
  • 网络ISAAC;Issac
  1. 艾萨克觉得这份工作实在令人难以忍受,就辞职走人了。

    Isaac had found the work unendurable and walked out of the job

  2. 早在17世纪,艾萨克.牛顿就开创性的利用这个光,让凹透镜产生了一个图像。

    A concave mirror creates an image from this light using a design pioneered in the17th century , by Sir Isaac newton .

  3. “这些错误和查尔斯·达尔文或艾萨克·牛顿发表的著名错误观点一样,并不能推翻梅里安女士的作品,”埃瑟里奇博士在一篇论文中写道,该论文认为太多人聚焦于梅里安作品的错误之处。

    " These errors no more invalidate Ms. Merian 's work than do well-known misconceptions published by Charles Darwin or Isaac Newton , " Dr. Etheridge wrote in a paper that argued that too many have wrongly focused on the mistakes of her work .

  4. 6.牛顿是被苹果砸中了头才发现万有引力的?艾萨克·牛顿发现地心引力并不是因为被苹果砸中了脑袋。

    Isaac Newton didn 't discover gravity because an apple bonked him on the head .

  5. 说这话的比尔艾萨克(BillIsaac)曾担任为美国各银行提供存款担保的联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)董事长。

    Said Bill Isaac , former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , which guarantees deposits at US banks .

  6. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)分析师表示,“艾萨克”还加大了美国从战略石油储备中释放原油库存的可能性。

    It also increased odds for the release of crude stocks from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve , JPMorgan analysts said .

  7. 在像南海泡沫这样大的事件里,诗人、主教、艾萨克•牛顿爵士(SirIsaacNewton)和英国国王乔治一世(KingGeorgeI)都陷入了狂喜不能自拔。

    In something as big as the South Sea Bubble , poets , bishops , Sir Isaac Newton and King George I were drawn into the euphoria .

  8. 艾萨克•牛顿(IsaacNewton)可能是有史以来最聪明的人,然而事实证明他是个糟糕的投资者。

    Isaac Newton may have been one of the finest minds of all time , but he turned out to be a miserable investor .

  9. 历史上最伟大思想家之一的艾萨克牛顿(isaacnewton)在南海股票上大肆投机,结果输惨了。

    Isaac Newton , one of the greatest minds in history , speculated wildly in South Sea stock and ended up losing his shirt .

  10. 你能否想象物理学家为了推广自己的观点,便试图证明它们暗含在爱因斯坦(Einstein)或是艾萨克牛顿(IsaacNewton)作品的某个不知名的段落里?

    Can one imagine physicists trying to advance their views by showing that they were implicit in some obscure passage in Einstein or Isaac Newton ?

  11. 飓风“艾萨克”(isaac)昨日席卷路易斯安那州东南,农村地区的防洪设施被冲开缺口,并造成50万用户断电。

    Hurricane Isaac ripped across south-eastern Louisiana yesterday , breaching rural flood defences and leaving half a million people without power .

  12. 一位更著名的数学家艾萨克•牛顿(IsaacNewton)在南海股票泡沫中损失大笔资金之后,更明智地描绘了他们的疯狂。

    The still more distinguished mathematician Isaac Newton , after losing vast sums investing in the South Sea bubble , wrote more wisely of their madness .

  13. 艾萨克牛顿(IsaacNewton)曾对竞争对手罗伯特胡克(RobertHooke)说:如果说我看得比别人更远些,那仅仅是因为我站在了巨人的肩膀上。

    Isaac Newton once told his rival Robert Hooke , If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants .

  14. 湖人队正向其他球队提供莫里茨·瓦格纳、杰梅里奥·琼斯和艾萨克·邦加的合同,以满足NBA关于创造3250万美元薪资空间的规定。

    The Lakers are offering the contracts of Mo Wagner , Jemerrio Jones and Isaac Bonga to additional teams in order to satisfy NBA rules on creating $ 32.5 million in cap space .

  15. 美国汽油价格昨日跃升,这是因为热带风暴“艾萨克”(isaac)即将席卷墨西哥湾,迫使炼油厂在燃油库存下降之际停产。

    Us petrol prices leapt as tropical storm Isaac churned across the Gulf of Mexico , forcing refineries to batten down operations at a time of declining fuel stocks .

  16. 设计师艾萨克麦兹拉西(IsaacMizrahi)回想起撒切尔夫人与美国前总统里根(PresidentReagan)的友谊时说:上世纪80年代,我常与人打赌:撒切尔夫人与里根总统属于同一类人。

    Recalling her friendship with President Reagan , the designer Isaac Mizrahi says : In the 1980s I used to bet people that Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were the same person .

  17. 艾萨克赫尔德于二战结束三年后出生在德国一座难民营里。母亲在奥斯威辛集中营(Auschwitz)里幸免于难。

    Isaac Held was born in a German refugee camp three years after the end of the second world war , to a mother who had survived Auschwitz .

  18. 旧金山——就像如今许多聪明的年轻创业家一样,艾萨克•崔(IsaacChoi)在去年来到这里,创立了一家公司,承诺员工他会带领他们实现硅谷梦。

    SAN FRANCISCO - Like so many bright , young entrepreneurs these days , Isaac Choi arrived here last year , set up shop and promised employees that he would lead them to the Silicon Valley dream .

  19. 毕马威(KPMG)估计,预计登陆时将升级为一级飓风的艾萨克风暴,可能使保险商和再保险商的赔付金额达到70亿至120亿美元,具体金额将视风暴强度和受灾地区而定。

    KPMG estimated that Isaac , forecast to make landfall as a category one hurricane , could cost insurers and reinsurers between $ 7bn and $ 12bn , depending on its strength and which areas it hits .

  20. 在被一个独立的帝国(艾萨克Comnenus)统治之后,英国国王瑞查德一世在1191年十字军东证期间占领了该岛。

    After the rule of an independent Emperor ( Isaac Comnenus ), King Richard I of England captured the island in1191 during the Crusades .

  21. 每周六,《纽约时报》科技记者法哈德•曼朱(FarhadManjoo)和迈克•艾萨克(MikeIsaac)都会回顾一周的新闻,分析最重要的产业动态、或许开一两个玩笑。

    Each Saturday , Farhad Manjoo and Mike Isaac , technology reporters at The New York Times , review the week 's news , offering analysis and maybe a joke or two about the most important developments in the tech industry .

  22. 尽管研究明确指出了从事职业和感情的关系,但是Clover的首席执行官艾萨克。瑞奇克(IssacRaichyk)在接受采访时表示,研究人员尚未得出确切的理论解释这项结果。

    But despite the clear evidence proving that our relationships are influenced by our career choices , Clover CEO Isaac Raichyk told MailOnline that the app 's researchers haven 't come up with any concrete theories to explain the results 。

  23. 棱镜光谱的发现得归功于艾萨克牛顿。

    We owe the discovery of prismatic spectrum to Isaac Newton .

  24. 发现地心吸引定律的是艾萨克-牛顿。

    It was Sir Isaac Newton who discovered the law of gravity .

  25. 但纽约大学和摩根大通都表示,他们没有艾萨克•崔的记录。

    NYU and JPMorgan both said they had no record of Choi .

  26. 在爱因斯坦的时代,艾萨克·牛顿是神。

    In Einstein 's time , Isaac Newton was God .

  27. 现在我们还不清楚艾萨克是否也会如期而至。

    Now we don 't know for sure where Issac will hit .

  28. 他们根据圣经的人物为自己的儿子起名为艾萨克。

    They named their son Isaac after the biblical character .

  29. 你并非只能看到未来,艾萨克。

    You can 't just see the future , isaac .

  30. 艾萨克·牛顿真的是处男吗?

    Is it true that Isaac Newton was a virgin ?