
hónɡ bān liànɡ
  • erythema dose
  1. 分别测定其对UVB和UVA的最小红斑量(MED)以及对UVA的即刻色素反应(IP)。

    The minimal erythema dose ( MED ) to UVB and UVA , and the immediate pigment darkening reaction ( IPD ) to UVA radiation were measured for each type .

  2. 目的研究正常人不同部位的皮肤经308nm准分子光照射后,产生最小红斑量的差异,指导临床治疗剂量的选择。

    Objective To compare the difference of minimal erythema dose ( MED ) excited by 308 nm excimer light at different body sites .

  3. 选择接近或略高于最小红斑量(MED)剂量作为初始剂量进行照射,可有效减少累积剂量,在取得满意疗效的同时又可降低紫外线治疗的潜在致癌风险。

    Selecting a close to or slightly higher than the minimal erythema dose ( MED ) irradiation can effectively reduce the cumulative dose and the potential risk of cancer with a satisfactory effect .

  4. 提示:照射距离为50~100cm时可采用平方反比定律计算剂量,如果可能尽量采用相同的距离进行最小红斑量测定与照射或按不同距离时的强度比值折算。

    It was suggested that in the radiation distance of 5o to 100 cm , the dosage could be calculated by the square inverse ratio law .

  5. 目的:研究南京地区正常人窄谱中波紫外线的最小红斑量(MED)值及其与性别、皮肤日光反应类型、年龄等因素的关系。

    Objectives : To investigate the minimal erythema doses ( MED ) of narrow-band UVB among the normal persons in Nanjing , and observe their relationship to sex , skin types to sunlight , age , etc.

  6. 实验开始前,在豚鼠背部选取约5cm×5cm大小区域作为实验区,脱毛处理后随机抽取一只做最小红斑量(MED)测试,得出MED值。

    Before the start of the experiment , we did the hair removal treatment on the back of the guinea pig in an experimental area approximately5cm × 5cm , then randomly selected one to do the minimal erythema dose testing , and got the result .

  7. 沙立度胺对慢性皮肤性和系统性红斑狼疮的光保护作用:对最小红斑量和晒斑细胞形成的不同影响

    Photoprotection by thalidomide in patients with chronic cutaneous and systemic lupus erythematosus : Discordant effects on minimal erythema dose and sunburn cell formation