
  • 网络Power System Automation;Automation of Electric Power System;Automation of Electric System
  1. 《电力系统自动化》第一届编辑委员第一次会议

    A meeting of Editorial Committee on automation of electric power systems

  2. 电力系统自动化和智能型变电设备产业化。

    Automation of Electric Power System and Industrialization of Intelligent Electricity Transmission Equipment .

  3. 电力系统自动化GPS精确对时的解决方案

    Solution scheme of GPS accurate time setting for power system automation

  4. 随着电力系统自动化程度的提高,电力系统中各种异构平台之间的信息数据交换面临新的挑战,可扩展性标记语言(XML)技术的应用,极大地增强了电力系统异构平台间信息交换的能力。

    With the development of power system automation , data exchange between inhomogeneous platforms faces new challenges . The Application of XML technology can strengthen the ability of data exchange between inhomogeneous platforms in power system .

  5. 本文对电力系统自动化装置时钟统一的要求与现状做了分析和阐述,对于GPS在时钟统一问题上的应用做了可行性研究。

    The requirement and current state of clock synchronism of automatic devices in power system are analyzed and described , and a feasibility study is made on the application of GPS in clock synchronism .

  6. 电网调度自动化系统是电力系统自动化不可或缺的部分,它由SCADA单元和高级应用功能模块组成。

    Power grid dispatching automation system is a necessary part for realizing automation of power system . The system has two main parts : SCADA and advanced application functions .

  7. 国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)及其在电力系统自动化方面的活动

    IFAC and Its Activities in Power System Automation

  8. 对电力系统自动化而言,组件化不仅需要提供组件交互的互操作机制,而且需要定义组件间的公共信息模型CIM和组件接口规范CIS。

    For the development of Component-integration , not only has the interoperation mechanism between components to be supplied , but also the CIM and CIS between them should be defined .

  9. 阐述了时钟同步在电力系统自动化应用中的重要性,对BPM短波授时信号的特征进行了分析,确定了以UTC时号系统作为本系统的时间基准。

    Firstly the importance of the application of time synchronization in a power-system automation is clarified and an analysis on the characteristics of BPM short-wave time signalization is proceeded .

  10. 最后结合实际装置的试验结果,在分析了嵌入式Linux在自动化设备中应用的优缺点的基础上,展望了嵌入式实时Linux在电力系统自动化设备中的应用前景。

    At last the thesis combines the test result of actual installment , and analyses the advantage and disadvantage of embedded Linux system when used in the automatic equipment , and then it prospects the application of embedded real-time Linux in the automatic equipment of power system .

  11. 首先简单介绍了电力系统自动化中数据采集和监控的意义以及RTU的发展状况,探讨了它的应用前景和研究意义;

    At first it simply introduces the significance of supervisory control and data acquisition in the current net system automation and the development condition of RTU . The practical prospect and research purport are also probed into in this paper .

  12. 所有这些要求对电力系统自动化的程度提出了更高的要求。

    These requirements are calling for higher automation of power systems .

  13. 高职院校电力系统自动化专业课程教学目标分析

    Teaching Objectives Analysis of Vocational Colleges Automation System Power

  14. 建国40年来我国电力系统自动化技术的发展

    The progress of power system automation technology in China

  15. 分层递阶控制理论与电力系统自动化

    Hierarchical control theory and power system automation

  16. 电磁兼容与电力系统自动化

    Electromagnetic compatibility in electric power system automation

  17. 因此,目前电力系统自动化领域中,大多数厂家提供的图形都是自定义的,格式不尽相同。

    So in the Power Automation System field , the formats of graphics are manufacturer-specific .

  18. 信号处理技术的飞速发展,为电力系统自动化研究提供了新的工具。

    Development of signal processing techniques provides new tools for study of power system automation .

  19. 另外,全数字锁相环在数字通信、电力系统自动化及无线电电子学等各个领域中的应用越来越广泛。

    All-Digital Phase-locked Loop ( ADPLL ) is generally used in digital telecommunication , power system automatization and radioeletronics .

  20. 配电自动化是现在电力系统自动化工程中重要的一个方面,正在受到人们的普遍关注和重视。

    Electric distribution automatic system is given more attention as the major aspect of the electric power system automatic project .

  21. 随着火电厂单机容量的不断增大和电力系统自动化水平的不断提高,人们对电力系统的安全可靠性提出了更高的要求,因为一旦系统发生重大事故将会对社会生产和人类生活带来灾难性的后果。

    As the increase of capacity and the advancement of automation level , the security is much expected in power system .

  22. 微机准同期并网装置是一种在发电厂和变电站中被广泛应用的电力系统自动化装置。

    Microprocessor Quasi-Synchronization Device is a kind of power system automation device which is widely applied in power plant and substation .

  23. 电力系统自动化、网络化、信息化的趋势对网络资源管理提出了安全性、高效率的要求。

    The current development trends of the Power Energy System poses high requirements on resource management in the security and efficiency aspects .

  24. 通过对电力系统自动化专业电子实习的现状分析,提出了教学改革方案,并进行试点,取得了可喜的成。

    This plan has been practised on the electronics practice and proved that the education reform benefits cultivating the students comprehensive ability .

  25. 这些问题的存在使得传统式互感器无法满足电力系统自动化、数字化和智能化的发展新要求。

    It is clear that the traditional transformer can not satisfy the new requirements of digital and intelligent development in electric power systems .

  26. 随着国民经济的发展,对电能质量和电力系统自动化的要求在不断提高。

    With the fast development of national economy , the requirement to electricity quality and power system 's automation level is continually improving .

  27. 低压配电监控系统是将电力系统自动化技术、计算机技术、通信技术和管理技术等融为一体的自动化系统。

    LV distribution monitoring system is a high technical automation system which includes electrical power system automation , computer , communication and management techniques .

  28. 计算机技术的日益成熟,尤其是计算机网络技术的发展,极大地推动了电力系统自动化的进程。

    With the maturation of computer technology , especially the development of network technology , the process of power system automation has been greatly promoted .

  29. 传统的电磁式互感器已经不能满足电力系统自动化、数字化的发展要求,必将被新型的电子式互感器所取代,这种新型的互感器将在电力系统中扮演重要角色。

    The traditional electromagnetic transducers hardly satisfy the automatization and digitalization requirements of in power system . It will be replaced by the new generation electronic transducers .

  30. 随着电力系统自动化应用水平的提高,对远动系统运行的可靠性要求越来越高。

    With the application level enhancement of the electrical power system automation , the request for the remote control system operation reliability is more and more high .