
shù mù
  • number;amount;standard;quantity
数目 [shù mù]
  • (1) [number;amount]∶事物的个数

  • (2) [standard][方言]∶衡量事物的标准

  • 无拨啥数目,晚得来!--《海上花列传》

数目[shù mù]
  1. 这个数目精确到小数点后三位数。

    The number is correct to three decimal places .

  2. 新建房屋的数目是国家繁荣的一个有用指标。

    The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country 's prosperity .

  3. 她攒了一点钱,不过数目不值一提。

    She 's saved a little money but nothing to speak of .

  4. 当你每周就靠100元维持生活时,20元可是个大数目。

    $ 20 means a lot when you live on $ 100 a week .

  5. 班级的数目从25到30不等。

    Class numbers vary between 25 and 30 .

  6. 他得到了一笔数目不详的钱。

    He was paid an undisclosed sum .

  7. 两年内会员数目几乎翻了一番。

    Membership almost doubled in two years .

  8. 客人每位付了250英镑,可不是一笔小数目。

    The guests had each paid £ 250 , no trifling sum

  9. 其估计数目300与另一项调查的结果相吻合。

    Its own estimate of three hundred tallies with that of another survey

  10. 只有名称与数目吻合,才能进行销售。

    The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched

  11. 利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。

    Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed .

  12. 王室成员一向热心慈善事业,捐资数目巨大。

    The royals have always been patrons of charities pulling in large donations .

  13. 涉及数目确实非常庞大。

    The figures involved are truly very large .

  14. 由于校准者的失误,图表里的数目并不准确。

    The amount was misstated in the table because of an error by regulators .

  15. 我们一起把这些数目过一遍,看能不能找出个可行方案。

    Let 's go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible

  16. 有数目不详的示威者遭到了逮捕。

    An unknown number of demonstrators were arrested

  17. 有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目。

    There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus

  18. 地球上的物种数目似乎正飞速增长。

    The total number of species on the planet appears to be growing by leaps and bounds .

  19. 在当时5,000英镑是相当大的一笔数目,特别是和最高工资相比。

    £ 5,000 was a considerable sum in those days and particularly when set against the maximum wage .

  20. 需要提供想要入住的起止日期以及所需的房间数目。

    You will need to give the dates you wish to stay and the number of rooms you require .

  21. 当局称直升机搜查该地区时尸体仍在陆续被发现,他们无法提供具体数目。

    The authorities say they are not able to keep count of the bodies still being found as helicopters search the area

  22. 一百万对我来说是个大数目。

    One million means a lot to me .

  23. 现款跟账上的数目没有出入。

    Cash on hand tallies with the figure in the accounts .

  24. 汽车使用数目有限制。

    A limited number of cars is available .

  25. 这个数目相当可观。

    This is a considerable figure .

  26. 近来学生数目越来越少了。

    The number of students has been falling off recently .

  27. 在我们需要的数目外没有富余。

    There is nothing over the number we need .

  28. 这里存在着数目无穷的谐频分量。

    There is an infinite number of harmonic-frequency components .

  29. 正数的数目是无穷的。

    The number of positive numbers is infinite .

  30. 每个雇员都得到了相同数目的奖金。

    Each employee received a like bonus .