
shì nèi dēnɡ
  • Interior lights;inside lights
  1. PDC(电力分配中心)内含有室内灯保险丝(10安培)(IOD)。

    Interior lamps fuse ( 10 Amp ) ( IOD ) PDC .

  2. 最糟糕的照明设备,全部是在室内荧光灯。

    The worst lighting of all indoors is fluorescent light .

  3. 专业研发、制造、销售:户外灭蚊灯、室内灭蚊灯、室内外照明灯具、电动喷雾器、捕鼠器械、白蚁监控系统等产品。

    Professional R & D , manufacturing , sales : outdoor mosquito killer , indoor mosquito killer , indoor and outdoor lighting , electric sprayers , Mousetrap , termite monitoring system and other products .

  4. 用自制的纳米ZnO在室外阴天、太阳光照射、室内紫外灯照射等条件下对不同有机染料的降解性能作了系统的研究。

    Degradation characteristics of different organic dyes were studied systematically in the presence of nano zinc oxide under various conditions including cloudy sky outside , sunshining and ultraviolet lighting indoor .

  5. 室内紫外灯下,孢子萌发率因照射强度(距)时间增加而下降。

    The germination rate of the spores were decreased with increase of intensity and time of radiation under ultraviolet lamp .

  6. 此系列LED用于室内室外照明,灯体采用高质量铝材,表面阳极氧化处理。

    This series LED is used for indoor and outdoor lighting , the light body using high quality aluminum , surface anodic oxidation process .

  7. 室内用科勒曼汽油灯,便携炉

    Coleman lanterns indoors , a camp stove ?

  8. 每个犯人从自己的房间都无法观察到活动室内的情况(灯是亮还是灭)。

    Everyday , the warden picks a prisoner equally at random , and that prisoner visits the living room .

  9. 研究了室内条件下黄色灯对小菜蛾成虫产卵量、产卵前期、产卵历期和成虫寿命的影响。

    This paper covers the rule of the imago 's laying eggs and connections between it and nine ecological factors .