
  • 网络VSEM;displacement speed;velocity
  1. 文中应用分形理论中的GP算法研究了边坡变形位移速度时间序列的分形维数。

    In this paper , the GP arithmetic of Fractal theory is applied to studying the fractal dimension of the time sequence of slope deformation displacement speed .

  2. 从多角度出发,分析15岁男子百米选手的位移速度成绩变化规律。

    Starting from multi-angle , performance variation of the displacement speed of the analysis of 15-year-old 100m players . 1 、 15-year-old age .

  3. 本文介绍了FL型位移速度测量仪的工作原理和试验、应用情况。

    This paper describes operating principle , test and use of FL-type linear displacement-velocity measuring instrument .

  4. 根据Nyquist稳定性准则、特征值原理和LQR控制原理,导出了结构模态主动控制系统的位移速度反馈的时滞计算公式,进而可求得结构模态主动控制系统的最大允许时滞。

    According to the Nyquist stability criterion , eigenvalue theory and LQR control theory , the calculating formulae for time-delay of the structure-modal active control system with displacement-velocity feedback have been derived . Next , the maximum allowable time-delay of the structure-modal active control system can be calculated .

  5. 振动控制系统的品质分析和位移速度控制律

    Quality Analysis of Vibration Control Systems and the Displacement-velocity Control Law

  6. 影响短距离身体位移速度的某些生物学因素

    Some Biological Factors Affecting the Speed in Short-Distance Run AN ANALYSIS OF DISPLACEMENT

  7. 速度素质包括反应速度、动作速度和位移速度。

    The flat - out character includes the reaction the speed , action the speed moves the speed with .

  8. 通过位移速度分析,结合滑坡变形特征,初步得到了监测的滑坡体所处的变形阶段。

    After analyzing the displacement velocity and the characterization of the deformation of the hill-slide , the deformation stage can be preliminary confirmed .

  9. 跨断层测量的复测周期主要由观测精度和断层位移速度决定,二者合理匹配的周期就是最佳周期。

    A repeated period of measurement across the fault is mainly determined by observation accuracy and rate of deformation . It is the best period for they to match reasonably .

  10. 针对盒形件拉深成形时法兰变形区的变形进行了材料塑性流动的理论分析,提出了位移速度差诱发剪应力的观点。

    In of displacement induces shear stress . Shear deformation this paper , flow law of material is theoretically analysed based on deformation of the flange deformed area in box drawing .

  11. 并采用各点点位位移速度图对所建立的函数模型进行验证,同时对状态方程的建立及初始值的选取进行分析总结。

    Finally , it validated established model with each point displacement velocity chart , analyzed and summarized the established of state equation and selection of initial value at the same time .

  12. 5.1.4目前我国青少年队员在有球状态下的专项位移速度能力不均衡,不同队员之间的水平差距较大。

    At present our young players have the ball in the special state movement speed capability is not balanced between the players a big gap between the levels of specific movement speed .

  13. 原因在于青少年队员身体素质与专项技术能力的同时,有球与无球状态下的专项位移速度能力也得到了发展。

    With the young players due to the special physical and technical capacity development , while improving the state of the ball and without the ball under the special ability of the movement speed .

  14. 针对圆形浅基础,根据极限分析中的上限定理,选择合适的机动位移速度场,推导出地基承载力的上限解析解。

    On the basis of upper bound theorem of limit analysis , this paper gives upper bound answers of bearing capacity of circular shallow foundations by suitable choice of a kinematically admissible velocity field .

  15. 5.1.5我国青少年足球队员专项位移速度在有球与无球状态下的差值呈现出在不同年龄阶段基本一致的特点。

    According to test results , our young soccer players have special movement speed of the ball and without the ball in the state of the difference in the different age groups showed basically the same features .

  16. 近侧皮质处2组间位移速度比较有显著性意义(P<0.05),髓腔、远侧皮质处2组间比较无显著性意义(P>0.05);

    The difference of displacement velocity between group A and B in either marrow cavity or " far cortex " was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) , except in " near cortex "( P < 0.05 );

  17. 本文提出了一套求解轧制接触问题的新方法,将接触表面转化为位移速度已知面,计算结果与实验结果相符合。

    The essence of this methodology lies in converting the contact surface into surface of known velocity distribution of the rolling movement , and good agreement is obtained between the computation based on this method and the experiments .

  18. 5.1.2在相同距离的情况下,青少年足球队员在有球状态下的专项位移速度能力明显弱于在无球状态下的专项位移速度能力。

    Completed the same distance in the case of displacement , youth football team has the ball in the special state movement speed was significantly weaker than in the state without the ball movement speed of the special ability .

  19. 在控制位移速度的拉伸条件下,观测含缺陷材料缺陷附近温度随时间的变化,进一步得到缺陷附近温度场的等温线随时间的演变,依此研究缺陷演化过程中的能量耗散。

    Under controlling the displacement speed , we observed temperature along with time change near the defect zone so as to obtain the isothermal about temperature along with time change and study the energy aerodynamic in the defect & evolution process .

  20. 基于Windows条件下,提出了运用广义逆等方法求解以补偿运动的位移、速度、加速度和响应频率等为目标函数的优化解的方法。

    The method of generalized inverse based on Windows solved the optimal solutions to displacements , speed , and acceleration of compensation movements and responding frequencies , etc.

  21. 运用数值计算方法,采用matlab仿真,得出电梯轿厢振动位移、速度、加速度的仿真曲线。

    Using numerical methods , adopt matlab programming , and obtain the elevator car vibration displacement , velocity and acceleration of the dynamic response simulation curve .

  22. 在此基础上在Matlab环境下建立了运动模型对应的仿真模型,对于钳口组件在拉伸断裂后的运动过程和运动参数(位移、速度、加速度)进行了详细的分析。

    Simulations model corresponding to the motion model is proposed in MatLab . Movement procedure and parameter ( displacement , velocity , acceleration ) are studied in detail .

  23. 模态位移和速度响应的联合概率统计分布在截断于五阶Hermite多项式时具有较好精度;

    The 5th order Hermite series is recommended for describing the joint statistical distribution with the purpose of higher accuracy .

  24. 对过中间路径点的机器人运动轨迹规划后,在matlab中仿真出六个关节的位移、速度和加速度曲线,比较仿真结果选取最优规划方法。

    After the middle path of robot trajectory planning , Simulate the displacement , velocity and acceleration curves of the six joint in MATLAB , comparing simulation results to select the optimal planning method .

  25. 并根据系统的数学模型对铸浆机系统的位移、速度、压力运用SIMULINK进行动态仿真。

    With the help of those established mathematical models , software SIMULINK simulates the dynamic performance of the system in displacement , speed and pressure regulation .

  26. 这是一种非接触的测试方法,可以测量加速度在200g以上时的位移和速度。

    This is a non-contact method , it can measure displacement and velocity at high acceleration over 200 g.

  27. 论文主要通过CFD仿真模型对粘滞阻尼器进行了动力测试,通过加载不同频率、不同幅值的正弦简谐荷载,得出粘滞阻尼器的阻尼力、位移和速度之间的曲线,分析粘滞阻尼器的相关性能。

    By loading different frequencies and amplitude of the sine harmonic load , the curve of the damping force , displacement and speed can be got to analyze the related functions of the Fluid Viscous testing .

  28. 将凸轮转角无因次化作为节点变量,以NURBS形式描述了凸轮机构的无因次位移、速度、加速度和跃度等运动曲线。

    Many dimensionless motion curves such as displacement , velocity , acceleration , jerk etc , can be all described with NURBS , regarding the dimensionless cam rotation angle as the node variable .

  29. 依据位移、速度、加速度的协调条件,使主、辅子系统发生联系,利用ADAMS求解器嵌含的迭代过程,实施整个系统的迭代求解。

    According to some conditions of displacement , velocity and acceleration , forces are used to link host and secondary subsystems . Whole iteration solving of system is realized with involved iteration process in ADAMS solver .

  30. 通过响应概率特征函数和Fourier变换,求得Gram-Charlier级数形式的振形位移和速度响应联合概率统计分布。

    The probabilistic characteristic function and Fourier transformation are employed to evaluate the joint statistical distribution of modal responses , which has the form of Gram-Charlier series .