
  • 网络the world aids day
  1. 祖玛在世界艾滋病日发表的演说中提及“新时代的曙光”的来临。在艾滋病问题上,他的态度与前任塔博·姆贝基相比截然不同,后者曾质疑HIV病毒与艾滋病之间的联系。

    On World AIDS Day , Zuma spoke of " the dawn of a new era " in a speech where he took a markedly different approach from his predecessor , Thabo Mbeki , who had questioned the link between HIV and AIDS .

  2. 但是世界艾滋病日并不只是发展组织的节日。

    But World AIDS Day is not just for development groups .

  3. 某高校世界艾滋病日活动效果评估

    Effect Evaluation of Global AIDS Activities in A College

  4. 值此世界艾滋病日,我比以往任何时候都更为乐观。

    On this World AIDS Day , I am more optimistic than ever .

  5. 12月1日是世界艾滋病日。

    World AIDS Day is on December the first .

  6. 该报道于世界艾滋病日前夜被发布出来。

    The report has been released on the eve of World AIDS Day .

  7. 2005年12月1日是世界艾滋病日。

    1st December 2005 is World AIDS Day .

  8. 2007年世界艾滋病日歌颂良好的领导力。

    World AIDS Day 2007 celebrates good leadership .

  9. 十二月一日是世界艾滋病日。

    World AIDS Day is December first .

  10. 今天是世界艾滋病日。

    This is World AIDS Day .

  11. 周二是世界艾滋病日,关于这种传染病的最新报告给了我们一些值得庆祝的理由。

    Tuesday was World AIDS Day , and the latest report on the provided some reason to

  12. 李喜阁就是靠逃跑,来参加这个星期在北京的世界艾滋病日活动。

    That was how she got to attend this week 's World AIDS Day event in Bejing .

  13. 值此世界艾滋病日,我们要下定决心,让艾滋病成为历史。

    On this World AIDS Day , let us resolve to consign AIDS to the pages of history .

  14. 2013年世界艾滋病日

    World AIDS Day 2013

  15. 布什的前任、前总统克林顿也参与了世界艾滋病日活动。

    Bush 's predecessor , former President Bill Clinton , also took part in the World AIDS Day event .

  16. 奥巴马总统在华盛顿举行的一场世界艾滋病日活动上说,世界可以击败艾滋病。

    At a World AIDS Day event in Washington , President Barack Obama said the world can beat the disease .

  17. 在每年的世界艾滋病日,我们作为全球群体,为战胜一种破坏力极大的流行疾病走到一起。

    Each year on World AIDS Day , we come together as a global community to fight a devastating pandemic .

  18. 今天是世界艾滋病日,我要再次介绍你们可能在此之前已见过的两位年轻妇女。

    Today , World AIDS Day , I want to re-introduce two young women whom you may have met once before .

  19. 今年世界艾滋病日的主题“责任”再次提醒我们,我们有责任做出正确的选择。

    This year 's World AIDS Day theme " Accountability " reminds us again of our responsibility for making the right choices .

  20. 今天是世界艾滋病日,我们在国内外肯定我们反抗艾滋病毒的诺言的日子。

    Today is World AIDS Day , a day we reaffirm our commitment to fight HIV / AIDS at home and abroad .

  21. 在世界艾滋病日的这天,《广州日报》发表这么一篇文章,舆论导向似乎很明确哟。

    At the World AIDS Day that day ," Guangzhou Daily " published an article so that public opinion seems to be very clear yo .

  22. 值此世界艾滋病日,我们不仅要聆听疾病的故事,更要倾听人们战胜病魔的故事。

    On this World AIDS Day , it is the stories of overcoming , and not just illness , that the world needs to hear .

  23. 在世界艾滋病日前夕(11月30日)发表的这份建议覆盖了艾滋病治疗、预防和哺育婴儿等问题。

    Released yesterday ( 30 November ), on the eve of World AIDS Day , the recommendations cover HIV treatment , prevention and infant feeding .

  24. 今年,当我们再一次关注世界艾滋病日的时候,白宫的北门廊上挂上了红丝带。

    Once again this year , to observe World AIDS Day , there is a red ribbon on the North Portico of the White House .

  25. 2005年世界艾滋病日主题遏制艾滋,履行承诺,进一步强化了领导作用在艾滋病防治中的战略意义。

    The theme for 2005 World AIDS Day was " Stop AIDS : Keep the Promise " further strengthens the role of leadership strategy for AIDS control .

  26. 但是,正如艾滋病署2013年世界艾滋病日报告所揭示的那样,仍然有一些令人担忧的迹象表明,一些地区和国家落在了后面。

    But , as revealed in the UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report for 2013 , there are still worrying signals that some regions and countries are falling behind .

  27. 声音1:领导力,即擅于领导,是2007年世界艾滋病日的主题,同时也是2008年的主题。

    Voice 1 : Leadership - being good at leading - is the main idea for World AIDS Day 2007 , and the theme for the coming year .

  28. 1988年,世卫组织举办了首届世界艾滋病日。当时,世界正在对艾滋病及其带来的多重灾难性影响产生警觉。

    The first World AIDS Day was staged by WHO in1988 , at a time when the world was waking up to this disease and its multiple catastrophic impact .

  29. 12月1日是第28个世界艾滋病日。今年的主题是“行动起来,向'零'艾滋迈进”。

    The 28th World AIDS Day falls on Dec 1 , and the theme this year is , " The time to act is now . Getting to zero . "

  30. 潘基文在星期四世界艾滋病日发表的声明中敦促国际捐助者完成据估计每年240亿美元的需求,全面资助全球抗击艾滋病的倡议。

    In a statement to commemorate World AIDS Day on Thursday , Mr. Ban urged international donors to meet the estimated $ 24 billion needed annually to fully fund global AIDS initiatives .