
  • 网络Blow;Musical Chairs;Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day;The Wind Blows
  1. 别说洪水了,我很惊奇这个国家居然没被大风吹走。

    Forget flooding , I 'm surprised the country doesn 't blow away .

  2. 哦,大风吹了过来!

    Oh , how the wind does blow !

  3. 大风吹倒了数百棵树。

    The gale blew down hundreds of trees .

  4. 大风吹翻了几辆汽车。

    The wind flipped over several cars .

  5. 次日一大早,天空晴朗无云,大风吹得树木沙沙作响。

    Next morning dawned clear and sunny , with a stiff breeze rustling the trees .

  6. 大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向海滩。

    The wind made the lake water billow onto the beach .

  7. 因此,橡树很少会被大风吹倒。

    so that an oak-tree is very seldom blown down by the wind .

  8. 房子的屋顶被大风吹跑了。

    The house had its roof rippled off by the gale .

  9. 雪花被一阵大风吹到我脸上。

    The snowflakes were driven into my face by a gale .

  10. 大风吹走土壤的现象就不会发生了。

    Loss of soil by strong winds cannot take place .

  11. 大风吹着松树,在即将降临的夜晚肆虐。

    Winds swept pines , moving against the coming night .

  12. 差不多每天都有大风吹。

    Just about every day it 's been blowing .

  13. 大风吹这房子的屋顶向天空。

    The strong wind blew the roof of the house into the sky .

  14. 窗门被大风吹开了。

    The window blew open in the strong gale .

  15. 门被大风吹得砰砰直响。

    The door flip flopped in the strong wind .

  16. 大风吹弯的松树,摇曳着抵挡即将降临的夜晚。

    Windswept pines , moving against the coming night .

  17. 大风吹得飞箭改变了方向。

    The wind deflected the arrow 's flight .

  18. 我被大风吹向一边。

    I was thrown sideways by the blast .

  19. 有些冰川呈山脊状,其大量的雪是由大风吹积而成。

    Other are found in ridges where much snow is carried by wind drift .

  20. 去年,许多老橡树被大风吹倒。

    A lot of old oaks were blown down in the gales last year .

  21. 捆绑在前甲板上的一些货物被大风吹到了海里。

    Some of the cargo lashed to forward deck was washed overboard in the gale .

  22. 大风吹得房子都摇晃了。

    The house shook in the gale .

  23. 小山顶上的老树被大风吹倒了。

    The old tree at the top of the hill was blown down in the gale . sane

  24. 风是其中的理由之一,任何支出来的东西都可能被大风吹走。

    The wind was one reason , nothing sticking out might blow away in the harsh weather ,

  25. 叉有些微生动物,爬虫,昆虫,附在被大风吹倒的其他海岛的树干上,输送到这边。

    Tiny animals -- worms , insects -- rode ashore on tree trunks snatched from islands to windward .

  26. 但是,如果是大风吹倒了一棵树,穷人就可用那棵树作柴火了。

    But , if the wind blew down a tree , a poor person could take the wood for fuel .

  27. 我家对面是一个老教堂,它标志性的尖顶被大风吹走了

    We live across the street from an historic church that had lost its very iconic steeple in the storm .

  28. 房子的屋顶被大风吹跑了。飓风把屋顶不费吹灰之力地刮掉了。

    The house had its roof rippled off By the gale . The hurricane carried away the roof as slick as a whistle .

  29. 这就是自己想象中图画书中的沙漠世界:蝎子、蛇与骆驼、大风吹就的沙丘以及扑面而来的阵阵热浪。

    This is the picture-book desert of your imagination , with scorpions , snakes and camels , jutting , windblown dunes and shimmering heat .

  30. 公平地说,当大风吹走雾霾时,北京的天空还是一片湛蓝的,忽然之间,出外散步变成了一件愉悦的事。

    In fairness , when the wind blows the pollution away from Beijing , the sky can be blue and it is suddenly a pleasure to walk around .