
  • 网络hodder;Sir David Robert Ford;Holder;Houde
  1. 以上都是伊妮德·布莱顿的作品,由英国霍德出版社(Hodder)和美国泛麦克米伦出版社(PanMacmillan)出版。

    All by Enid Blyton . Hodder in Britain ; Pan Macmillan in the United States .

  2. NCCLS已组织了一个工作组,目前正在进行嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌和洋葱伯克霍德菌的纸片法与MIC的评价研究。

    NCCLS has organized a working group which is currently performing studies to evaluate the disk and MIC methods for S.maltophilia and B.cepacia .

  3. 美国前政府顾问、业余天文学家蒂莫西-霍德日前在阿姆斯特丹召开的一次有关探索外星文明的国际会议上披露,上世纪七八十年代的很多UFO研究专家都神秘死亡,也许是被杀人灭口。

    Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances , and may have been killed . This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer , a former US government adviser Timothy Hood . He made this statement at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to search for extraterrestrial intelligence .

  4. 他拿出一份霍德写的有力的书面反驳。

    He produced an emphatic and written refutation by horder .

  5. 霍德试探性地敲敲对手仰高的脸颊。

    Halder delivered a tentative smack to his foe 's upraised cheeks .

  6. 我如何得到我的阿霍德信用报告?

    How do I get ahold of my credit report ?

  7. 霍德的这一结论基于他长达30年的研究。

    Hood 's conclusion was prompted by a 30-year study of this topic .

  8. 霍德对阿航给予很高评价,她称转机的时间很短。

    She rates Emirates highly and says the transit time is very short .

  9. 霍德举起剑准备继续。

    Halder lifted the sword for another blow .

  10. 雷斯特和阿贝特走到霍德旁边。

    Rast and Albett moved to join Halder .

  11. 胖男孩的发际有凝固的血块,正是刚才霍德砍裂头盔的地方。

    Blood matted the fat boy 's hair where Halder had split his helm asunder .

  12. 霍德,你看看他,琼恩劝促道,故意不理睬索恩。

    Look at him , Halder , Jon urged , ignoring Thorne as best he could .

  13. 霍德转头去看艾里沙爵士。

    Halder looked to Ser Alliser .

  14. 霍德表示同样的方法应适用于几乎可以使诊断更棘手的任何疾病。

    Hood says the same approach should work for almost any disease - which could make diagnostics much less prickly .

  15. 除了航班准点问题以外,最有可能令霍德改变空中旅行计划的就是机场休息室的标准。

    Apart from punctuality the thing she would most like to change about air travel is the standard of airport lounges .

  16. 如他所料,派普站在他这边,但令人惊喜的是霍德也表示支持。

    Pyp backed him , as he 'd known he would , but when Halder spoke up , it was a pleasant surprise .

  17. 希望你不像看起来那么不中用,艾里沙爵士道,霍德,试试猪头爵士有多厉害。

    Let us hope you are not as inept as you look , Ser Alliser said . Halder , see what Ser Piggy can do .

  18. 索恩讥讽。霍德于是双手持剑,狠狠地砍将下去,力道之猛,虽然是用剑脊,皮甲还是应声破裂。

    Halder took hold of his longsword with both hands and brought it down so hard the blow split leather , even on the flat .

  19. 几天后的一个晚上,他在琼恩的敦促下,坐在霍德旁边跟大家一起吃晚餐。

    A few nights later , at Jon 's urging , he joined them for the evening meal , taking a place on the bench beside Halder .

  20. 他一记侧劈打中霍德的肋骨,只听对方一声闷哼,随即反手砍中琼恩肩膀。

    He slammed a sidestroke into Halder 's ribs , and was rewarded with a muffled grunt of pain . The counterstroke caught Jon on the shoulder .

  21. 蒂莫西-霍德表示,这些死亡事件并非意外,而是因为他们“知道的太多”,所以被美英政府特工杀人灭口。

    According to Timothy Hood , these deaths were not accidental , but rather , were the work of special services that eliminated the experts because they knew too much .

  22. 他用轻得吓人的声音问雷斯特和其他人,然而最先出手的却是琼恩,霍德差点就不及举剑格挡。琼恩不断进攻,逼得这个年长的男孩节节后退。

    he asked Rast and the others in a voice gone deceptively soft , but it was Jon who moved first . Halder barely got his sword up in time .

  23. 执行时尚编辑瑟琳娜霍德补充说:无论你想不想承认,在你看见某个人进门的一刹那你确实会形成对他的看法。

    Executive fashion editor Serena Hood added : Whether you want to admit it or not , you do form an opinion about someone the second they walk through the door .

  24. 霍德在采石场里出生,当过石匠的学徒,今年十六岁,高大又结实,打起人来下手很重,琼恩还没尝过更厉害的拳头。

    Halder had been born in a quarry and apprenticed as a stonemason . He was sixteen , tall and muscular , and his blows were as hard as any Jon had ever felt .

  25. 这项研究,摩西卡霍德,医学博士产妇胎儿医学科主任在特拉维夫的以色列大学发表评论称,这是最重要的研究成果之一。

    Commenting on the study , Moshe Hod , MD , director of the Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Tel-Aviv University in Israel , said that this is one of the most important studies to date .

  26. 锁甲铿锵一声,疼痛直逼脖颈,但霍德也暂时重心不稳,于是琼恩猛力扫他左腿,他咒骂着轰然倒地。

    Chainmail crunched , and pain flared up his neck , but for an instant Halder was unbalanced . Jon cut his left leg from under him , and he fell with a curse and a crash .