
  1. 武汉东湖高新技术开发区城市贡献的经济分析

    Economic analysis of Urban Contribution of Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone

  2. 中山火炬开发区城市公园绿地植物造景初探

    A Study on Landscaping of Park Green Area in Zhongshan Torch Development Zone

  3. 2008年大连开发区城市居民艾滋病知识认知情况调查

    Survey on the Awareness of AIDS Knowledge among Citizens of Dalian Development Zone in 2008

  4. 大城市边缘型高技术产业开发区城市设计初探

    Study on the Urban Design for High-Tech Industrial Development Zone by the Fringe Area of Big City

  5. 该项目实施将提升开发区城市形象,促进当地房地产市场的活跃和有效拉动其他相关行业的发展。

    The project will improve the city image of Development Area , activate the local estate market and promote the development of the related industries .

  6. 采用树形节点显示,直观方便,操作快捷,将提高滨海经济开发区城市管理力度和工作效率。

    Using tree nodes display , intuitive and convenient , quick operation , coastal economic development zone will increase the strength and efficiency of urban management .

  7. 重点对城市景观规划设计控制的实施方式进行比较研究,并且以笔者亲自参与研究制定的天津经济技术开发区城市建设与规划管理导则为例进行剖析。

    Urban ? landscape planning design control . The example of urban construction and planning management principle of Tianjin Economic Technology Development Area participated by the author is also analyzed .

  8. 开发区与城市相互关系的内在肌理及空间效应

    Inter-relations and spatial effect between new development zones and their mother city

  9. 论开发区与城市在空间上的协调发展&以陕西省为例

    Discuss the Coordinate Development of a Developing Regions and a City in Space

  10. 长三角国家级开发区与城市空间效益比较研究

    A comparative study on the urban spatial profit and State-level Development Zones in Yangtze Delta Area

  11. 从城市功能的角度来看,开发区是城市的延伸和提高;

    In the aspect of city function , developing regions is the extend and enhance of the cities .

  12. 浅析开发区与城市的互动发展&以漳州市区为例

    Brief Analysis on the Interactive Development Between Development Zone and Urban Construction & A Case Study in Zhangzhou City

  13. 本文首先对开发区与城市发展演化的相关理论以及国内外相关研究现状进行了归纳总结。

    This article first induced the related theory about the evolution of development zone and city and the research status at home and abroad .

  14. 开发区作为城市产业集聚的主要形式,其发展对城市空间的演变起到了重要的影响。

    Urban development zone act as the main form of industrial clustering , which play an important impact on the evolution of urban space . This article is divided into seven chapters .

  15. 北京开发区发展与城市化的关系

    The Relationship between the Economic Development Areas and Urbanization Process of Beijing

  16. 开发区是以城市为依托实行开放政策的特殊区域,开发区建设与城市发展紧密相连。

    The Development Zones are the special areas which are carrying out open policy .

  17. 高新技术产业开发区建设与城市发展研究

    Research for the Construction of New & High Technology Industry Development Zone with City Development

  18. 边境济合作区是继经济特区、开发区等以来城市开发的又一种形式。

    Border Economic Co-operation Zone is another form of urban development after the special economic zone .

  19. 开发区对中国城市影响贡献度的灰色关联分析

    Grey correlation analysis of the impacts of the new special development zones on China ′ s urban development

  20. 开发区作为以城市为依托实行开放政策的特殊区域,与城市发展紧密相连,是加快工业现代化、城市现代化、带动区域经济社会快速发展的有效路径。

    The development zone is close to the development of cities as being an special zone for opening policies .

  21. 开发区实际上也是城市的外延,开发区的建设也是城市化的扩展过程。

    Urban Development Zone is in fact the extension , construction of development zones is the expansion of the urbanization process .

  22. 开发区成为目前城市空间范围内最具增长活力的地区,它所产生和经济社会效益使其成为了城市发展的一种主要手段。

    The development zones in China have become the most dynamic growth areas , which generates economic benefits and became a major urban development way .

  23. 随着产业和人口的集聚,一些国家级开发区实现了城市地域空间和人口规模的跳跃性增长和产业结构的转型,城市化趋势已不容回避。

    With the centralization of industry and population , city trend of Economic-Technological Development Area is unavoidable . Land structure has changed during the city trend of Development Area .

  24. 高新技术产业开发区景观作为城市景观中重要的组成部分,它有着自己的特色,对城市景观的发展具有不可磨灭的意义。

    New-High technology industrial development zone landscape as the important part in city landscape , it has own its characteristic , has the indelible significance to the city landscape development .

  25. 长春市经济技术开发区正处于城市急速发展的时期,人口规模与城市建设呈现急剧扩张的形势。

    Economic and Technological Development Zone , Changchun City , the city is in a period of rapid development , population size and rapid expansion of urban construction in the situation .

  26. 而土地和房地产市场的发展则构成城市化的牵引机制,也是推动开发区建设这种城市化空间扩展新动力出现的根本原因。

    The development of land and real estate market is the traction mechanism of urbanization , is also the basic reason of the emergence of development zone which is the new power of urban spatial expansion .

  27. TEDA天桥及下沉广场&天津经济技术开发区中心区局部城市设计

    TEDA Pedestrian Overpass and Sunken Plaza & Partial Urban Design for the Central District of TEDA

  28. 开发区发展与西安城市经济社会空间极化分异

    Rise of New Special Development Zones and Polarization of Socio-economic Space in Xi'an

  29. 城市精神的提炼、阐释与创造&启东经济开发区城中城地块城市设计

    Abstraction , Explanation and Creation of City Spirit - Urban Design of Qidong Economic Development Zone

  30. 上海开发区规划建设与城市发展关系的研究

    The Study on the Relationship between Planning and Construction of the Development Zone and Urban Development in Shanghai