
  • 网络cecil harcourt;H.J.Harcourt
  1. 八月三十日,海军少将夏悫爵士率领英国太平洋舰队抵港,成立临时军政府。

    On August 30 , Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt arrived with units of the British Pacific Fleet to establish a temporary military government .

  2. 政府总部附近的夏悫道是主要抗议区。在这里安营扎寨的许多示威者表示,他们不打算撤退。

    Many of the demonstrators who have set up camp in the main protest zone on Harcourt Road near government headquarters say they have no intention of retreating .

  3. 抬头「香港红十字会中国赈灾金」寄回香港夏悫道33号香港红十字会国际及赈灾服务部。

    Payable to " Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund " to the International & Relief Service Department , Hong Kong Red Cross at33 Harcout Road , Hong Kong .