
  • 网络AIDS Orphans
  1. 星期天有数名前NBA和仍在NBA服役的球员,这其中包括中国的小巨人姚明,在上海参加了帮助艾滋孤儿和患有HIV/AIDS的儿疾病的宣传活动。

    Several current and former NBA players , including China 's small giant Yao Ming , on Sunday participated in a promotional event to help AIDS orphans and HIV / AIDS-affected children in Shanghai .

  2. 解决艾滋孤儿的抚养问题已成为刻不容缓的当务之急。

    The issue of rearing the AIDS orphans has become an urgent priority .

  3. 艾滋孤儿迫切需要得到生活、医疗、教育、心理等方面的救助。

    AIDS orphans in dire need of life , health , education and psychological relief .

  4. 关注儿童艾滋病和艾滋孤儿

    Focusing Children AIDS and AIDS Orphans

  5. 她是一名艾滋孤儿,寄人篱下,从一个亲戚家传到另一个亲戚家。

    She was an AIDS orphan being handed across different extended families to be cared for .

  6. 研究结果1、基本状况:艾滋孤儿年龄范围2~15岁。

    Basic situation : the range of age of the AIDS orphans was from 2 to 15 years .

  7. 她高兴的表示,能为中国的艾滋孤儿献上自己的心意是最大的快乐和满足。

    She said she was very glad and content that she could do something for the Chinese AIDS orphans .

  8. 目前,我国的艾滋孤儿普遍面临生活贫困、营养不良、辍学、歧视等问题,还存在不同程度的心理阴影。

    At present , AIDS orphans in China are facing problems of poverty , malnutrition , school dropouts , discrimination .

  9. 艾滋孤儿是艾滋病死亡者的遗孤,也是没有感染艾滋病病毒的健康儿童。

    AIDS orphans , the orphaned children of deceased AIDS patients , are nonetheless healthy without being infected with HIV virus .

  10. 接受母乳喂养的艾滋孤儿生存下来的可能性比以其它替代品喂养的艾滋孤儿多六倍。

    Babies orphaned by HIV in Africa are six times more likely to survive if they receive breast milk versus replacement feeding .

  11. 艾滋孤儿是指生活直接或间接受艾滋病影响的年龄在15岁以下的健康儿童。

    AIDS orphans are living directly or indirectly refers to the impact of AIDS at the age of healthy children under the age of 15 .

  12. 政府应不断完善管理政策,并在此基础上积极探索新的管理模式,以社区为基础开展对艾滋孤儿的帮扶、管理工作。

    The government should keep improving the management policy , and exploring a new management model which based on the community , so as to helping and supporting AIDS orphans .

  13. 年轻父母的死亡产生大量的艾滋孤儿,这些孤儿家庭教育的缺失以及学校教育无法保障,影响人口素质的提高。

    The death of young parents brought a large number of AIDS orphans . The lack of AIDS orphans family education and unwarranted school education affected the quality of the population .