
  • 网络skin immune system
  1. 树枝状表皮T细胞(DETC)是一群来源于骨髓的细胞,以表达的T细胞受体γδ(TCRγδ)为特征,参与构成小鼠皮肤免疫系统。

    Dendritic Epidermal T cells ( DETC ) are origined from bone mar-row , which are charactered by expressing T cells receptor - γδ, and take part in consisting mice skin immune system .

  2. 药物作用的新靶点:神经递质与皮肤免疫系统

    The new target point of drugs : neurotransmitters and skin immune system

  3. 紫外线照射对皮肤免疫系统的抑制作用

    Immune Suppression in Skin Induced by UV The Immune Programming Immune System

  4. 目的:介绍神经递质在皮肤免疫系统中的作用及其机制,提示神经递质可能作为治疗皮肤疾病的药物作用的新靶点。

    Objective : To introduce the role and mechanism of neurotransmitters in skin immune system .

  5. 方法:查阅国内外文献进行综述,归纳神经递质与皮肤免疫系统的关系。

    Methods : The ( related ) literature at home and abroad was consulted to summarize the relationship between neurotransmitters and skin immune system .

  6. 众多研究表明,幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染与许多胃肠外疾病,包括呼吸系统、肝胆疾病、心血管疾病、皮肤和免疫系统等疾病有关。其机制可能是由H。

    Many studies show that Helicobacter pylori ( H.pylori ) infection is related to several extra-gastrointestinal diseases , including respiratory , liver and gall , cardiovascular , skin and rheumatic diseases .

  7. 在脑成像技术的帮助下,现在的研究日益关注有关基因的活性,并试图去捕捉和描述那些在皮肤细胞、免疫系统以及脊髓和脑之间流动的信号。

    Along with brain imaging , studies have begun to look at gene activity and to map the signals that flow between cells in the skin , the immune system , the spinal cord and the brain .

  8. 使皮肤透气,增强免疫系统功能,预防因循环不良引起的慢性病。

    Improve - Breathe the skin freely ; Strengthen the immune systems function ; Prevent the diseases are caused the bad circulation .

  9. 维生素A(视黄醇)-阻止身体的化合物质被氧化,提升在黑暗中的视力,保持皮肤健康,帮助免疫系统。

    Vitamin A ( Retinol ) - prevents oxidation of substances and compounds of the body , improves vision at darkness , keeps the skin healthy , and helps the immune system .

  10. 时尚骨汤是由动物骨头加水慢慢炖煮,特制而成。只含有很少的钠,但富含大量骨胶原、维他命和矿物质,有望带来众多健康功效。比如使人体重减少,秀发闪亮,皮肤有光泽,免疫系统增强。

    Made by slowly boiling animal bones in water , the trendy broth is specially prepared to have little sodium but plenty of collagen , vitamins , and minerals , promising health benefits like weight loss , shiny hair , radiant skin , and a stronger immune system .

  11. 推测为皮肤免疫应答反应的细胞形态学基础。5、病理形态学表现提示皮肤免疫系统与支气管粘膜的免疫系统在局部和免疫应答上有一致性。

    The pathomorphological demonstration indicate that the immune system of dermal and branches have consistence in local and immune response .