
  • 网络Picard;piccard;bertrand piccard;Auguste Piccard
  1. 他不知用的什么法子将皮卡德逼出了房间。

    He somehow managed to winkle Picard out of his room

  2. 皮卡德昨日表示,2.35亿美元的和解协议为他打算从桑坦德银行Optimal部门追回资金的85%。

    Mr Picard said yesterday that the $ 235m settlement represented 85 per cent of what he was seeking from Santander 's Optimal unit .

  3. 皮卡德表示:我非常高兴能与Optimal达成这样一个有利的和解协议,Optimal为解决索赔要求支付的资金将会不只2.35亿美元。

    I am very pleased that we reached such a favourable settlement with Optimal and that Optimal will pay more than $ 235m to resolve the claims against it .

  4. 皮卡德研究了沃顿、哈佛、斯坦福(Stanford)和麻省理工(MIT)等商学院的课程,制定了自己的课程计划。

    Pickard developed her program by reviewing B-school curricula at Wharton , Harvard , Stanford , and MIT .

  5. 如果一切顺利,劳里•皮卡德将以不足1000美元的代价,在三年内获得自己的MBA学位。

    If everything goes according to plan , Laurie Pickard will earn her MBA in three years for less than $ 1,000 .

  6. 皮卡德明显是在盯着财力雄厚的公司,因为汇丰、瑞银等托管人的信托责任,要小于推荐马多夫支线基金(feederfunds)的基金经理和销售人员。

    Mr Picard is clearly going after deep pockets since custodians such as HSBC and UBS had lesser fiduciary duties than fund managers or marketers who recommended the Madoff feeder funds .

  7. RSA营销副总裁蒂姆•皮卡德(TimPickard)表示,无线数字反映了伦敦新企业数目之众。

    The wireless figures reflect the huge number of new businesses in London , said Tim Pickard , vice-president of marketing at RSA .

  8. MIT媒体实验室皮卡德(R.W.Picard)认为,情感是人类信息交流中自然和社会的部分,人们在与计算机进行交互时会很自然的用到情感。

    Professor Picard in MIT Media Lab emphasized that the emotion is a natural part of society , the people will use a very natural emotion when they interact with computers .

  9. 受托人皮卡德、上述公司及sipc均拒绝置评。

    The trustee , the firms and the SIPC declined to comment .

  10. 皮卡德从多个MOOC平台选择课程,包括Coursera、OpenYale、iTunesU和Udacity等。

    Pickard selects her classes from a variety of MOOC platforms , including coursera , Open Yale , itunesu , and udacity .

  11. 于是,皮卡德决定在个人博客“免费MBA”(TheNo-PayMBA)中记录自己的学习历程,供其他有类似想法的学生借鉴。

    Pickard decided she would document her own journey in a blog , the no-pay MBA , so other like-minded students could use her path as a resource .

  12. 皮卡德自己也承认,她“并不是从一开始就接受”MOOC这种方式。

    By her own admission , Pickard was " not an early adopter " of the MOOC movement .

  13. 由于此案索偿金额达数十亿美元,而目前追回的资产只有约9.4亿美元,托管人埃尔文•皮卡德(IrvingPicard)必须指望从提前撤资的投资者手中索回资金,以供赔偿之需。

    With billions in claims and only about $ 940m in recovered assets , Irving Picard , the trustee , must rely on money from investors who cashed out early as a source of restitution .

  14. 这些款项支付不会来自皮卡德追偿回来的资金,而是来自SIPC。SIPC是一家由证券业出资的机构,如有必要,美国纳税人也会向其提供资金。这些款项支付必须得到一家法庭的批准。

    The payments , which have to be approved by a court , will not come from the money recovered by Mr Picard but from the SIPC , an organisation funded by the securities industry , with US taxpayers stepping in if needed .

  15. 皮卡德已对这四人或其遗产提起诉讼。

    Mr Picard has sued all four men or their estates .

  16. 皮卡德被任命为新部门的总经理。

    Picard has been appointed managing director of the new division .

  17. 皮卡德在四个月内完成了五门课程。

    Four months in , Pickard has completed five courses .

  18. 皮卡德一看到她马上示意她别吱声。

    The moment Picard saw her he made a sign of silence .

  19. 但是,这并没有阻止皮卡德博士尝试的脚步。

    But that has not stopped Dr. Picard from trying .

  20. 拿名誉冒险的代价也会很高昂,皮卡德正在证明这一点。

    Reputational risk-taking can also be costly , as Mr Picard is demonstrating .

  21. 皮卡德表示:它是在伦敦开业的企业数量的良好指征。

    Its a good proxy for the number of businesses setting up in London .

  22. 1999年伯特兰?皮卡德和琼斯首次完成以气球飞行环绕世界一周的壮举。

    The first round-the-world Balloon flight was achieved in 1999 by Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones .

  23. 皮卡德博士说,曾与她合作过的教师们在压力监测器揭示出引发学生焦虑的诱因后,改变了他们的教学方法。

    Dr. Picard said she has worked with teachers who changed their approach when stress monitors showed their students " anxiety triggers .

  24. 制造“太阳能动力2号”费时12年。设计者是瑞士科学家皮卡德和博奇伯格。

    The Si2 took 12 years to build and is the brainchild of two Swiss scientists - Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg .

  25. 其实,从开罗出发后的航程非常颠簸,皮卡德与炎热的沙特阿拉伯沙漠上空的强气流搏斗。

    Indeed , the passage from Cairo was very bumpy for Mr Piccard as he battled severe turbulence above the hot Saudi desert .

  26. 皮卡德博士和切尔文斯基博士都表示,他们仍对任何现有设备可作用于人体,并切实减轻压力持怀疑态度。

    Dr. Picard and Dr. Czerwinski said they remained skeptical that any currently available device could act on the body to reduce stress .

  27. 皮卡德博士倒觉得应对焦虑问题,自己更倾向于使用低技术含量的方式:起身去散散步。

    Instead , Dr. Picard said she prefers a low-tech way of responding to her own anxiety : She gets up and goes for a short walk .

  28. 最近几周,皮卡德对从马多夫骗局中获利的对冲基金和投资者提起诉讼,寻求向他们追回逾130亿美元资金。

    In recent weeks , Mr Picard has filed suits against hedge funds and investors who profited from Mr Madoff 's operation , seeking the return of more than $ 13bn .

  29. 皮卡德博士说,自从她的老版压力跟踪器表明她是多么容易受到其他司机的影响,她就改变了自己对波士顿交通的态度。

    And Dr. Picard said she changed her own response to Boston traffic after an earlier version of her tracking device showed her how much she was letting other drivers get to her .

  30. 不过目前为止,他们受到的公开指控仅限于麦道夫的破产托管人埃尔文•皮卡德提起的民事诉讼,皮卡德正在寻求向麦道夫家族追索超过2.55亿美元。

    So far , many of the allegations against them have been made public only in the civil complaints filed by Madoff bankruptcy trustee Irving Picard , who seeks to recover more than $ 255 million from the Madoff family .