
  • 网络configurable;configurability
  1. 与简单地调用引擎的get()和put()方法相比,如何将Java对象公开给运行于脚本引擎中的脚本具有更好的可配置性。

    How you expose Java objects to scripts running inside a script engine is more configurable than just calling the engine 's get () and put () methods .

  2. 通过流程中的参数化关键点控制,利用了参数可配置性的研究方法,实现了DNA模型自动生成器,完成DNA整体模型的绘制和渲染。

    Through controlling the parameterized key points , using the research methods of configurable parameter , it realizes automatically generating model of DNA and completes drawing and rendering the whole DNA model .

  3. 这种方法的可配置性和可扩展性明显很差,因为流程控制和执行的所有方面(aspects)都将被硬编码。

    Configurability and extensibility in this approach would definitely suffer due to the fact that all aspects of the process control and execution would be hard coded .

  4. 本设计的目的为提供一款实现功能,具有可配置性的SOC芯片以及芯片内的通用的IP核。

    This design is to provide a configurable SOC chip for realize functions , and general IP core between chips .

  5. 例如,WebSpherePortletFactoryDynamicProfiles特性可以在用户界面中提供一定的动态可配置性。

    For example , the WebSphere Portlet Factory Dynamic Profiles feature can provide a degree of dynamic configurability in the user interface .

  6. 还提出了RAID的可配置性和通信协议的概念及模型。

    The concept and model of configure and communication protocol of RAID are also put forward .

  7. 客户对IBM软件的可配置性需求不断提升,以便能与其现有的IT和安全性基础设施中的其他第三方软件实现无缝连接。

    Customers are increasingly demanding that IBM software be configurable to work seamlessly with other third-party software in their existing IT and security infrastructures .

  8. 通过提供业务对象/组件和服务的xml数据驱动的可配置性,我们的方法完全利用并扩展了原型概念和面向服务的MDA/D方法。

    Our approach fully leverages and extends the concept of Archetype and the service-oriented MDA / D approach by providing xml-data driven configurability of business objects / components and services .

  9. 嵌入式系统对GUI的基本要求包括轻型、占用资源少、高性能、高可靠性及可配置性。

    The basic requirements of the GUI , including compact , less resources holding , high performance , high reliability and configurability .

  10. 系统通过协议转换器的模块化、可配置性设计满足AUV系统对其内部通讯总线的开放性要求。

    The protocol switch device which is modularized and configurable make the communication system more exoteric .

  11. 每个示例都显示SaaS的三个属性:可配置性、可伸缩性及多租赁效率。

    Each example shows that SaaS has three attributes : configurability , scalabilty , and multi-tenancy efficiency .

  12. 传统的MIS软件由于缺乏灵活的可配置性和易扩展性,已经很难适应现在不断变化的业务对象及环境的需求。

    Traditional MIS software is incapable of adapting to continuously changed business content and dynamic environment because of its lack of configurability and expansibility .

  13. JSP转换构架的可配置性使得JSP容器在响应新的请求时可以更快地被修改。

    The configurability of the JSP translation framework enables the JSP container to be modified more quickly in response to new requirements .

  14. Linux作为一个开放源码的操作系统核心,它对各种不同体系结构的CPU支持相当完善,不仅成熟可靠,而且具有高度的可配置性和可裁剪性。

    As the core of an operating system , Linux supports a variety of CPUs with different architectures . It is robust and reliable , and highly configurable and reducible .

  15. 此外,虽然本方案主要针对的是RS(31,15)码型,但在设计中也考虑到RS码的参数可配置性。

    Although this scheme lays more emphasis on RS ( 31,15 ), it also considers the parameters ' programmability of RS code , which can expand its applications .

  16. 具有可配置性强、功耗比较低、同时有完善的EDA工具可快速生成设计原型,可以在很多应用场合替代传统的基于PC的图像监控方案。

    It has highly configurable , low power consumption , while a complete EDA tool can quickly generate prototypes that can in many applications to replace traditional PC-based image monitoring method .

  17. Geronimo是具有良好的可配置性、模块化且基于使用IoC技术有效地将组件与服务解耦的一个架构。

    Geronimo is extremely configurable , modular , and is based on an architecture that uses IoC techniques to effectively decouple components and services .

  18. 移动核心网的不断演进带来了很多边界问题,为了保障移动核心网的安全,以及可配置性和可管理性,需要引入会话边界控制器(SBC:SessionBorderController)。

    The evolution of mobile core networks brings a lot of border issues , in order to keep up the ability of security , configuration and management , it is important to introduce the Session Border Controller ( SBC ) .

  19. SaaS模式有三个主要特点,包括可配置性、可扩展性和支持多租户,根据其特点SaaS被分为四种成熟度模型。

    SaaS has three main features , which is configurability , scalability and multi-tenancy . According to its features , SaaS is divided into four kinds of maturity models .

  20. 作为一个基于SaaS架构的支持多租户的系统,论文还讨论了系统的可配置性,真正意义上实现了电子合同应用的服务化。

    As architecture based SaaS to support multi-tenant , this dissertation also discussed the configuration of the system . It really realized the meaning of service-oriented application of electronic contracts .

  21. 通过可配置性和参数化的设计,使用户能够根据自己需要随意选择IP核支持的功能模式、总线位宽、FIFO深度及宽度等配置。

    Based on configurable and parametric design method , the IP core user can choose the function mode 、 FIFO ( First In First Out ) depth and width bus width and any other configuration freely .

  22. 本文以基于SSH的内容管理系统为例,通过模型配置,增强了内容呈现的灵活性和可配置性。

    In this paper the content management system based on SSH as an example , through the model configuration , enhance the content to present the flexibility and can be configured sex .

  23. CSS通过实现一个决策缓存实现了动态多策略的支持,采用了结合了RBAC和TE的安全模型,有较高的可配置性。

    CSS cache through the realization of a decision-making to achieve a dynamic multi-strategy support , using a combination of RBAC and TE of the security model , with highly configurability . 3 .

  24. VIP协议栈强调可配置性,但是对于必要功能将不允许配置,同时对可配置的各个功能机制之间进行了约束控制,从而保证VIP协议栈的可用性。

    Though VIP stack stresses configuration , it is not allowed to configure for those necessary functions , and strictly constrains the mechanism among the configurable functions to make sure the availability of VIP stack .

  25. 本文主要讨论带注释的方法编程风格,这种风格的演化和内联编程风格相似,但是它还有另外一个目标,那就是最大化编写的pureQuery应用程序的可配置性和安全性。

    This article focuses on data access objects created using annotated methods , which evolved with the additional goal of maximizing configurability and security for the resulting pureQuery application .

  26. 随着密集波分复用(DWDM)技术的应用,光纤通信技术迅速发展,未来的全光网络将向更加智能、灵活和可配置性方向发展。

    With application of dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) technology , optical fiber communication technology is developing rapidly , and all-optical networks will be more intelligent , flexible and configurable in the future .

  27. 从可配置性和易扩展性两个方面入手,结合PLM配置管理子系统的实现,对动态属性配置技术实现中的典型问题进行详细分析,并且给出了相应的解决方案和相关应用实现。

    Analyze the emblematical problems of implementing Dynamic Attribute Configuration Technique and provide the related solutions and its applications from the two aspects of configurability and expansibility with the help of PLM configuration management subsystem .

  28. 按串行通信协议进行设计,具有模块化、兼容性和可配置性,适合于SoC(System-on-a-Chip)应用。

    According to the protocol of serial communication , this core has the characteristic of modularity and configurability , and is ideal for sys - tem - on - a - chip ( SoC ) application .

  29. 针对拟研究平台存在的问题,给出了基于特性的映射扩展方法实现数据库模型,利用VM表示方法和MDA解决可配置性问题,通过统一认证服务和扩展RBAC方式确保系统安全。

    According to the existing problem , we give a mapping-extension method based characteristic to build the database model , adopt VM and MDA to solve the configurable problem and use the unified identification service and the extended RBAC method to assure the security .

  30. 幸运的是,devfsd可配置性非常好,这四行(或类似这样的,可以定制你的特定系统)将完成这一任务。

    Fortunately for us , devfsd is extremely configurable , and these four lines ( or something similar , customized to your particular system ) will do the trick .