
  • 网络Howard County;Howard County, Maryland;Howard Country;Howard County, Iowa;Howard County, Arkansas
  1. 她们两人因为这一工作获得霍华德县社会建设者奖项。

    For their work , the two women received a Community Builders Award from Howard County .

  2. 自2007年以来,每年有大约1.8万名来自缅甸的难民来到美国,其中一些人定居在位于巴尔的摩和华盛顿之间的马里兰州霍华德县。

    About eighteen thousand refugees from Burma have come to the United States each year since two thousand seven . Some have settled in Howard County , Maryland , between Baltimore and Washington .

  3. 为了能深入挖掘美国中学心理健康教育的模式,本研究通过对美国霍华德县公立中学的研究,从管理、教学和心理援助方面入手,从微观上展现美国公立中学的心理教育模式。

    In order to made a deep study of middle school psychological health education model , this study takes state middle schools of Howard County in the American for example , by means of the management , teaching and psychological assistance to show the model of American psychological health education .