
  1. 着眼创新立足问题的数学教学方法探索

    Exploration on Problem based Approach to Mathematics Instruction Aiming at Creativity

  2. 论数学教学方法与学生能力的培养

    On Teaching Approaches in Math Course and Students ' Abilities Training

  3. 提炼思想方法,注重能力的培养四个方面,阐述了数学教学方法改革的具体构思。

    Abstracting the thoughtway and emphasizing the cultivation of abilities .

  4. 高职高专高等数学教学方法的几点探讨

    Discussions on higher mathematics teaching method in higher vocational college

  5. 略论华罗庚的高校数学教学方法与讲解技能

    Sketching Out Hua Luo-geng 's Teaching Methods and Skills about University Mathematics

  6. 苏·威尔逊说中国的数学教学方法很有用。

    Sue Wilson says the Chinese math-teaching method is of great help .

  7. 高效率数学教学方法的实践与思考

    Practice and Pondering of the High-efficiency Mathematics Teaching Method

  8. 生本教育与数学教学方法

    The students-centered education and the teaching method of mathematics

  9. 经济数学教学方法的探讨

    A Discussion about the Teaching Methods in Economic Mathematics

  10. 数学教学方法的改革与尝试

    The Tries of Teaching Method and Learning Method

  11. 浅谈如何转变初中数学教学方法提高教学质量

    How to change he educational method in high school to improve the educational quality

  12. 浅析计算机科学与技术专业中离散数学教学方法的改进

    Analysis of Computer Science and Technology of " Discrete Mathematics " to Improve Teaching Methods

  13. 高等数学教学方法和教学手段的改革

    Reform of Teaching Methods for Senior Mathematics

  14. 中学数学教学方法改革20年的回顾与思考

    Review and Thoughts on Innovation in the Teaching Methods of Middle School Mathematics over 20 Years

  15. 为了充分调动学生的学习积极性,促进教学质量的提高,需要对传统的高等数学教学方法进行改进。

    Traditional teaching methods must be improved to stimulate their learning enthusiasm and promote teaching quality .

  16. 遵循成人学习的规律和特点改革数学教学方法和内容

    Following the Regularity and Characteristics of Adult Education , Reforming the Teaching Method and Contents for Mathematics

  17. 一些人说最好的数学教学方法是将新的和传统的方法结合起来。

    Some say the best way to teach math is to combine the new and traditional methods .

  18. 再创造是荷兰数学家弗赖登塔尔关于数学教学方法的基本思想。

    " Re-creation " teaching mode is a basic idea put forward by Freudenthal , a Dutch mathematician .

  19. 从教学方法上,要让学生掌握基本的和现代的数学教学方法;

    In teaching method , we must make the students master the basical and modern mathematical teaching method .

  20. 但研究表明,亚洲的数学教学方法和教学环境并不被认为是适合学生的数学学习的。

    However , the teaching methods and environment in Asian schools are considered to be not conductive to effective mathematics learning .

  21. 对经济数学教学方法改革的思考&启发式教学在经济数学课堂上的运用

    Thinking on the Reform of Teaching Method in Economic Mathematics & Application of Enlightened Teaching in the Class of Economic Mathematics

  22. 据英国《泰晤士报》报道,英国半数小学即将引进中国式数学教学方法。

    As reported by The Times , half of primary schools in the U.K. will soon adopt the traditional Chinese method of teaching mathematics .

  23. 其中高效率数学教学方法的研究,更是丰富多彩,结构式讨论方法便是有效教学方法之一。

    High-efficiency mathematics research of teaching method among them , rich and colorful , structural formula discuss the method is one of the effective teaching methods .

  24. 弗赖登塔尔认为数学教学方法的核心是学生的再创造,理论基础是数学现实理论。

    Hans Freudenthal thinks students ' recreation is the core of maths teaching method . The basis of theory is " maths reality " { theory . }

  25. 最后,本文以中学数学教学方法为例,设计和实现了选择中学数学方法的模糊专家系统和修正模糊规则的模糊神经网络,并进行了实验。

    Finally , we design a fuzzy expert system of selecting high school math teaching methods and a fuzzy neural networks of modifying fuzzy rules in fuzzy expert system .

  26. 本文介绍了在新课程标准下之数学教学方法和策略,希望能对广大高中数学教师有一定帮助。

    This article introduced teaching method and the strategy under the new curriculum standard mathematics , hoped can have the certain help to the general high schools mathematics teacher .

  27. 变式教学是被教学实践所证实的具有良好教学效果的中国式的数学教学方法,它是中学数学教学中常用的一种教学策略。

    Variable type teaching is proved by practice teaching has good effect in the teaching of Chinese mathematics teaching method , which is used in the teaching of mathematics teaching strategy .

  28. 本文对高等数学教学方法进行了深入研究探讨,在教学实践基础上,经过理性思考,构建了点题分析猜想推理论证的研究式教学模式。

    This essay makes a deep research on Advanced Math teaching method . On the basis of teaching practice and rational consideration , the research-based teaching model ," putting forward a question-supposing-reasoning ", is formed .

  29. APOS理论下高职化工专业高等数学概念教学方法探究

    APOS Theory of Chemical Engineering under the Vocational Higher Mathematics to Explore the Concept of Teaching Methods

  30. 基于学科应用的离散数学课程教学方法探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Method of Discrete Mathematics Based on Subject Application