
  • 网络corporate strategy;holistic strategies;strategies
  1. 它将包括更多关于市场的信息,整体策略,以及项目将如何为它们做出贡献。

    It will involve more information about the market , corporate strategies , and how the project contributes to them .

  2. 于会议中,董事们商讨并厘订集团之整体策略,监察财政表现及商讨年终及中期业绩及其他重大事项。

    At the meetings the directors discuss and formulate overall strategies for the group , monitor financial performance and discuss the annual and interim results , as well as other significant matters .

  3. 针对基于GIS地理信息的数据层融合定位算法,论文首先给出了GIS矢量数据和栅格数据的提取方法,在此基础上,提出了地理环境信息的数据层融合定位整体策略。

    For the GIS geographic information-based data layer fusion location algorithm , the thesis advances the extraction method for GIS vector data and raster data and on this foundation proposes the overall strategy for the geographic information-based data layer fusion location .

  4. 他表示现在形成对抗ISIS的整体策略至关重要,但北约峰会的主要议程则重点关注乌克兰问题。

    Something he says is critical to forming his overall ISIS strategy , but the major subject on NATO 's agenda will be Ukraine .

  5. 财会系统是企业有效经营管理的重要组成部分,健全、高效的财会系统能够为企业构建整体策略与长期计划;

    Accounting system is an important part of effective business administration .

  6. 以整体策略性领导及有效的问责架构平衡各阶层的决策。

    Balance decision-making at all levels with overall strategic leadership and an effective accountability structure .

  7. 这是我们建立新大国际品牌和形象的整体策略的一部分。

    This is part of our overall strategy to build the SMU brand and image internationally .

  8. 在伦理实践策略部分,分整体策略和具体策略两大板块。

    In the practice of ethics strategy , the overall strategy and specific strategies into two plates .

  9. 按照整体策略,利用国内机会,接受来自国内同行业的挑战。

    Develop tactics to exploit local opportunities and to counter local threats in line with our overall strategy .

  10. 形成了在高等数学教学中加强学生数学应用能力培养的整体策略。

    Therefore , an overall strategy for strengthening students ' mathematical application ability in higher mathematics teaching is formed .

  11. 冯先生负责经济日报集团整体策略规划及发展工作,制定政策及企业目标。

    Mr Fung is responsible for the overall strategic planning and development , policy-making and corporate missions setting of the Group .

  12. 研究了对非线性组合生成器进行相关攻击时的整体策略,提出了最优恢复顺序的概念。

    A correlation attack method on combiners is presented , which is based on multi-linear correlations between the inputs and outputs of combiners .

  13. 作为上海兴国宾馆新任营运总监,盖世霆全面负责这家五星级酒店的整体策略、经营以及市场定位。

    Gaskin takes on full responsibility for the overall strategy , operation and positioning of the five-star Radisson Plaza Xing Guo Hotel Shanghai .

  14. 所以,重叠迭代和时间框迭代之间的区别与倾向于整体策略上的工作相比更倾向于语义和基本原理。

    So , the difference between overlapping iterations and timeboxed iterations lies more in the semantics or philosophy than in the overall tactical work .

  15. 将它们整合为一组标准应该作为您的灾难恢复规划项目的目标,以及业务连续性的整体策略。

    Consolidation into a single set of standards should be a goal of your disaster recovery planning project and an overall strategy of business continuity .

  16. 首先描述三级复制缓存策略的整体策略,其次再引入面向用户数据思路,详细描述在各层中的具体实现。

    First level cache described the whole strategy replication strategy , and then introduce user-oriented data , a detailed description of concrete in each layer .

  17. 郭先生于辞任前主要负责本集团的整体策略、投资计划及人力资源策略。

    Prior to Mr. Kwok 's resignation , he was primarily responsible for overall strategy , investment planning and human resource strategy of the Group .

  18. 然而,从反面来讲,隐藏,当它作为整体策略的一部分时,也是个好东西。

    However , the flip side of that coin is , obscurity , when used as part of an overall strategy , is a good thing .

  19. 中国联通在校园市场中起步较晚,目前仍缺乏明确的战略定位和整体策略安排,全面落后于竞争对手。

    China Unicom starts later in campus market , so it now still lacks clear strategic positioning and overall strategy arrangement , leading to its comprehensive behind rivals .

  20. 面对我国住宅产业化的整体策略,探讨了北京市房地产业现状及存在的问题。

    The present status of real estate in Beijing and its existing and potential problems have also been discussed in the dissertation in the face of Chinese overall policy of residence industrialization .

  21. 数据分析显示学习策略整体策略、记忆策略、认知策略、补偿策略、社会策略以及三十项具体策略的使用与学习水平呈显著相关。

    Statistical analysis showed that significant differences emerged for the use of overall strategies , memory strategies , cognitive strategies , compensation strategies , social strategies , and thirty individual strategies by proficiency level .

  22. 配合总经理确定的整体策略和目标,分析产品需求,设定工作计划,带领产品部门团队推动、控制、协调产品的规划、设计、发布和优化工作;

    Cooperate with GM to define general strategy and goals ; analyze product requirements and develop work plan ; lead team members to push , control , plan , design , launch , and optimize products ;

  23. 对怎样在现代教育科学理论指导下,完成计算机辅助教学课件制作过程中的模式选择、整体策略,制作出符合教学规律、高效能的课件等课题,进行了探索。

    This article searches after the mode choices and holistic strategy in the processes of CAI courseware facture under the guide of modern educational science so as to make the courseware agreeing with educational rules and highly efficient .

  24. 首先对有关定价理论进行了综述,包括供需均衡理论、商品房的定价方法、房地产定价的整体策略、独特定价体系和现代营销理论;

    At first , the relative price theory is summarized , such as Equilibrium Theory of Supply and Demand , the Price Methods for commodity buildings , the General Price Strategy for real estate , special price system and the Theory of Modem Marketing .

  25. 同时策略使用频繁的学生的英语成绩要高于策略使用少的学生,而女生的整体策略的使用情况要好于男生,不管是从频率上,还是策略使用的质量上都要高于男生。

    Meanwhile students who often use strategies get higher scores in English than those who use fewer strategies , while girls ' use of overall strategy is better than the use of boys , whether it is from the frequency or the quality of strategy use .

  26. 企业之间的竞争实际上演化成了供应链间整体策略的竞争,为了在激烈的竞争中求得生存与发展,企业必须对现有的供应链进行改进或优化以提升核心竞争力。

    The competition between the enterprises has turned into the overall strategy competition of their supply chain . In order to survive and develop from the keen competition , they have to make the improvement or optimization for the existing supply chain to promote the core competitiveness .

  27. 主要是指个体倾向于利用外在的信息或参照线索还是倾向以自己的独立判断为标准或以自己存储的信息为参照线索,在认知加工中表现为对整体策略和分析策略的偏好。

    Mainly refers to information that individuals tend to use external cues , or tend to use their own independent judgments as a standard or reference information stored in their own clues . And they prefer the overall strategy or policy strategy in the cognitive processing information .

  28. 非营利性组织基于CORPS模式整体经营策略研究

    The Ordinary Management Strategies of the Non-profit Organization Based on the CORPS Mode

  29. 整体防毒策略在DFL网络中的应用

    Application of Holistic Antivirus Strategy in DFL Network On Entirety Enterprise Planning

  30. 为扭转传统保护思路难以适应现代生物多样性保护需求这一被动现状,人们开始采用一种基于景观和区域尺度的整体保护策略,GAP分析就是实现这种保护策略的主要支撑技术。

    In order to reverse the negative situation in which traditional theories and practices can hardly stop the trend of species extinction , a holistic strategy for biodiversity conservation at landscape and regional levels is raised and underpinned by GAP analysis approach .