
  • 网络Movable dislocation;mobile dislocation
  1. 位错链长分布参数与可动位错密度分量及滑移面积的关系

    Distribution Parameters of Dislocation Link Length Related with Various Slip Area and the Fraction of Mobile Dislocation Density

  2. Cu/Ni多层膜中交变应力场对可动位错的制约

    Constrain of alternating stress field on glide dislocations in cu / ni multilayers

  3. 研究结果表明,纤维状多相复合组织的屈服强度与F的强化状况及可动位错数量有关。

    The results showed that yield strength of fibrous multiphase mixed structure was related to strengthening state and quantity of movable dislocation in ferrite .

  4. 大部分研究者将PLC效应视为材料的本征性质,并认为是由微观上可动位错和溶质原子间的动态相互作用引起的。

    The PLC effect is understood as an intrinsic property of materials and generally considered to be a result of dynamic interactions between mobile dislocations and diffusing solute atoms , i.e. the dynamic strain aging ( DSA ) .

  5. 实验确证了氢在六角密堆结构(hcp)和高位错密度(10~(12)/cm~2)材料塑性形变过程中的可动位错输运行为,并揭示了氢在位错芯部的隧道扩散效应;

    Experimental results confirmed that the mobile dislocations in hcp structure and high dislocation density materials also play an important role in hydrogen migratory during plastic deformation , and the Tunnel Diffusion Effect of hydrogen in dislocation cores is also proved .

  6. 这可能是由于纯度的提高,减少了杂质元素和第二相析出物对可动位错的钉扎,以及改善了位错特征。

    The experimental results could be ascribed to less impurity atom pinning , lower amount of second phase precipitates and improved dislocation characteristics in the alloy .

  7. 受非马氏体组织的影响及可动位错密度降低的作用,屈服强度、屈强比随退火温度升高而升高。

    The yield strength , yield ratio increase with the increase of annealing temperature , due to the impact of non-martensite and the decrease of movable dislocation density .

  8. 并进一步指出,析出相对可动位错的运动只是起到类似林位错的阻拦作用,溶质原子的参与是动态应变时效产生必不可少的条件。

    Further more , precipitates only play a role of mobile dislocations blocking similar to forest dislocations , and the participation of solute atoms is a necessary condition to cause the dynamic strain aging .