
  • 网络Electronic universal testing machine;Instron;Electronic Universal Tester;material testing machine
  1. C组给予后柱骨盆重建单钢板固定。在CSS-44020型电子万能试验机上进行该试验。

    In group C , the fixation was with curved reconstruction plates at posterior column .

  2. 模糊自适应PID控制器及其在电子万能试验机中的应用

    Fuzzy adaptive PID controller and its application to electronic universal testing machine

  3. 微型机系统在日本DSS系列电子万能试验机上的开发应用

    A micro-computer applied to the Japenese DSS universal testing machine series

  4. NET试验软件,配以高精度进口滚珠丝杠结构,不仅其测量精度高、操作简便,而且控制稳定,是新一代高精度的电子万能试验机。

    NET software , and high precision importing ball bearing silk . Not Only It has high precision measure and simple used Characters , but also has control stabilization . It is new generation Electric Universal Testing Machine .

  5. 方法在ShimadzuAUTOGRAPH电子万能试验机上对L5椎体松质骨试样进行压缩应力松弛、蠕变实验。

    Methods Make the stress relaxation test and the creep test on them with Shimadzu AUTOGRAPH electronic universal testing machine .

  6. 通过X射线衍射、四探针测试仪及电子万能试验机等表征了C/C复合材料的石墨化度、电阻率以及抗压强度。

    The graphitization extent of C / C composite was investigated by X-ray diffraction , the resistivity and compressive strength of C / C composites were monitored by the Four-Point Probes and Electronic Universal Testing Machine , respectively .

  7. 对现有的电子万能试验机控制系统进行了比较分析,基于USB总线的虚拟仪器技术,给出电子万能材料试验机测控系统的设计方案结果。

    Current control system of universal material test machine is analysed in the paper . It is a new attempt to virtual instrument based on USB bus introduced into design of electronic universal material test machine .

  8. CSS-88000电子万能试验机的研制

    The Research of CSS-88000 Electric Universal Testing Machine

  9. 低应变率(准静态试验)是在CSS-55000系列电子万能试验机上进行,高应变率试验是在分离式Hopkinson拉杆和分离式Hopkinson压杆装置上进行的。

    Tests under lower strain rate are performed using mode CSS-55000 serials electronic controlling testing machine , and the split Hopkinson bar is used for higher strain-rate tests .

  10. 方法取正常国人8具新鲜尸体颈椎C1-C4、C4-T1不同节段前纵韧带在ShimadzuAUTOGRAPH电子万能试验机上进行单向拉伸实验研究。

    Methods Anterior longitudinal ligament of C1-C4 ? C4-T1 segments was obtained from 8 fresh Chinese cadavers to test their tensile strength using Shimadzu AUTOGRAPH electronic universal testing machine .

  11. 利用电子万能试验机和分离式Hopkinson压杆研究了乙烯基酯树脂浇铸体在准静态和高应变率下的压缩特性,考察了试样压缩失稳和破坏的形貌。

    Quasi-static and high strain rate compressive experiments on the vinyl ester resin casting were carried out by using a material universal testing machine and Hopkinson bar , and the behaviors of compressive instability and fracture of the resin casting at different strain rates were investigated .

  12. 电子万能试验机测量系统的检修

    The Maintenance of Measuring System for Electronic Universal Testing Machine

  13. 电子万能试验机测控系统改造及软件设计

    Test and Control System Rebuild and Software Design of Electronic Universal Testing Machine

  14. 用电子万能试验机对挤压态合金的力学性能进行测量。

    Electronic universal lathe was used to measure mechanics properties of extruded alloy .

  15. 用电子万能试验机对截顶圆锥壳进行轴向静压试验;

    Electronic universal testing machine was used to carry on the axial static pressure test ;

  16. 简述电子万能试验机示值误差调试方法

    The simple Introduction for the Adjustment of Error of indication of the Electronic Universal Testing Machine

  17. 电子万能试验机是一种配备有全数字化测量控制系统的新型试验机。

    Electronic universal testing machines is equipped with the digital measurement system of the new type of machine .

  18. 在电子万能试验机上,利用专用的测试装置可连续地测试覆盖纤维相对于芯纱剥离时的阻力;

    With a modified Universal Testing Machine , the stripping resistance of friction spun core yarn can be continuously measured .

  19. 本文介绍微机控制电子万能试验机在国防科大力学实验室使用情况。

    This article introduces the microcomputer control electron universal testing machines in the National University of Defense Technology mechanics laboratory service condition .

  20. 利用INSTRON6025电子万能试验机,对高强度、高模量碳纤维复合材料单向板进行了拉伸性能测试。

    Tensile properties of unidirectional laminates , with high strength and high modulus , are tested by electronic universal testing machine ( model INSTRON-6025 ) .

  21. 在日本岛津电子万能试验机上,对正常与病态股骨头松质骨各8个试样进行蠕变实验。

    Shimadzu AUTOGRAPH in electronic universal testing machine was used for creep test of8 specimens of the femoral head in each normal and sick groups .

  22. 在对土壤与触土部件的粘附理论与测量装置研究的基础上,提出基于电子万能试验机进行纸膜与水田泥浆粘附性的测量方法。

    On the basis of research on the adherence principle of soil and its covering materials as well as research on the measuring equipment , a new measuring method is proposed .

  23. 在DWD3020电子万能试验机上对普通石墨和浸润树脂石墨材料的弹性模量进行了测定,同时确定了材料的拉伸和压缩强度极限。

    The elastic modulo of common graphite and infiltration epoxide resin graphite , and the limits of graphite 's strech and compression were measured on DWD-3020 , which is an electron measure apparatus .

  24. 力学性能测试是使用国家标准规定的拉伸试样在电子万能试验机上进行的,选取断裂伸长率、拉伸强度和弹性模量三个参数进行评价。

    The mechanical properties of Cu / LDPE composites were investigated by means of tensile test using standard tensile samples . The elongation at break , the tensile strength , and the elastic modulus were three evaluating parameters .

  25. 比较了国内外电子万能试验机的恒应变速率拉伸试验功能,论证了恒应变速率对研究超塑性的重要性,并指出所设计的改进控制系统完全能满足超塑性变形的精度要求。

    The authors compared the functions of constant-strain rate tensile test with many universal electronic testing machines , pointed out the importance of constant-strain rate for studying superplasticity , and indicated that the improved control system completely meets the need of precision on superplastic deformation .

  26. 从引伸计的结构、标距和测量范围、标称量程与输出灵敏度、示值的绝对误差和应变误差等几个方面论述电子万能试验机引伸计的正确配置。

    A correct configuration of extensometer in electronic universal testing machine is discussed as regards of extensometer structure , gauge length and measuring range , nominal measuring scale , output sensibility , absolute error of indicated value as well as strain error in the paper .

  27. 从材料力学性能测试所需的变形量、引伸计系统实际检定结果论述电子万能试验机有效变形测量的确定,从而指出了试验机行业内普遍存在的一个认识误区。

    The measurement of effective deformation in electronic universal testing machine is also described on the basis of the deformation magnitude necessary to mechanical properties tests of material and the practical measuring results obtained by the extensometer as to indicate a ubiquitous cognitive mistake in testing machines industry .

  28. 基于USB总线电子万能材料试验机测控系统驱动程序的开发

    Development of the Driver Programme for Testing and Control System on the basis of USB Bus Electronical Universal Material Test Machine

  29. 介绍了电子万能材料试验机计算机改造项目中的数据采集技术,介绍了如何在Windows环境下驱动数据接口卡,以及利用多线程技术在Windows环境下实现高速、可靠的AD数据采集。

    A data collection technology used in the control system of electronic multi function tester , and how to make the data collection card work under the Windows platform are introduced . A multi thread technology to achieve reliable and high speed data collection is also introduced .

  30. 在SUNS电子万能材料试验机上对国产工业用泡沫铝材料进行准静态单向压缩试验,分析试件尺寸、材料相对密度及泡孔尺寸对材料静态压缩性能及吸能性能的影响。

    The effects of the specimen height , relative density and cell size of one domestic commercial aluminum foam product on the compressive properties are analyzed by quasi-static and uniaxial compression test with SUNS Electron Universal Material Testing Machine .