
  • 【数】homothetic
  1. 本文建立了En中的凸体与其位似体的包含测度的相等关系。

    In this paper , we establish the equality relation of inclusion measures of convex bodies and their homothetic bodies in En .

  2. 自由曲面环切刀位规划平面曲线的位似与相似

    Contour-Parallel Tool-Path Planning of Free-Form Surface Homothetic Conics and Similar Conics

  3. 均匀介质角域点源位似镜象性质

    Properties like Mirror Image on Field of Point Source in an Angular Domain

  4. 位似变换与费尔巴赫定理

    Homothetic Transformation and the Theorem of Feuerbach

  5. 用位似曲面求解二次曲面交线问题的原理及应用

    The Principle for Solution Problem of Conicoid Intersection by the Homothetic Curved Surface and Its Application

  6. 需要、思和诗组成了思想政治教育动力的三体,丰富着处于位似中心的一要素人,使之真正达到思想政治教育的目的,育人而非制器,是身、心与灵的统一。

    Needs , ideas and poetry form the three bodies of ideological and political education ' dynamic , enrich one major element & people and make it really achieves the purpose of education .

  7. 本文从基于非位似效用函数的结构增长理论和包含产业关联与居民异质性的社会核算矩阵理论,在理论上阐述了涉农产业发展对缩小居民收入差距的积极作用。

    This paper explains the positive impact of agribusiness development on income distribution based on the Structural Growth theory with Non-Homothetic Utility , and the Social Accounting Matrix theory with industrial linkage and households ' heterogeneity .