
  • 网络moisture;skin moisture
  1. 这里鲑鱼有两大好处:保持你的皮肤湿度以及避免阳光直射。

    That gives salmon two crucial skin boons : keepingyour skin from looking dry and helping it battle the dangers of excessivesunlight .

  2. 同时,研究了皮肤湿度和压力对口含电极方法测量结果的影响。

    In the end , the impact of skin humidity and pressure on measure results is researched in the method of electrode in oral cavity .

  3. 比较两组患者平卧1h、2h、3h皮肤潮湿度、受压部位发红面积及红晕退去时间、术后5d全背部皮肤并发症。

    Degree of wetness , redness area of compression part , time of flush disappear , complications 5 days after thoracotomy were analyzed by statistics .

  4. 结果两组患者平卧1h、2h、3h皮肤潮湿度、受压部位的发红面积及红晕退去时间有统计学意义(均P<0.01),术后5d实验组背部皮肤并发症发生率明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results The patients in the experiment group had less degree of wetness , redness area of compression part , time of flush disappear , and lower incidence postoperative complications ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 这就是为什么我们称之为:补水。如果你试图皮肤保持湿度或者锁住水分。

    That 's why they call it " moisturizing " - because you 're trying to lock moisture , aka water , into your skin .

  6. 结果表明,决定我国皮肤相对湿度地理分布的基本因素是纬度、海陆分布、地形和大气环流,季节不同,则各因素所起作用有差异。

    It showed that the main factors which decided the distribution of the relative humidity of Chinese skin are latitude , distribution of sea-land , topography and atmospheric circulation .

  7. 作者以皮肤相对湿度25%-45%表示舒适带,计算表明,我国气候舒适带有明显的地区差异和季节变化。

    China 's climate comfort belt is defined according to the relative humidity of the skin 25 % - 45 % . There are obvious regional difference and seasonal variance in the China 's climate comfort belt .

  8. 实验测试表明模拟皮肤表面温度下降率与皮肤湿度线性相关。化妆品皮肤保湿功能评价方法的研究

    The experimental results indicate that it is linear correlation between the fall rate of simulated skin temperature and skin humidity . Study on the method for evaluating the skin humidity efficacy of cosmetic raw materials and their preparations

  9. 如果留下一条白色的痕迹,说明皮肤干燥,可以使用丝瓜络去除角质层,增加皮肤湿度。

    If your scratch leaves a white mark , indicating that your skin is dry , exfoliate with a loofah to moisturize your skin .