
  • 网络Electronic Imaging;Electron imaging;SEM;BSEI
  1. 电子成像杂志。

    Journal of Electronic Imaging .

  2. 作为当今信息光学研究领域中的一个热点,数字全息技术是光学全息术、计算机技术及电子成像技术相结合的产物。

    As a highlight in the optical research today , digital holography is a mix of optical holography , computer technology and electronic imaging technology .

  3. 它基于光学全息理论,以CCD摄像机等电子成像器件作记录介质获取全息图,然后通过计算机用数字方法对数字化的全息图进行再现。

    Digital holography is based on the theory of optical holography , but it utilizes CCD array to record Fresnel holograms and fulfills the numerical reconstruction of the object wavefront by computer .

  4. 分别从每个样条的顶部、底部、侧面和本体取样,通过甲醇交换,粗细集料的定量测定和在SEM中的背散射电子成像对试样进行检测。

    Slices from the top , bottom , sides and bulk of each specimen were examined by methanol exchange , quantitative determination of coarse and fine aggregate and backscattered electron imaging in the SEM .

  5. 在高于700K温度退火,在二次电子成像中明显发现了体心立方相和二十面体相的转变过程。

    Above 700K , we found the transition from body-center cubic phase into icosahedral phase .

  6. 本文通过二次电子成像研究表面这一晶体相为体心立方相,体心立方相在低于700K的退火温度下是稳定的。

    We used SEI to probe the surface and found this phase belong to body-center cubic phase , body-center cubic phase is stable below 700K annealing temperature .

  7. 同时通过扫描电镜背散射电子成像分析,得出了1120℃下,随加热时间变化,碳化物的分布演变,探讨了其对AGG的影响规律。

    Meanwhile , investigation of carbides distribution with the variation of time at 1120 ℃ with backscatter electron image ( BSE ) was conducted to study its influence on AGG .

  8. 铁电畴的环境扫描电子成像术

    Imaging of ferroelectric domains by environmental scanning electron microscopy

  9. 氮分子激光阴影照相电子成像系统研究

    CCD camera Shadowgraph system with nitrogen laser light source

  10. 电磁复合场中电子成像系统的计算机辅助分析

    Computer aided analysis of electron image forming systems in combined focusing and deflecting fields

  11. 该球机系统包括电子成像稳定,增强宽动态范围,综合调度和其他特点。

    The dome system includes electronic image stabilization , enhanced wide dynamic range , an integrated scheduler , and more features .

  12. 近年来,出现了具有高分辨率、电子成像、无痛、无创等特点的无线电子内窥镜。

    In recent years , wireless electronic endoscopes with characteristics such as high-resolution , electronic formation of image , indolence have appeared .

  13. 高光谱遥感技术在电子成像技术和空间技术发展的推动下已经成为了信息获取领域颇具特色的前沿技术。

    With the rapid development of the electronic imaging technology and space technology , modern remote sensing technology has become an indispensable access to information technology with distinguished features .

  14. 研究结果表明,快电子成像光谱既反映了光电子的能量特点,也反映了所处轨道的空间分布信息。

    The results show that the fast photoelectron imaging spectrometry shows the energy feature of the photoelectrons , as well as the information of the space distribution of the photoelectron orbital .

  15. 内窥镜经过100多年的发展,已在诊断类医疗仪器中占有重要的一席之地,特别是具有高分辨率、电子成像等特点的电子内窥镜的出现及临床应用。

    The endoscopy is playing a more and more important role among the medical diagnostic instruments after developing over one hundred years . Its characteristics of high resolution and electronic imaging make the electronic endoscope irreplaceable in the clinical application .

  16. 扫描电子显微成像及弹性电子峰谱分析的MonteCarlo模拟研究

    Monte Carlo Simulation Study on Scanning Electron Microscopy Images and Electron Elastic Peak Spectroscopy Analysis

  17. 提出了直接积分法(DIM)研究动态电子光学成像系统时间像差的理论。

    A new theory for studying temporal aberrations of dynamic electron optical imaging systems by the direct integral method ( DIM ) is put forward .

  18. 1948年,物理学家伽柏(Gabor)在改善电子显微镜成像质量的研究中,在前人的启发下,发明了全息照相技术。

    In 1948 , physicist Gabor invented holographic technology in the study of improving the quality of electron microscope imaging with the previous research .

  19. 与传统的电子显微镜成像术不同,X光显微镜成像术可使分析样本保留在空气或水中。这就意味着生物样品可以在与它们自然环境相近的条件下被观察研究。

    Unlike conventional electron microscope , x ray microscope enables specimens to be kept in air and in water , which means that biological samples can be studied under conditions similar to their natural state .

  20. 特性曲线在电子数码成像系统中的应用数码成像技术综述

    The Application of the Characteristic Curve in the Electronic Digital Imaging System

  21. 电子束成像系统经济效益的分析

    Investment and operating cost of an electron beam imaging system

  22. EM400电子显微镜成像透镜程序电路原理

    The Principle of Imaging Lenses Program Circuits for Model-EM 400 Electron Microscope

  23. 扫描电子显微镜成像方法的研究

    Studies on imaging strategy in the scanning electron microscope

  24. 直接积分法研究电子光学成像系统的时间像差理论

    Theory of temporal aberrations for electron optical imaging systems by direct integral method

  25. 扫描电子显微镜成像信号分析

    Imaging signals used in scanning electron microscope

  26. 砷化镓半导体外延层的电子声成像

    Electron-Acoustic Microscopic Study of GaAs Epitaxial Layers

  27. 事实上它也适用于现代电子数码成像系统。

    In fact , it can be applied to modern electronic digital imaging system as well .

  28. 电子束成像系统检测冠脉钙化在冠心病诊断中的价值

    The Value of Coronary Calcium Detected by Electron-beam Image System in the Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease

  29. 静电聚焦同心球系统验证电子光学成像系统的时间像差理论

    Test and verification of temporal aberration theory for electron optical imaging systems by an electrostatic concentric spherical system model

  30. 本文利用常温常规电镜制样方法和电子断层成像技术,体外对临床上分离得到的沙眼衣原体进行了研究。

    The conventional Bio-TEM technologies together with the electron tomography were applied to study a strain of clinical isolated Chlamydia trachomatis .