
  1. 基于MVC的电信增值业务Web管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and Application of Telecommunication Increment Operation Web Managing System Based on MVC

  2. 基于ParlayX下一代电信增值业务模型研究

    Study on the Next Generation Telecom Value-Added Services Based Parlay X

  3. 随着3G的推进,带宽增加和资费逐步下调,电信增值业务必将进一步发展。

    With the advance of 3G , increasing bandwidth and reducing charges , value-added services will continue to thrive .

  4. 一种面向LBS的电信增值业务生成方法及实现

    LBS-Oriented Creation Method and Implementation for Telecommunication Value-Added Services

  5. 基于SOA/J2EE电信增值业务AAA系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the AAA System of Value-Added Telecom Services Based on SOA / J2EE

  6. IPTV业务融合了音频、视频和数据等多种媒体形式,是一项重要的电信增值业务。

    IPTV as an important value-added telecom service integrates multiple contents such as voice , video , and data .

  7. 随着电信增值业务的发展,特别是随着3G时代的来临,电信运营商将提供更加丰富多彩的增值业务。

    With the development of Telecom Value-Added Services , especially the coming of 3G , the operation providers ( OP ) will provide more and more value-added services .

  8. 交互式语音应答(IVR)系统是一种电信增值业务系统。

    IVR ( interactive voice response ) system is one kind of telecom added value service system .

  9. 本论文全面总结了目前中国电信增值业务发展现状,详尽分析了该业务各关键因素,并对其市场竞争格局与主要运营商市场竞争力进行了SWOT分析。

    This article summarizes the current situation of value-added service development , analyses every key point of it and makes a SWOT analysis of China 's market competition situation and the main operators ' competitiveness .

  10. 文中详细说明了该模型的系统结构和运行机制,并给出了基于OGSA的电信增值业务网格服务的实例。

    The system structure and the operation mechanism of this model are described in detail , and the grid service instances of the telecom value-added service based on OGSA are presented .

  11. 其中,FSK信号接收解调模块,一方面描述了实现的主叫识别信息传送业务的数据接收接口,另一方面也可以用来构建固话短消息等电信增值业务平台。

    It describes the realization of data-receive port of CID service using FSK signal module , meanwhile , FSK signal module also can be used to construct fixed-line short message , platform of value-added service , and so on .

  12. 摘要:伴随着互联网、网络会议、视频点播等电信增值业务的发展,人们渐渐地发展,传统上电信行业RISC服务器独霸天下的格局正在悄悄地发生着改变。

    As the development of Telecom Added Value Service , such as internet , web conferencing , video on demand , people begin to realize that the situation that most servers of the telecom industry are the RISC server is changing .

  13. 本文介绍了一种面向电信增值业务领域的流程描述语言XPL,以及支持该语言的业务生成系统。

    This paper presents a service flow describing language XPL which mainly focuses on value-added service in telecom field , and the supporting system of this language .

  14. 利用数据挖掘完善电信增值业务精细化营销的研究

    Data Mining and Database Marketing in the Telecommunication Value Added Services

  15. 电信增值业务领域协同商务研究

    The Research of Collaborative Commerce in Telecom Value - added Service

  16. 铁路电信增值业务与发展对策的研究

    Research on Railway Telecommunication Service add and Development Strategy

  17. 基于工作流的电信增值业务管理系统的建模及实现

    The Modeling and Implementation of Telecommunication Value-Added Services Management System Based on Workflow

  18. 肇庆电信增值业务发展研究

    Study on the Added Value of Zhaoqing Telecommunication Business

  19. 因此,对上海电信增值业务发展战略进行研究具有重大意义。

    So it is significant that research on the Shanghai Telecom value-added service developing strategy .

  20. 与此同时,对电信增值业务管理系统要求也越来越高。

    At the same time , the managing system must become more and more advanced .

  21. 中间件技术在电信增值业务中的应用

    Middleware Application in Telecom Added Value Service

  22. 来电助手业务作为一种新兴的电信增值业务,最近得到了越来越多的关注和发展。

    As a new value-added telecom service , phone assistance service recently has gained more attention and development .

  23. 运营商视角的电信增值业务转变及对策研究

    Research on the Change and Countermeasure of the Telecom Value-added Service Based on the Viewpoint of the Telecom Company

  24. 电信增值业务短信中间件的应用给上海电信集团提供了方便、灵活的操作管理平台,保障了稳定、高效的运营环境。

    The telecom value-added SMS middleware brings a manageable and stable platform , which provides a highly efficient operation environment .

  25. 但是,电信增值业务相对于其他基础电信业务有其特殊性,在项目管理的过程中会产生出相应的管理风险。

    However , when compared to other basic telecommunications services , telecom value-added services have their own characteristics and risks .

  26. 通过他们之间的博弈模型分析,我们认为合作运营模式是电信增值业务商业模式的发展方向。

    Analyzing their game model , we find that cooperative relation is proper for the business model of telecom value-added service .

  27. 电信增值业务在我国经历了十几年的从到有、从小到大的发展过程。

    Value-added telecom business in our country has experienced ten years from no to have , from small to large development process .

  28. 近年来,随着互联网电信增值业务的飞速发展,运营过程中积累了大量的历史数据。

    With the rapid development of Internet telecommunication value-added service , a mass of data were stored in the relational database management System .

  29. 增值服务的相关业务统一到一个平台上运行后,极大的增强了电信增值业务拓展和管理能力。

    Through these value-added services related businesses into a platform on the run , greatly enhance the value-added telecom business development and management capabilities .

  30. 但目前将数据仓库技术应用于互联网电信增值业务分析领域并未取得系统性的研究成果和成功的实施案例。

    But nowadays , there is seldom successful case and systemic achievement in the applications of data warehouse in Internet telecommunications value-added service fields .