
  1. 利用WTO绿箱措施创新中国林业补贴政策研究

    Research on the Innovations of China Forestry Subsidy Policies Based on WTO " Green Box Policies "

  2. 本文基于WTO的历史新条件,解析我国名牌的现状、差距及其原因,提出了创新中国名牌战略的设想。

    This article , based on the accession of china to the WTO , analyses the status , disparity and reasons for brands in today 's China , and puts forward the conception of creating Chinese Brand strategy .

  3. 传承与创新中国传统吉祥图案在现代设计中的应用价值研究

    Study of Application Value of the Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Auspicious Patterns in Modern Design

  4. 最后,本文对创新中国公务员绩效评估提出对策。

    Finally , the paper proposes to improve the management of the civil service performance evaluation countermeasures .

  5. 创新中国的政治文明和推进中国的政治发展离不开公民积极有效的政治参与。

    The promotion of the Chinese political civilization and political development are related to the active participation of her citizens .

  6. 最后,科学发展观继承创新中国传统文化符合当前社会主义建设实践的客观需要。

    Finally , the inheritance from and innovation of Chinese traditional culture in Scientific Outlook on Development conforms to the objective requirement of the practice of socialist construction .

  7. 社会主义高校是培养社会主义高素质专门人才的摇篮,在继承、传播、发展和创新中国先进文化的进程中具有特殊作用和重要地位。

    The higher-learning institution is a cradle for training specialized personnel for socialist construction and plays an important role in inheriting , disseminating , developing and innovating the advanced Chinese culture .

  8. 本文的主要学术意图是把社会层级结构问题从社会结构中离析出来,创新中国问题研究的理论范式,使之成为一个相对独立的理论系统。

    This thesis attempts to innovate the theory paradigm of probing the Chinese problems , making this study become a relevantly independent system , by separating the issues concerning social level structure from social structure .

  9. 因此,必须从先行外贸制度完善和贸易制度互补两方面创新中国外贸制度,以更好发挥外贸在我国经济增长中的积极作用。

    Therefore , China 's foreign trade system must be innovated through both perfecting the present one and attaining its mutual complementarity so as to make it a more important role in pushing China 's economic growth .

  10. 因此,大胆地继承与创新中国传统以德治国思想,同时探索新时期以德治思想,对于建设有中国特色社会主义,促进我国社会主义现代化事业的顺利进行,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Thus , to bravely inherit and create China traditional " managing the counties by virtue " as well as to investigate new-term " managing the country by virtue " has great significance either in theory or reality .

  11. 我们必须着眼于未来,在继承优秀传统文化的同时,创新中国文化,在吸收西方优秀文化的过程中保留中国文化的特色,从而更好地维护我国的文化安全。

    We should set ours eyes on the future and create the new Chinese culture while inheriting outstanding traditional ones , meanwhile retain the characteristics of chinese culture in inheriting excellent western culture and defend Chinese culture security .

  12. 15.如果说创新是中国发展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的点火器

    If innovation is the new engine for China 's development , reform is the indispensable igniter .

  13. 因势利导趋利避害融合创新&中国加入WTO后跨文化传播的思考

    Utilizing the Advantages , Avoiding the Disadvantages and Introducing Innovation ── Meditation on the Cross_ culture Communication after China 's Accession to WTO

  14. 然而,麦肯锡全球研究所(MGI)周三发布的一份报告声称,如果未来十年中国想实现5.5%至6.5%的普遍增长率预测值,那么创新对中国经济增长的贡献率需要达到一半。

    However , a report published on Wednesday by the McKinsey Global Institute claims innovation will need to account for as much as half of China 's economic growth if Beijing is to hit consensus growth forecasts of 5.5 to 6.5 per cent a year in the coming decade .

  15. 论制度创新与中国铜工业的发展

    Discussion about system innovation and development of copper industry in China

  16. 制度创新:中国发展知识经济的根本保证

    System Innovation : Fundamental Guarantee of Intellectual Economy Development in China

  17. 融资制度创新与中国投资银行业的发展前景

    Financing System Innovation and Developing Future of Investment Bank of China

  18. 企业风险管理创新与中国海油自保公司案例研究

    Innovative risk management and case study of CNOOC Insurance Limited

  19. 南宁国际民歌节的成功、遗憾与创新论中国传统民歌文化在当代的传承、发展、繁荣

    Nanning International Folk Song Art Festival : Success , Regret and Innovation

  20. 管理创新中中国汽车工业发展的关键

    Macro-Management Innovation Is a key to Develop China Automotive Industry

  21. 技术创新是中国企业获得市场竞争力的重要途径。

    Technological innovation is important for Chinese enterprises to gain market competitiveness .

  22. 引进基础上的自主创新是中国发展器物层面先进文化的必由之路。

    The independent innovation is a necessary road which China must develop .

  23. 华裔美国的文学创新与中国的文化传统

    The Innovation of Chinese American Literature and the Tradition of Chinese Culture

  24. 加快金融创新推动中国金融业发展

    Quicken Financial Innovation and Push the Development of China 's Finance Industry

  25. 管理创新&中国企业改革的必由之路

    Management Innovation & A Necessary Way to Chinese Enterprises Reform

  26. 党的理论创新与中国革命和建设

    The Theoretical Innovation of Chinese Communist Party China 's Revolution and Construction

  27. 监管制度创新与中国期货市场发展

    Innovation of Supervision System and the Development of Futures Market in China

  28. 全球化的集成创新&中国物流技术的跨越式发展

    Globalized integration innovation & stride forward in material handling technology in China

  29. 金融创新与中国金融业经营体制的变迁

    Financial Creation and Improvement of China 's Financial Managing System

  30. 文化创新是中国文化产业发展的关键

    Cultural Creation : the Key to Chinese Cultural Industry Development