
  • 网络world point
  1. 欢迎充份展现水瓶时代!在这个月的重大机会中,天王星往前移动,刺激世界点。

    Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius ! During this month of grand opportunities Uranus moves forward , stimulating the world point .

  2. 如果情况转向武装冲突,因为世界点的能量刺激,全球民众会在短时间内涉入其中。

    If this situation moves toward armed conflict , the global community will be involved within a short time due to the energetic stimulation of the world point .

  3. 现在差不多可以把世界点着了!

    Now you 're ready to set the world on fire !

  4. 这些能量冲击世界点,并将透过全球事件表现。

    These energies impact the world points and will express through global affairs .

  5. 你要是真想对这个世界有点影响

    If you want to make an impact in the world

  6. 这世界一点也不公平,艾比。

    There is no justice in this world , abs .

  7. 我想给这个世界做点什么。

    I want to add something to the world .

  8. 更是当代民族国家选择融入世界切入点的心理基石;

    More the mentality cornerstone of contemporary nation-states choosing to merge into world ;

  9. 多了解这个世界多一点,人生就多一点乐趣。

    Discovering more about the world will brings much more fun to your life .

  10. 作为网络世界支撑点的网站,更是人们关注的焦点。

    By way of website of network support , is focus of the people attention .

  11. 对这个世界多一点信心,对周围的人多一点信任。

    Have a little more faith on this world as well as folks around us .

  12. 手机世界一点也不像谷歌如鱼得水的互联网世界那样自由、开放。

    The cellular world is nothing like the free and open Internet where Google now thrives .

  13. 这个国家的脊梁是喜马拉雅山脉,以及世界最高点的珠穆朗玛峰。

    The 1 ) backbone of the country is the Himalayas , and the highest point in the world , Mount Everest .

  14. 计算屏幕空间距离,从鼠标指针到多段线通过给定世界空间点的距离。

    Calculates the screen space distance from the mouse pointer to the multi segment line that goes through the given world space points .

  15. 带着责任感生活,尝试为这个世界带来点有意义的事情,为更高尚的事情做点贡献。

    Live in a way that is ethically responsible . Try to make a difference in this world and contribute to the higher good .

  16. 你的工作可能没法让你用你喜欢的方式为这个世界做点贡献,所以很多人都局限在自己的工作中,或者局限于下一次升职。

    Your job might not enable you to contribute to the world in a way you would like , yet so many people define themselves by their jobs , or their next big promotion .

  17. 作为世界最高点的珠穆朗玛峰地区亦发育有众多冰川,在全球变暖的背景下,该地区的冰川变化及预测一直是研究的热点。

    Mt. Everest as the highest pole on the earth , glaciers well developed . Under the background of global warming , glacier variation and change prediction in Mt. Everest area has been a hot issue .

  18. 他屡次试图摆脱一个固执的狗仔摄影师都没成功,最后只好套上一件帽衫(“我看起来就像是《南方公园》里面的肯尼”),举起一个匆匆写就的牌子:“去拍埃及吧,让世界看到点重要的东西。”

    When he failed in his efforts to get a particularly persistent paparazzo not to photograph him , Cumberbatch shrouded himself in a hoodie ( " I looked like Kenny in ' South Park ' " ) and held up a sign he had hastily fashioned that said : " Go photograph Egypt and show the world something important . "

  19. 事实上,尽管JSF的基于组件的、事件驱动的GUI开发模型对于Java世界来说还有点新,但是在别处已经存在很长一段时间了。

    In fact , although the component-based , event-driven GUI development model of JSF is somewhat new to the Java world , it has existed for quite some time elsewhere .

  20. 你对神话世界没有一点敬意。

    You have no respect for the mythical world of dort .

  21. 你都在想什么啊?这个世界已经有点像地狱了!

    What the Hell kind of world do you think this is ?

  22. 产生焦虑是逃避世界的出发点,由此他们走上了逃避的道路。

    Anguish is the starting point of their escaping from the absurd world .

  23. 在这转动不息的世界的静止点上。

    At the still point of the turning world .

  24. 我希望可以让世界更好一点。

    I wanna make this world a little better .

  25. 在转动不息的世界的静止点上,既无生灵也无精魂;

    At the still point of the turning world . Neither flesh nor fleshless ;

  26. 你知道要是这个世界上多一点人有幽默感的话。

    You know if more people in the world had a sense of humor .

  27. 他表示,一点仁慈会使世界少一点冷漠,多一点公平。

    He said a little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just .

  28. 我们的世界稍微有点离轴,其中充满了猜疑和恐惧。

    Our world , spinning slightly off its axis is full of doubt , full of fear .

  29. 尽管大多数美国人思想开放,但我发现他们对外部世界还是有点封闭。

    Although most Americans are open-minded , I found that they are somewhat closed to the outside world .

  30. 她在对物件、形象和语言的追忆中寻找内心和外在世界的连接点。

    She investigates the connecting point of inner and outer world in reminiscence of objects , imageries and language .