
  • 网络electronic camera;Digital Still Camera;electronographic camera
  1. 从本质上讲,星跟踪器是一个带微处理器的电子照相机,它利用星光方向矢量来确定航天器姿态。

    Basically , a star tracker is an electronic camera connected to a microcomputer .

  2. 通过比较普通彩色胶卷与普通电子照相机CCD及CMOS的结构及其成像效率,分析了卤化银照相和数码照相的进展及其前景。

    The progress and future prospect of silver halide photography and digital photography are analyzed by comparing the structure and efficiency of image formation of color film with those of CCD and CMOS in digital still cameras .

  3. 三洋新力电子照相机简介

    Brief Introduction to Sanyo / Sony Still Camera

  4. 火箭和气球实验的电子照相机中,还使用紫外敏感的光电阴极。

    Ultraviolet sensitive photocathodes are also used in cameras in rocket and balloon-bome experiments .

  5. 用Sigma438/Mcs560型电子计算机化γ照相机对80人作食管放射图。

    Esophagrams were performed on 80 subjects by the Sigma 438 / MCS 560 computed r camera .