
  • 网络outdoor lighting;EXTERIOR LIGHTING
  1. 此系列LED用于室内室外照明,灯体采用高质量铝材,表面阳极氧化处理。

    This series LED is used for indoor and outdoor lighting , the light body using high quality aluminum , surface anodic oxidation process .

  2. 基于i-busEIB系统的室外照明节能措施研究

    Study Of Energy-Saving Measures Of Outdoor Lighting Base On i-bus EIB System

  3. CIE第92号出版物《城区照明指南》专门针对居住区的室外照明提出了一些控制标准和设计方法。

    The CIE No. 92 publication , Guide to the lighting of urban areas has advanced some controlling standards and design methods specially aimed at residential outdoor lighting .

  4. 商业照明、室内照明、室外照明、装饰应用等范围。

    Commercial lighting , indoor lighting , outdoor lighting and decoration application scope .

  5. 城市居住区室外照明规划与设计

    Outdoor Lighting Planning and Design in Urban Residential Area

  6. 浅谈室外照明系统中供电系统的设计

    Elementary Talking About the Design of the Power Supplying System in the Outdoor Illumination System

  7. 居住区室外照明设计

    Outdoor Lighting Design for Residential Area

  8. 谈室外照明电气安全

    Electrical Safety for Outdoor Lighting

  9. 白炽灯,室外照明用

    Incandescent lamp for outdoor lighting

  10. 该市通过一条法令强令晚上九点关闭一切室外照明。

    The city passes an ordinance compelling all outdoor lighting to be switched off at 9.00 pm .

  11. 如果你想照亮室内,这确实非常有效;但当我们用于室外照明时,

    Now , that 's great if you 're lighting the indoors , but in its application in outdoor lighting ,

  12. 因为,它意味着我们用于室外照明的60-70%的能量被浪费在屏蔽夜晚的星光了。

    because it means that 60-70 % of the energy we use to light the outdoors is wasted by blotting out the stars .

  13. 此外,太阳能电池板的无碳能源将用于室内和室外照明、热水供应以及泳池过滤器等的使用。

    Solar panels were installed for carbon free energy that will be used for indoor and outdoor lighting , water heating and swimming pool filters .

  14. 胶新线中小站室外照明设计胶济线提速改造及客流组织方案

    Exterior illumination design for medium and small-sized stations in Jiaoxin Railway line Transforming the Ji'nan Qingdao Railway By Raising Speed And The Organization Scheme Of Passenger Flow

  15. 该问题最早于20世纪30年代提出,首先提出光污染的是国际天文界,他们认为光污染是城市室外照明使天空发亮进而造成对天文观测的负面影响。

    This problem was raised by international astronomical community in 1930s , they thought that light pollution is negative impact on astronomical observation due to that cities light make sky bright .

  16. LED照明分为室外路灯照明、景观照明、室内常用照明等待。

    LED lighting into the outdoor street lighting , landscape lighting , lighting for indoor use .

  17. 室外环境照明质量的探讨

    Discussion Light Quality of Outside Environment

  18. 本文以夜间我国居住区边界内室外人工照明环境中的不利因素为研究对象。

    This study was designed to evaluate the harmful factors of outdoor lighting environment in cities residential area of China .

  19. 室外泛光照明光照效果仿真系统

    Imitation System of Lighting Effect of Exterior Flood lighting

  20. 对于室外体育场的照明眩光的评价已有了定论,即CIE112号文献。

    The method of evaluation of discomfort glare in outdoor sports lighting has been introduced in CIE No.112 .

  21. 室外景观投光照明的最佳选择。

    It is the best choice for the flood lighting of outdoor landscape .

  22. 室外广告和标志照明的发展趋势;

    3 , the developing tendency of exterior lighting for advertising and signs ;