
  1. 相比之下,两周前,我心情愉悦地参加了“创业家论坛”(FoundersForum),这个一年一度的论坛对人们的积极思维是一大提振,就像给人们打了一针强心剂。

    By contrast , two weeks ago I enjoyed the Founders Forum , an annual boost of positive thinking as powerful as a huge jolt of adrenalin .

  2. 在上周举行的企业家年会创业家论坛(FoundersForum)上,房间里坐满了欧洲技术先驱,他们的公司都卖了数千万、甚至数亿。

    At the Founders Forum , an annual conference for entrepreneurs held last week , the room was full of European technology pioneers who have sold their companies for tens or even hundreds of millions .

  3. 在“北京市留学人员创业园发展论坛”上,专家学者围绕留学人员创业园可持续发展发言。

    On Overseas Students Pioneer Park Development Forum , experts and scholars address speeches on the sustainable development of the overseas students pioneer parks .