- subcutaneous bursa

The common complications were local infection , subcutaneous hematoma and electrode dislocation .
All pacemakers were placed in the subcutaneous package at the inner part of the incision .
Materials and method A systematic observation before and after the treatment was given to the patients with confirmed diagnosis ( subcutaneous lesions of cerebral cysticercosis ), most of the cases had uncomfortableness in heart of abnormality on electrocardiogram .
Establishment of an animal model of subcutaneous synovial bursa and its biological features
Immunoblot Analysis of Cysticercus Cellulosae Antigens Taken from Pork and Human Tissues
Results At 2 weeks after operation , a synovial bursa structure was found around the silica gel bag . Scanning electron microscopy showed microvilli on the smooth internal surface with the ultrastructural characteristics of Type A and Type B cells .
Conclusion The experimental model of subcutaneous bursa is similar to the joint synovial bursa in structure and function , and the lining cells of bursa have the phenotype characteristics of synoviocytes .