based combat model is proposed in process .

  30. 由于C3I系统所处的交战环境是千变万化的,因此采用SEA方法建立一般交战情形下通用的C3I系统效能模型仍是十分困难的工作。

    Because combat condition which C 3I system stands in is changeable , it 's very difficult to set up the general effectiveness model of C 3I system .