
  1. 因此IP网络引入了电信界SLA的概念,IP网络服务提供商开始向用户提供SLA服务。

    And the SLA is introduced into the IP network . IP service providers begin to provid service with SLA .

  2. 电信界和IP网络界对SLA参数进行了大量的讨论,但是到目前为止并没有一致认可的标准对SLA参数进行规范。

    The sector of telecommunications and the IP network have been discussing about SLA parameters , but so far there are no uniform standard .

  3. 与此同时,各种与VOIP听上去相似看上去相近的新词异语在电信界可以说是层出不穷,最常见和最有代表性的可能就是NGN和NGI。

    Meanwhile , numerous new words and expressions that are familiar with VOIP come into being in telecom area , among which the most commonly used and representative ones are NGN and NGI .

  4. 虽然Parlay业务规范目前已经被电信界普遍接受,但是,Parlay业务规范是否可以满足现在和未来电信业务发展的需求,这仍然是一个尚未解决的问题。

    Although the Parlay specifications are widely accepted by telecommunication industry , it is still an unsolved question whether the Parlay specifications can meet the requirements of telecommunication development both at present and in the future .

  5. 在这种情况下,电信界对新一代的运营支撑系统标准的需求显得更加迫切。

    In this situation , new generation operation support system standards are urgently required .

  6. 全球电信界的战略联盟

    Strategic Alliance in the Telecom World

  7. 第一个是指电信界和计算界的融合,后者还被称为信息技术(挨踢行业)。

    The first is the convergence between the worlds of telecoms and computing , otherwise known as information technology ( IT ) .

  8. 目前,我国电信界对电信市场和电信产业的研究,主要侧重于市场的供求关系,市场模式的选择,以及电信市场发展态势和份额分布等现实状态的分析,缺乏对电信产业的整体把握。

    Up to the present , the research on Chinese telecommunications industry has centered primarily on the relationship between supply and demand , selection of market models , the situation of both telecommunications market development and the distribution of market share .

  9. 光纤接入网是近年来电信技术界及运营业共同关注的热点。

    The optical access network is a hot spot of common interest in the field of telecommunication and operation recently .

  10. 如何融合电信网络、有限电视网络和计算机网络,已经成为电信网络界的重要课题之一。

    How to intergrate telecommunication network , cable television network and computer network becomes one of important topics of telecom network community .