
  • 网络houma;Tahoma
  1. 同时,利用平衡剖面技术、地震正演模拟技术对构造模型进行了验证。最后建立了霍玛吐构造带的构造变形模式。

    Finally , we validate the model by the technique of balanced cross section and forward seismic modeling .

  2. 准噶尔盆地南缘霍-玛-吐断层活动特征及成藏过程

    Active features of Huo-Ma-Tu fault and hydrocarbon accumulation in the southern Junggar Basin

  3. 以准噶尔盆地南缘霍-玛-吐断层的野外观测为基础,对断层岩显微构造进行了观察。

    The active features of the Huo-Ma-Tu fault in the southern Junggar Basin were studied by analyzing microstructures of fault rock .

  4. E/K不整合面在四棵树凹陷地区输导性能良好,在霍-玛-吐背斜带可输导区域带状沿尖灭线展布,输导性能较弱。

    The unconformity of E / K was a good migration pathway in the Four-trees depression , but that was a little worse in Huo-Ma-Tu anticlinal zones , the area which could migrate hydrocarbon distributed along the pinchout line .