
  • 网络MegaPixel;Megapixels;Mega Pixel
  1. HTCEVIL4G手机是美国最早的4G手机,它十分强大,具有4.3英寸超大触屏屏幕,8百万像素,有后置摄像头。

    The HTC EVIL 4G , the Amercia 's first 4G device , it 's got a host of capabilities . So it 's the largest screen , 4.3-inch screen , it 's a full touch screen , it 's also got an 8 mega pixel of camera , it 's got a back camera .

  2. 这可是8百万像素,同时它还配备有1千3百万像素的前置摄像头,集照相与摄像功能与一身。

    That 's a 8 mega pixel , but it 's also has a front facing camera , 1.3 mega pixel , which is camera and video camera .

  3. 一种百万像素CCD图像采样接口电路的设计与实现

    Design of a Mega-Pixel CCD Interface Circuit and Its Implementation

  4. 设计了由百万像素CMOS图像传感器、大容量闪存FLASH和CPLD为主要部件组成的数字暗盒。

    A digital cassette system is designed which is composed of CMOS imaging sensor with mega-pixel , high capacity FLASH and CPLD for engineering embedded equipments .

  5. 除此之外,这款手机还具备视频聊天功能,配有5百万像素摄像头,720p视频捕捉和1千兆赫SnapDragon处理器。扣除50美元的邮寄退款折扣后,这款手机售价199美元。

    The phone also has Wi-Fi video chat , a Front-Facing 5-megapixel camera , 720p video capture and 1GHz Snap Dragon processor . It costs $ 199 after $ 50 mail-in rebate .

  6. 一些无人机安有百万像素级的摄像头,但它们的视场角往往比较狭窄。

    Some drones carry megapixel cameras , but they tend to have a relatively narrow field of view .

  7. 多达16个百万像素,二维板上跟踪,视频流,通过全系统的千兆以太网和远程镜头控制。

    Vicon T-Series : up to16 megapixels , 2D on-board tracking , streaming video through system-wide gigabit ethernet and remote lens control .

  8. 台湾康博公司推出了一种具有红外照明和高清百万像素分析度的昼夜摄像机,是专门为小型企业和民用设计。

    Taiwan-based Compro Technology offers a day-night camera with true infra ­ red lighting and HD mega ­ pixel resolution , specifically designed for small businesses and residences .