
  • 网络dislocation loop;Orowan
  1. 位错环与点阵空位间的弹性相互作用

    On the elastic interaction between dislocation loop and lattice vacancy

  2. 此方法将埋在无穷大弹性介质中裂纹,模拟为连续分布的位错环。

    The method simulates the crack hiding in infinitely large elastic media as dislocation loop in continuous distribution .

  3. 离子渗氮层中γ′-Fe4N相内位错环和层错类型的研究

    Study on Dislocation Loop and Stack Fault in Plasma-nitrided Layer by Rare-earth Catalytic Penetration

  4. 对氧沉淀形态及诱生缺陷进行了TEM测试分析,结果表明,在中温退火时出现氧沉淀引起的层错和位错环;

    TEM showed that the faults and dislocation loops introduced by the oxygen precipitation were formed when the wafers were annealed at moderate temperature , and polyhedral oxygen precipitation was generated at high temperature .

  5. 在γ'-Fe4N晶粒内有许多尺寸较小的空位型Frank位错环及其蜷线位错和堆垛层错等晶体缺陷;

    There are a great many lattice defects , such as a vacancy type of Frank dislocation loops which dimension is very tiny , and a type of coiled dislocations and stack faults .

  6. 实验发现,在FPDs缺陷的尖端存在有几百纳米的由(111)面构成的八面体空洞,这与Takeno等人的实验结果相反,他们认为FPD的端部是间隙型的位错环;

    A little octahedron void surrounded by { 111 } planes is observed on the tip of the FPDs , which contrasts with the results that the FPDs are interstitial type concluded by Takeno et al .

  7. 表面半位错环能量修正系数的计算

    Energy Correction Factor of Semicircular Dislocation Loop at Surface

  8. 辐照诱发位错环和沉淀相非晶化,对材料性能会产生重要的影响。

    The irradiation-induced dislocation loops and amorphous transition strongly affect the properties of materials .

  9. 本文研究了淬火面心立方金属内位错环和空洞的形核和长大问题。

    The nucleation and growth of dislocation loops and voids in quenched face-centred cubic metals have been studied .

  10. 根据两个位错环之间的相互作用能,可以得到弹性体的应变能;

    According to interaction energy between two dislocation loops , we can obtain strain energy of elastic body ;

  11. 除了球状氧沉淀粒子之外还有一些具有{001}惯习面的方片状氧沉淀物。在950℃以上沿〈110〉方向从氧沉淀发射出冲压式棱柱位错环。

    In addition to spherical precipitates , there are some square plate-like oxygen precipitates with { 001 } habit plane .

  12. 结果表明:位错环组是合金蠕变变形结构中的典型位错组态;

    The results show that dislocation loop groups are the typical dislocation morphologies of the creep deformation structure in the alloy .

  13. 位错环的腐蚀形貌由多条位错线组成,随着退火时间的延长,其形貌变为由一条位错线组成的半环形。

    The etching pattern of dislocation loop consisted of several dislocation lines . While with increasing annealing time it changed into semicircular .

  14. 室温时效未加载的试样没有位错环和蜷线位错,疲劳断裂的试样有一些不规整的蜷线位错,这种蜷线位错是通过位错攀移而形成的。

    In unloaded room aging specimens no loop and helical dislocation are found , but in the fatigue fractured samples they are found , some irregular helical dislocations formed by the climbing of dislocations .

  15. 扩散层铁素体中存在高密度位错及位错环。

    There exist both the dislocations with high density and the dislocation loops in the ferrite in the diffused layer .

  16. 材料中的位错和位错环对材料的机械性能,如形变、疲劳、断裂等性能均有重要影响。

    Dislocations and dislocation loops play important roles in determining such mechanical properties of material as deformation , fatigue and toughness .

  17. 形变铝中位错胞壁和位错环

    Dislocation Cell Walls and Dislocation Loops in Deformed Aluminum

  18. 240℃时效试样的蜷线位错是在循环载荷作用期间位错环同螺位错相互反应产生的。

    It is suggested that the helical dislocation in 240 ℃ aging specimens is produced by the interreaction of dislocation loops with screw dislocation during the period of cyclic load .

  19. 从弹性位错理论出发,介绍了表面半位错环的弹性自能,通过位错环产生的应力场,给出了表面半位错环的能量修正系数及计算结果。

    An exact expression for the elastic self energy of a semicircular dislocation loop at free surface is derived based on the elastic continuum dislocation theory . An energy correction factor is used to present the difference between the exact expression and earlier approximate expression .

  20. 通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)对三个方解石样品的观察与分析,揭示了方解石的位错亚构造有:弯曲的自由位错、位错环、位错缠结、位错网、微双品和堆垛层错。

    Observations of three calcite specimens under the TEM have revealed that the dislocation substructures of calcite include bended free dislocations , dislocation loops , dislocation nodes , dislocation networks , microtwinning and stacking faults .

  21. 我们用超显微术观察到晶体内各种形态的缀饰位错:包括直线、折线、螺线及封闭位错环。

    Using ultramicroscopic tech-nique we observed different types of the decorated dislocations , they are straight , zig-zag , helical and looped .