
  1. 艾丽学会了如何和克拉拉一起工作,并让她参加课程。

    Ally has learned how to work with Clara and to get her to join in the lessons .

  2. 艾丽就会回到他身边

    Allie would find a way to come back to him .

  3. 艾丽:嗯,这要取决于你问的是谁。

    Eli : Well , that depends on whom you ask .

  4. 艾丽看起来是被传染上感冒了。

    Ally seemed to have a touch of the flu .

  5. 艾丽,你还记得诺亚吧?

    Allie , you remember Noah , don 't you ?

  6. 艾丽,我们去找信封。

    Ally , let 's get some envelopes for these .

  7. 艾丽,我们真地需要你的帮助。

    We really need your help with this , Ally .

  8. 艾丽,你那样跳弄的妈妈很难受。

    Ally , the jumping is making Mommy sick .

  9. 艾丽:曼尼,你同伙伴一起的时候不能挑三拣四!

    Ellie : manny , you can 't pick favorites with your kids !

  10. 艾丽,你怎么会想到这么做的?

    Ally , how did you think of that ?

  11. 艾丽为他们4个买了吃的。

    Ellie brought snacks for the four of them .

  12. 艾丽和诺亚几乎每天都在一起

    Allie and Noah spent every waking hour together .

  13. 艾丽并不孤单,当然。

    Eli wasn 't alone , of course .

  14. 求你了,艾丽

    Please don 't do that , Allie .

  15. 艾丽在读大学三年级的时候

    Allie was in her third year of college

  16. 对不起可艾丽的父母快要发疯了

    Look , I 'm sorry , but Allie 's parents are going crazy .

  17. 艾丽小姐很乐意帮您收拾东西

    Why , I 'd be happy to pack your things , Miss Allie .

  18. 艾丽带来了一束花。

    Elli brought a bunch of flowers .

  19. 《恋恋笔记本》中诺亚写给艾丽

    Noah to Allie , The Notebook

  20. 死者到酒吧去见一个叫艾丽的女孩。

    Seems the Vic went down to the yard bar to meet a girl named ellie .

  21. 艾丽那个时候才17岁

    Allie was 17 years old .

  22. 艾丽,我一直在想为什么我们还不结婚

    Allie , I 've been thinking a lot about why we shouldn 't get married .

  23. 艾丽:曾经有过,但措辞模糊,所以纠纷不断直至今时今日。

    Eli : There was , but the wording was vague and the dispute has continued to this day .

  24. 艾丽:有意思,我原本相信现实是由人创造的。

    Ellie Arroway : Funny , I 've always believed that the world is what we make of it .

  25. 艾丽:杰里,你知道,我们公司将尽其所能为你说话,就像我们过去所做的那样。

    Ally : Jerry , you know that our firm will do its best to represent you , as we 've done in the past .

  26. 过了十年,一位邪恶的护士常常向不幸的艾丽(现在是一名年轻女子)发脾气,而她接受了很多实验药物。

    Still committed a whole decade later , poor Ally ( now a young woman ) is subjected to the wrath of an evil nurse and put on many experimental medications .

  27. 当史提芬登基为王时,玛琳菲森由爱转恨,诅咒了他的女儿奥萝拉公主(艾丽•范宁饰),想让她终生不幸。

    When Stefan becomes a king , Maleficent 's mind turns to revenge - she curses Princess Aurora ( Elle Fanning ) and sets about to make her life a misery .

  28. 小艾丽出生时脸部下半端骨头发育不良,比正常情况下小很多。尽管她知道自己需要牙齿矫正,但是她却不知道正是由于先天性面部问题导致她的牙齿畸形。

    She was born with a condition that meant the bones in her lower face did not develop properly and were smaller than they should have been . But although she knew she needed dental work , Ellie had no idea that it was a congenital facial condition that had caused her teeth alignment problems .