
  • 网络holder;Eric Holder;Eric H. Holder Jr.
  1. 我们很高兴,司法部长小埃里克·H·霍尔德(EricH.HolderJr.)说。

    We are pleased , United States Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said of the ruling .

  2. 几个月之后,他的司法部长埃里克•霍尔德(EricHolder)宣布穆罕默德将在纽约民事法庭接受审判。

    Several months later , his Attorney General Eric Holder announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in a civilian court in New York .

  3. 但是,这一分歧在最近几个月的更加明显了,因为阿德霍尔德做出了一些改变,包括无作业夜晚、取消高中期中、期末考试以及降低参加音乐项目门槛的倡议。

    But the division has become more obvious in recent months as Aderhold has made changes , including no-homework nights , an end to high school midterms and finals , and an initiative that made it easier to participate in the music program .

  4. 从各类标本中分离出洋葱伯克霍尔德菌株并利用API系统鉴定。

    Strains of Burkholderia cepacia were isolated from specimens and identified by API system .

  5. 洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌HMWDNA的制备及酶切研究

    Study of Preparation and Restriction Endonuclease of B. cepacia HMW DNA

  6. 美国总检察长霍尔德总检察长霍尔德(EricHolder)任命长期担任康涅狄格州检察官的达勒姆(JohnDurham)领导这项调查。

    Attorney General Eric Holder named longtime Connecticut prosecutor John Durham to lead the investigation .

  7. 据NPR新闻的保罗·布朗报道,霍尔德在国会山也谈到了枪支暴力问题。

    NPR 's Paul Brown reports Holder was also on the hill to talk about gun violence .

  8. 研究了表面活性剂和H2O2对洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderiacepacia)降解油脂的影响。

    The effect of surfactants and H2O2 on oil and grease degradation by Burkholderia cepacia was studied .

  9. PCR-SSCP分支杆菌菌种初步鉴定方法的建立及其应用椰毒伯克霍尔德氏菌&新发现的固氮菌及其简易鉴定方法

    DIFFERENTIATION OF MYCOBACTERIAL SPECIES BY PCR-SSCP Newly Found Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium , Burkholderia Cocovenenans and A Simple Method of Identifying it

  10. SeaTowServiceInternational就是一个很好的例子,这家位于纽约州绍斯霍尔德的公司,为美国、加勒比海和欧洲的船员提供紧急拖曳和救援服务。

    One good example comes from Sea Tow Service International , a company located in Southold , New York . Sea Tow offers emergency towing and rescue services for boaters in the United States , the Caribbean and Europe .

  11. 据NPR新闻的嘉莉·约翰逊报道,霍尔德将于本周晚些时候前往案发地,同调查人员和社区领导进行商议。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports Holder will travel to the area later this week to confer with investigators and community leaders .

  12. 意大利登山运动员莱因霍尔德•梅斯纳尔(ReinholdMessner)1991年曾有幸目睹了真容。

    Italian mountaineer Reinhold Messner saw it in 1991 .

  13. 但是据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,霍尔德出席众议院司法委员会的听证会时表示,判定是否存在犯罪行为需要一些时间。

    But NPR 's Craig Windham reports Holder has told the House Judiciary Committee it would take time to determine if there was any criminal wrongdoing .

  14. 决不能姑息这种行为,司法部长小埃里克·H·霍尔德(EricH.HolderJr.)在司法部与EPA局长吉娜·麦卡锡(GinaMcCarthy)举行联合新闻发布会时说。

    This type of conduct quite simply will not be tolerated , Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. , said at a joint news conference at the Justice Department with Gina McCarthy , the E.P.A. administrator .

  15. 超滤洋葱伯克霍尔德菌CF-66发酵液提取抗菌物质的研究

    Research on Extraction of Antibacterial Substances from the Fermentation Broth of Burkholderia cepacia CF-66 Using Ultrafiltration

  16. 方法利用气相色谱法测定唐菖蒲伯克霍尔德菌不同致病型菌株的菌体脂肪酸成分,并利用MIDI-FAME方法进行分析。

    Methods The cellular fatty acids composition of different pathovar strains of Burkholderia gladioli were determined by GC method and analyzed by MIDI-FAME .

  17. 今年1月,美国司法部长小埃里克·H·霍尔德(EricH.HolderJr.)表示,他的办公室正在采取行动,确保民事罚没案件在处理时,能够保证“追讨犯罪活动所得的利润,将资产还给受害者,并同时保障公民自由”。

    In January , Eric H. Holder Jr. , the United States attorney general , said his office was taking steps to make sure that civil forfeiture cases were brought in such a manner " to take the profit out of crime and return assets to victims , while safeguarding civil liberties . "

  18. 代理部长比尔斯因为G6部长级会议加入到美国司法部长霍尔德当中,就移民、反恐、网络安全、预防及打击跨国犯罪问题与他们的欧洲同行部长们讨论共同的目标及跨大西洋的工作。

    Acting Secretary Beers joined U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for the G6 Ministerial Meeting , discussing with their European counterpart ministers shared goals and trans-Atlantic efforts related to migration , counterterrorism , cybersecurity , and preventing and combating transnational crime .

  19. 我院81例洋葱伯克霍尔德菌感染患者的抗菌治疗分析

    Analysis on antimicrobial chemotherapy of 81 cases with Burkholderia cepacia infections

  20. 唐菖蒲伯克霍尔德菌菌体脂肪酸成分测定与分析

    Determination and analysis of cellular fatty acids composition of Burkholderia gladioli

  21. 洋葱伯克霍尔德菌临床感染特点与耐药现状

    Drug Resistance of Burkholderia cepacia : Clinical Characteristics and Current Status

  22. 同一属内不同种的细菌(伯克霍尔德氏菌属的7个种);

    Different species of the same genus ( 7 species of Burkholderia );

  23. 目的了解洋葱伯克霍尔德菌的耐药特征。

    OBJECTIVE To understand the multiple resistance of Burkholderia cepacia .

  24. 霍尔德先生称,电子书正在改变美国人分享信息的方式。

    Mr. Holder said e-books are changing the way Americans share information .

  25. 霍尔德是美国的第一位黑人总检察长。

    Holder was the nation 's first black attorney general .

  26. 洋葱伯克霍尔德菌脂肪酶:一种应用前景广阔的生物催化剂

    Burkholderia cepacia lipase : a potential versatile biocatalyst for future biochemical industry

  27. 霍尔德在2009年成为第一位非裔美籍司法部长。

    Holder became the first African-American Attorney General in 2009 .

  28. 我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成(莱因霍尔德尼泊赫)。

    Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime ( Reinhold Niebuhr ) .

  29. 司法部长霍尔德表示,可能涉及的违规行为包括侵犯公民权。

    Attorney general Holder says the possible infractions could include civil rights violations .

  30. 霍尔德没有在他的声明中披露囚犯的身份。

    Holder did not reveal the identity of the detainees in his statement .