
  • 网络EDGAR
  1. 时间银行的概念起源自艾德加。

    The idea of time banking came from Edgar Cahn .

  2. 艾德加的祖父跟我爸一样年纪。

    Edgar 's grandfather was the same age as dad .

  3. 艾德加街大厦的混合设计项目不但为当地提供服务,还提升了下曼哈顿的公共区域。

    Edgar Street Towers programmatic mixture serves the local neighborhood while enhancing the public realm of lower Manhattan .

  4. 该大厦的设计理念旨在将艾德加街恢复成为东西向的公共通道,并且重新连接格林威治和华盛顿街。

    The towers 's design seeks to reinstate Edgar Street as an east-west public way , reconnecting Greenwich and Washington streets .

  5. 艾德加街大厦在与曼哈顿较大的城市形态建立强有力关联的同时,也对其毗邻的场地现状做出了回应。

    Edgar Street Towers responds to its immediate site context while establishing a strong relationship to the larger urban form of Manhattan .

  6. 艾德加?伊文思严重冻伤,重重地跌倒后死去。幸运地是,我的心脏病并不严重。

    Edgar Evans had a terrible disease and died after a bad fall . Fortunately , my heart attack was a mild one .

  7. 奥赛博物馆收藏著如同宝藏般的油画和雕像,其中包括许多出自塞尚、莫内和艾德加之手的作品。

    The Museed'Orsay houses a treasure trove of paintings and sculptures , including many of the finest works of Cezanne , Monet , and Degas .

  8. 华纳音乐诞生于2003年,由艾德加??布隆夫曼和一群投资家于投资了26亿美元而成立。

    Warner Music was born in 2003 , when Edgar Bronfman and a group of investors paid $ 2.6 billion for Time Warner 's music division .