
  • 网络chablis;Chabli;chablis grand cru
  1. 在《安娜愠列尼娜》(AnnaKarenina)中,臃肿、荒淫、操着法语的奥勃朗斯基(Oblonsky)要了一桌包括弗伦斯堡牡蛎、帕尔马干酪和夏布利酒的大餐。

    InAnna Karenina , the corpulent , adulterous , French-speaking Oblonsky orders a meal of Flensburg oysters , Parmesan and Chablis .

  2. 它的口感多样,适合所有人,从勃艮第的醇厚、黄油和坚果风味到紧致、透、干爽和清淡风味(夏布利酒(Chablis)最为明显)不一而足;

    It can be all things to all men , from rich , buttery and nutty in Burgundy to taut , clean , crisp and dry ( most notably in Chablis ) ;

  3. WeingutamStein2008年份老藤西万尼葡萄酒VINZ几乎和夏布利酒(Chablis)一样浓郁,还带有美妙的矿物质感和宜人的酸度。

    The Weingut am Stein 2008 ' VINZ ' old-vine Silvaner was almost Chablis-like in its intensity , with a wonderful mineral quality and a bracing acidity .

  4. 我的头发喜欢好书夏布利酒

    My hair likes a good book , a glass of Chablis ,

  5. 用于酿制白葡萄酒的葡萄;主要在加里佛尼亚种植,用来酿制夏布利酒。

    White wine grape ; grown especially in California for making Chablis-type wines .

  6. 事实上,他喝的是冰镇的夏布利一级葡萄酒,是助理倒给他的。

    Instead , he was sipping chilled premier cru Chablis poured by an assistant .

  7. 来一小杯夏布利酒吧

    Maybe a small glass of chablis .

  8. 一瓶夏布利葡萄酒。

    A bottle of Chablis , please .

  9. 夏布利村的名称是由法国最著名的白葡萄酒而得来的。

    The village of Chablis gives its name to one of the most famous white wines in France .

  10. 例如,法国生蚝一般都以口感酸爽的香槟或夏布利酒搭配。

    Fresh oysters , for example , usually go pair well with Champagne or Chablis , which have a crisp acidity .