
shì jiè shànɡ zuì ɡū dú de rén
  • most solitary person on earth
  1. 他成为世界上最孤独的人!

    He felt he must be the loneliest man in the world .

  2. 你看起来像世界上最孤独的人

    that will yield . You look like the loneliest man in the world .

  3. 虽然爱尔兰的经济稳步增长,又被评为世界上最适合居住的国家,但爱尔兰人似乎却是世界上最孤独的人。

    Ireland may be enjoying stellar economic growth and seen as one of the best places in the world to live , but its inhabitants are apparently also the globe 's loneliest .