
  1. 管理工程专业硕士学位研究生教育的模式研究

    Research on the pattern of the Master 's degree education in the Management Engineering Speciality

  2. 对企业管理工程专业来说,是更为重要的教学环节。

    As far as the specialty of business management engineering is concerned , it is particularly important .

  3. 本文最后还分析了工业管理工程专业本科学生应具有的知识结构和能力结构。

    Finally , the structures of knowledge and ability of undergraduates major in industrial management engineering are analysed in this paper .

  4. 管理科学与工程专业硕士研究生培养与实践

    Training of Graduate Students Major in the Management Science and Engineering

  5. 工程硕士的招生管理提高动力工程专业工程硕士培养质量综合措施

    Comprehensive Measures Aiming at Improving Training Quality of Engineering Master Program in Power Engineering

  6. 房地产估价方法与应用&湖南大学国际商学院管理科学与工程专业博士学位论文摘要

    The Methods and Their Application of the Appraisal of Read Estate ── Abstract from a Doctoral Dissertation

  7. 19岁的黄进磊是北京科技经营管理学院信息工程专业大二的一名学生,他发现自己的学弟学妹们对未来缺乏规划。

    Huang Jinlei , 19 , an information science sophomore at Beijing Science Technology Management College , found many of his fellow underclassmen are unclear about their future .

  8. 针对学院管理科学与工程专业研究生的培养,详细讨论了该学科的定位和培养目标;

    Aiming at the training of the graduate students major in the management science and engineering in our academy , the discipline position and training objectives were discussed in detail .

  9. 然而,必须看到我省与国外和国内发达地区的管理科学与工程专业教学相比,还处于落后的位置。

    However , we must recognize that our province is still in a backward position , comparing with the foreign and domestic-developed areas in the teaching of management science and engineering .

  10. 大学本科及以上学历,档案管理或工程类相关专业;

    Bachelor above , major related in documentation management and engineering ;

  11. 物流管理或汽车运用工程专业毕业。本科以上学历;

    Majored in Logistic management or automobile application engineering . Bachelor 's degree or above ;

  12. 论述了设置安全管理工程博士点的意义、安全管理工程专业的特点、安全管理高级工程师必备的知识体系、安全管理工程专业博士生的培养计划和目前安全管理人才培养与实际需要的差距等问题。

    This paper strongly proposed establishing the education program of Doctor of Safety Administration , in order to meet the big demand of senior safety management engineers in China .