
  1. 南华大学铀矿冶生物技术国防重点学科实验室;

    Key Discipline Laboratory for National Defence for Biotechnology in Uranium Mining and Hydrometallurgy , University of South China ; 2 .

  2. 本课题来源于国防重点学科建设项目,目标是建设一个从事柴油机测试、控制技术研究的试验台架。

    This paper comes from a defense key subject construction project , the purpose of which is to design a diesel engine test bed used for scientific research on measurement , test and control technologies .

  3. 注重实效性是高校日常国防教育的基本理念和根本要求,是高校国防教育学学科科学发展的内在需要,是顺应高校国防教育背景变化的现实诉求。

    Paying attention to effectiveness is the basic idea and fundamental requirement of the Daily National Defense Education .