
  • 网络sequoia capital;Sequoia Capital China;Sequoia Funds
  1. 但红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)、阿塞尔伙伴公司(AccelPartners)、Benchmark以及其他风投企业则会继续存在。

    But Sequoia Capital , Accel Partners , Benchmark and others keep on going .

  2. 这些风险资本机构包括:首轮资本公司(FirstRoundCapital)、KleinerPerkins、科斯拉风险投资公司(KhoslaVentures)以及红杉资本公司(SequoiaCapital)。

    Those firms include first round capital , Kleiner Perkins , Khosla ventures and Sequoia Capital .

  3. 《财富》杂志日前获悉,红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)正在募集三支新的风投基金。

    Sequoia Capital is in the midst of raising three new venture capital funds , fortune has learned .

  4. 而在之前一天,红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)合伙人迈克尔•莫里茨曾对这种数字货币的未来表示质疑。

    And they came a day after Sequoia Capital partner Michael Moritz expressed skepticism toward the digital currency .

  5. 这是过去18个月内红杉资本支持的第7家中国公司ipo。

    It is the seventh IPO by a Chinese company backed by Sequoia in the past 18 months .

  6. 红杉资本发言人以美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的营销限制为由,拒绝就最新募资活动发表评论。

    A firm spokesman declined to comment on the new efforts , citing sec marketing restrictions .

  7. 精英级收购基金认为,自己就像是benchmarkcapital或红杉资本(sequoiacapital)等硅谷风险投资基金。

    The elite buy-out funds view themselves as akin to Silicon Valley venture capital funds such as benchmark capital and Sequoia Capital .

  8. 2012年底,该项目在红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)牵头的一轮融资中募得了800万美元,获得又一助力。

    The project was aided by $ 8m from a funding round led by Sequoia Capital in late 2012 .

  9. 布拉德福德甚至还在硅谷著名的风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)做了9个月的投资者。

    Bradford even spent nine months at Sequoia Capital , the high-flying Silicon Valley venture capital firm , as an investor .

  10. 格雷厄姆的邮件立刻让人想起了风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)在2008年年末金融危机期间所作的一次情况演示说明。

    Mr. Graham 's letter immediately recalled a presentation by venture-capital firm Sequoia Capital in late 2008 during the financial crisis .

  11. 该基金的其他有限合伙人包括知名的凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkins)、格雷洛克风险投资公司(Greylock)和红杉资本投资公司(SequoiaCapital)。

    Others will include VC firms like Kleiner Perkins , Greylock and Sequoia Capital .

  12. 当时,红杉资本向它的投资组合公司作了名为RIP好时代(RIPGoodTimes)的幻灯演示说明,提醒投资者缩减开支。

    At the time , Sequoia presented a slide show to its portfolio companies titled ' RIP Good Times , ' which warned entrepreneurs to pull back on spending .

  13. 上月,再鼎医药从多家私人投资机构筹资1亿美元,出资人包括两家美国大型投资公司——红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和奥博资本(OrbiMed)。

    This was followed last month by a $ 100m private fundraising from backers including Sequoia Capital and OrbiMed , two big US investment companies .

  14. 自成立以来,这家公司先后从红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和老虎全球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)等公司获得了总计1.4亿美元的投资。今年9月,它的票务销售总额达到了20亿美元。

    Since its founding , the company has raised $ 140 million from firms like Sequoia Capital and Tiger Global Management and reached $ 2 billion in gross ticket sales this September .

  15. 另一家硅谷投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)去年向DJI投资了约3000万美元。

    Sequoia Capital , another Silicon Valley investment firm , invested around $ 30 million in DJI last year .

  16. 据报道,像红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)、老虎环球资本管理公司(TigerGlobalManagement)、KhoslaVentures合伙人凯斯•拉博伊斯和投资人罗恩•康威等支持者至今已合计投资8000万美元。

    Backers like Sequoia Capital , tiger global management , Khosla ventures partner Keith rabois , and Ron Conway have chipped in a reported $ 80 million to date .

  17. 腾讯公司(Tencent)、沙斯塔创投(ShastaVentures)和兴盛资本(ThriveCapital)为新加入的投资者,而早期投资者如红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和光速创投(LightspeedVenturePartners)则再一次为Whisper提供融资。

    China 's Tencent , Shasta Ventures and Thrive Capital came aboard as new investors , while return backers included Sequoia Capital and Lightspeed Venture Partners .

  18. 昆仑万维最初得到了硅谷领先风投基金红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)的支持,其核心业务是游戏、社交平台和技术投资。

    Beijing Kunlun was originally backed by leading Silicon Valley venture capital fund Sequoia Capital , and has core businesses in gaming , social communications platforms and technology investments .

  19. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapitalManagement)在美团和大众点评两家公司的几乎所有融资回合中都有投资,该公司以及包括阿里巴巴和腾讯在内的其他股东将成为重大受益者。

    Sequoia Capital Management , which has been an investor both in Meituan and Dianping in almost all of their financing rounds , will be a big beneficiary , along with other stakeholders including Alibaba and Tencent .

  20. 随后又传来了消息:Instagram从红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和Greylock合伙公司(GreylockPartners)这些财大气粗的投资公司手里募得了5000万美元的风投。

    Then comes word that instagram has raised $ 50 million in new funding from deep-pocketed investors like Sequoia Capital and Greylock partners .

  21. 杜莹于2011年离开和黄医药,之后加入硅谷风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital),负责在华医疗投资业务,在2013年创立再鼎医药。

    Ms Du left Chi-Med in 2011 to take charge of Chinese healthcare investments for Sequoia Capital , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm , before founding Zai Lab in 2013 .

  22. 盖茨基金会还与很多组织一道,向华大基因提供资金,其中还包括硅谷风投企业红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)。

    The Gates Foundation has also joined a long list of groups providing funds to BGI - a list that also included Sequoia Capital , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm .

  23. GA许多课程的老师都是本地的成功企业家,有时也会请来一些重量级的“大人物”进行“炉边谈话”或专题研讨会,比如红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)合伙人鲁洛夫•博塔。

    GA uses successful , local entrepreneurs to teach many of the classes , but also brings in heavy-hitters such as Sequoia Capital partner roelof botha for " fireside chats " and workshops .

  24. 凯鹏华盈和红杉资本(Sequoia)全都成立于1972年,就已经进入创立时间最长的风投公司之列。

    Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia were both founded in 1972 and are among the oldest of the leading firms .

  25. 红杉资本会将注意力集中在对sks的投资上,但认为其它公司将会加入这个行业。

    Sequoia will focus on its investment in sks but anticipates others will enter the fray .

  26. 获得红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和贝西默风投(BessemerVentures)的750万美元融资后,32岁的桑卡尔希望能在教育改革中大展拳脚。

    With $ 7.5 million in funding from Sequoia Capital and Bessemer ventures , Sankar , 32 , aspires to play a key role in the transformation of education .

  27. 红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)董事长迈克尔•莫里茨(MichaelMoritz)和他的妻子哈里特•海曼(HarrietHeyman)承诺为该基金提供7500万英镑初始资金。

    Michael Moritz , chairman of Sequoia Capital , and Harriet Heyman , his wife , are seeding the fund with a pledge of £ 75m .

  28. 蔚来汽车计划不晚于2016年年底推出高性能的“超级跑车”(supercar)。该公司背后的投资方包括中美两国的知名投资机构高瓴资本(HillhouseCapital)和红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)。

    NextEV , whose backers include prominent Chinese and US investment firms Hillhouse Capital and Sequoia Capital , plans to launch a high-performance " supercar " by the end of 2016 .

  29. 它的两大风投&凯鹏华盈投资公司(KleinerPerkins)和红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)在谷歌上市时都按兵不动,仍持有全部股份。

    The counter-example that gets thrown back here is Google ( GOOG ) , whose lead venture capitalists Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital held onto all of their shares at IPO .

  30. 曾成功投资谷歌(Google)、雅虎(Yahoo)和Zappos等公司的传奇风投家迈克尔•莫瑞茨由于健康状况不佳,将退出红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)的日常管理工作。

    Michael Moritz , the legendary venture capitalist behind such investments as Google ( GOOG ) , Yahoo ( yhoo ) and Zappos , is stepping down from day-to-day management of Sequoia Capital due to a medical condition .